-Caveat Lector-


Hijacking Our Words
Sheriff Michael E. Cook - 11.20.01
I got upset the other day when I realized how many words have
been given some bad meaning because of the political climate in
America. Here in my home county in Oregon we have been going
through the planning phase of putting together a Home Guard as
President George W. Bush has asked us to do all over America.
One of our local news papers and others in this county have been
attempting to hang the word, "Militia" on us. We were quick to tell
them that we are not a militia. The reason is that in America today
that word has some austere meaning that is bad. Also in Oregon
forming a militia is illegal by our laws.
Yet the Constitution says and our founding fathers felt that every
able bodied man was part of our militia. My old Dictionary which
was published in 1971 defines militia this way; 1. A body of
citizens enrolled and drilled in military organization other than the
regular military forces, and called out only in emergencies. 2. U. S.
Able-bodied male citizens between eighteen and forty-five years of
age not members of the regular military forces, and legally subject
to call for military duty.
I can tell you by those defining words that the Home Guard is not a
militia. First of all we do not drill in a military fashion. The other
thing is we have very few members at this time that fall within the
age range of eighteen to forty five. The only thing that fits all this is
that we will make our group available to the Sheriff if he requests
our response to an emergencies like natural disasters.
So all that said, now I'm upset that people have hung such a bad
rap on the word militia. This is not a bad thing or a bad word.
People who abuse the word and the law have given it a bad
meaning. I for one refuse to accept that.
It's like another word that has new meaning, Gay; 1. Happy and
carefree; merry. 2. Brightly colorful or ornamental. 3. Jaunty;
sporty. 4. Full of or given to lighthearted pleasure. 5. Rakish;
libertine. 6. Slang Homosexual. This last meaning was a add on
from modern times after the middle of the 20th century. However
that is the meaning that comes to everyone's mind whenever

 the word is used.
I for one don't want to see words in our Constitution get their
meaning changed because of someone's political feelings. The
words had meaning when they were coined and they still have that
meaning today. They are great words that had honorable meaning
and should remain that way. Don't let the Media and the liberal
political groups who want to turn this nation into something outside
our Constitution change that for America.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving, and give thanks for the for the
blessings we enjoy here in America. This nation for all her troubles
is still the best place in the world to live and raise a family. The
fight to keep it that way is on going every minute of every day. The
pay off is when you stop and look at your children and grand
children. The world we leave them is more important than any other
gift that we give. Let them be free and enjoy this great nation's
God Bless America.
Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired
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