Yesterday was Mother's Day.
Depending on who's figures you believe, somewhere between
200,000 and 500,000 mothers (and others) spent their day
in an effort to "reeducate" Americans as to the critical need
for more rigid and restrictive gun laws.

Their rhetoric was predictably inaccurate and misleading.
Listening to some of the speakers, one wonders if their bra size
is larger than their IQ.
The moms simply ignore hard statistical data from sources
such as the FBI's Uniform Crime Report and the National Safety Council.
The Mom's Day speakers told the crowd that:
 "12 children are shot and killed every day in America."
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
the figure is actually 1.7 deaths per day.

While 110 children ages 1-14 died from gun accidents in 1998,
200 suffocated from ingested objects,
570 died from burns,
850 drowned,
and 2,600 died in car accidents.

The National Safety Council reports firearm accidents are at
the lowest ever recorded, totaling 900 — down from 2,513 in 1974

Since 1993, the number of crimes committed with firearms has declined,
falling to levels last experienced in the mid 1980s.
The National Crime Survey (NCS) estimates that there are about 5.4 million
violent crimes (both reported and unreported) and that guns of all types are
in some 650,000 or 12 percent.
In other words, 88 percent of violent crimes do not involve firearms.
Homicide rates recently declined to levels last seen in the late 1960's.

So what is all this hysteria about?
It is about disarming the People of America.
It should be clearly understood that this is the agenda
of the forces behind the antigun movement.

Most of the mothers who marched yesterday are,
no doubt, sincere....misguided, but sincere.

But the cold minds behind the program to disarm
us have no such sincere and well-intentioned motives.

The people of America have always been armed.
We were armed before there was a central government in Washington.
Whey are they afraid for us to be armed now?
What are they planning that they dare not reveal
until we are defenseless?

     Regards to All


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