-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:542543">Happening On The Sides Of Mt.
Subject: Happening On The Sides Of Mt. Shasta.
From: "John F. Winston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 05 August 1999 09:57 AM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Happening On The Sides Of Mt. Shasta.          Aug. 4, 1999.

  Here is some information from my friend, Louise Of Shastina.
Lake Shastina is a small community just about 10 miles North of
Mt. Shasta and Mt. Shasta is a mountain just off of Highway 5
about 73 miles North of Redding, Calif. in Northern Calif.  Shastina
is also the name of the smaller of two peaks that make up the
mountain, Mt. Shasta.  Mt. Shasta is also the name of a small town
just on the East side of Highway 5 on the sides of Mt. Shasta, the
mountain.  The town Mt. Shasta is also called Mt. Shasta City.


--- Louise Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The Day of the Lord - Solar Eclipse, - Grand Cross Configuration,
- August 11, 1999

*  On August 11 on Mt. Shasta, the Lightworkers of this area are
preparing to go on the mountain to honor this greatest event in the
history of this planet.
*  A large group of us is preparing to meet at the "ski bowl" at
5:30 am., for a two hour sunrise ceremony.  (JW The place where the
old ski bowl used to be is up a paved road that comes out of the
city of Mt. Shasta in an Eastern direction for about 13 miles.) * Then
at the Sandflat area, (JW  Sandflat is an open area on the sides of
Mt. Shasta where there are no trees on about 100 acres.  It is off
the road to the left before you get to Panther Meadows.) * there will
be a day of celebration for our personal victory and ascension, and
the victory of the planet, from sun up to sun down with meditations,
speakers, prayers, singing and dancing.

* If you decide to come and join the crowd, bring a sack lunch and
plenty of drinking water, as there is no natural drinking water
available at Sandflat.  Also bring a hat to protect from the sun.

* Archangel Michael, in His latest message of July 19/99, stated that
this day of August 11 is a day of such importance and magnitude for
the planet and humanity, that we should really consider it as the
long, long, prophesied and awaited "Second Coming ". It is not a
physical coming of course, "not yet", but it is the opening of the
portal of the Christ consciousness and the Christ grid for the planet
and for all of us. This day will denote the beginning of our
dimensional shift, and we have been assured that the world and
humanity will never be the same again. Each one on this planet will
receive their own initiation according to their level of spiritual
preparedness for this awesome event.  From that day forward, events
and changes on this planet will start accelerating at a pace that we
cannot yet imagine with our third dimensional mind at this time. We
will soon witness some major changes in all areas of life here and in
the structure of our society.  Be prepared for the eventual collapsing
of the old paradigm and the old system. Let it go and make room for
the new.

*  Archangel Michael stated that all our emotions will be greatly
amplified from that day on, negative ones as well as positive ones.
He assured us that it is a great day of rejoicing and asked us to
remain in love, in peace, in harmony and in trust of the process. If
we choose fear over love, these emotions will be greatly amplified as
well, and it will make the transition and the shift much more
difficult for those who will be making this choice. I ask all of you
to start "now" to choose love in every moment of your lives and let
go of all fears, no matter what form they take. Lets go with the flow,
lets open up our hearts and minds to the great, great changes that
are soon coming. The changes we have been hearing about since we have
been born, are now at our doorstep, ready to be manifested.

*  There is no one more excited, happy and joyous about this time of
great changes than I, and I ask you to get contaminated with this same
excitement and joy as well.
*  There is nothing to fear, the time of our deliverance on this planet
is now at hand, and will be gradually manifesting within the next few
months in a greater and greater mode of acceleration.

*  The Lemurian Brotherhood under Mt. Shasta have let me know that they
are preparing to come out very soon, and they are very excited about
this as well.
 We can expect to start having some physical contacts with them in the
year 2000. They will start making contacts with those who have a direct
mission with them first before they start showing themselves more

*  Wherever you are, be in peace and prepare all you can for this
wonderful day, less than two weeks away! Also, be in total Gratitude
for the divine grace that is being accorded at this time to this
planet and to all of us collectively and individually.
*  Wishing you all an absolute G-d Victory!.

*  Aurelia Louise Jones

(JW  I don't think that I'll be there.  I can hear some fish out at
a lake who are calling my name and I must not forsake them.)

*WEB SITE*-http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/peterr/index.html
-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Selamat Ja !~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-

John Winston.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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