-Caveat Lector-

Interview with Harry Browne
By Brian Weiss
 Ralph Nader might make the most noise, and the battle over the Reform party
may hog the headlines, but the Libertarian party and presidential candidate
Harry Browne have quietly emerged as America's best organized third party.
Running for president for the second time, candidate Harry Browne talks to
Georgemag.com about his message of eliminating the income tax, stopping the
War on Drugs and why Al Gore and George W. Bush might belong in prison.

For people who may not be familiar with it, explain the Libertarian

It's very simple. Libertarians want you to be free to live your life as you
want to live it, just as long as you don't intrude on somebody else's person
or property. Libertarians think you go to work everyday, so you ought to keep
the money that you earn. If the politicians want some of that money, they
ought to ask for it instead of taking it by force. This is what separated
America from the rest of the world. Instead of kings ruling by divine right
you had a right to self-determination. All of that has been lost in the
United States. Politicians decide everything. They decide how much of your
income you are going to be allowed to keep, they decide how big your toilet
is going to be, they decide how your child's school is going to be run, how
your health insurance company has to treat you. They make all the rules. And
as a result, America is no different from any other country in the world.

Who is Harry Browne? Where did he come from and what infused him with
Libertarian values?

I was born in New York City, grew up in Los Angeles and moved to Tennessee
five years ago. I have also lived in Switzerland, Canada and California.
Professionally, I was in the investment world for thirty years and wrote a
number of books, published a newsletter and was an investment consultant. But
I didn't vote for 30 years, because I didn't see any point in trying to chose
between Democrats and Republicans because I knew that no matter who got
elected, government was just going to get bigger and more expensive and more
intrusive and more oppressive.

So you became a Libertarian?

I joined the Libertarian party in 1994 and ran for president in 1996 because
I though we had reached the point where people were so disenchanted with
government that we really did have a chance to turn things around and to
reduce the size government dramatically. And we have a chance to give you
your freedom back and let you run your life instead of having Al Gore or
George Bush do it.

Explain "The Great Libertarian Offer" in the party's platform?

The Great Libertarian offer asks this question: Would you give up your
favorite federal programs if it meant you never had to pay income tax again?
We want government to live by it's constitutional mandate. There might be one
or two things you are getting from the government that you don't want to give
up, but under a Libertarian president, you're never going to pay income tax
again, and your children will never pay income tax. Your grandchildren will
go through life without ever having to pay the terrible burden of taxation
that you had to endure.

Early on, there was a lot of speculation that Pat Buchanan's candidacy would
siphon votes from Bush. More recently Ralph Nader seemed to pose a similar
threat to Al Gore. From which party do you take votes?

Our situation is a bit different. All I have is anecdotal evidence, no
statistics, but it would certainly appear from the people who call the talk
shows and from the people I meet at political events that we are getting
about 1/3 of our new votes from Democrats and 1/3 from Republicans. The other
1/3 are from people who just haven't voted in the past because they didn't
see any point to it.

This is your second run for the presidency. In 1996 you received about half a
million votes. What are you doing differently this time around?

We have gotten better at presenting the message as anybody would over a
period of time. But the political landscape continues to change in the sense
that people are just becoming more and more disenchanted with government.

So is this approach working? Is your message resonating?

Oh sure. The party is nearly three times as large as it was in the beginning
of 1996. This makes it possible for us to do a lot of things we weren't able
to do last time. We are doing a lot more national TV advertising this time.
I've been on far more national television shows than I was in all of 1996. It
won't be enough to elect us this year, but every vote that I get lays the
groundwork to elect a Libertarian president and Libertarian congresspeople in
2002, 2004, 2006. I believe it is entirely possible that we could have a
Libertarian president and congress before the end of this decade.

Is your philosophy a harder sell amidst the prosperity in America?

I don't think so. We simply have to change the question from "are you better
off than you were 8 years ago." And most people are a little better off,
though not like Bill Clinton has tried to claim. The real question should be,
"Are you as well off as you could be?" Think of all that you would do if you
weren't paying income tax. You'd put your child in a private school, you'd
start your own business, you'd take your family on a world vacation. You
would be able to support your church or your favorite cause or charity in a
way that you've never been able to do before. You could have a secure
retirement just by having 5% deducted from your paycheck by your employer and
put directly into a bank savings account. That would be far better than
social security even promises.

You don't take federal matching dollars, so how is your fundraising going
this cycle?

It's a lot better than it was in 1996 because we are bigger and stronger now
and have a much bigger fundraising base. Certainly we don't have nearly the
money we need to reach every American. Our message though is very powerful. I
never met anybody who thought Bill Clinton could run their life better than
they can. But you not only have to reach everybody with the message, you have
to reach them often enough so that they feel comfortable with it and so they
can believe that the Libertarian party isn't just some fantasy that sounds
good but could never work in reality.

Is George W. Bush's tax cutting plan more in sync with the Libertarian
philosophy of eliminating the income tax? Does it matter that Bush is a tax
cutter and seems to want smaller government?

No. It doesn't matter because you are still talking about a government that's
almost 2 trillion dollars and somebody is going to have to pay for that. Who
is it going to be? The Russians? The Martians? Hmmm, or maybe the American
people? It doesn't matter how much they say they are going to change the tax
code, it still is going to come out of your hide one way or another. Bush and
Gore know that. The rest of us just have to be reminded of it.

If you could ask one question of either Gore or Bush, what would it be?

Would you be a better person today if for your youthful indiscretions, you
spent ten years in prison? Because they are both promoting the idea that
people ought to be sent away to prison for doing what they did when they were

Are you are referring to drug use?

We have a million people in prison who have never done harm to anybody else.
Who have never intruded on anybody's person or property, who have never
committed violence. At the same time we have running around on the streets
murderers and rapists and child molesters who have gotten out of jail through
plea bargaining and because of overcrowded prisons. They are terrorizing the
American people while pot smokers are sitting in prison taking up cells.

Part of the Libertarian platform calls for an end to "The insane War on

The 80's was the worst time for this when Democrats and Republicans were
trying to out posture each other on this issue. Tip O'Neil told the Democrats
that we have to do something to show that we are tougher than the Reagan
administration. So they rammed through these mandatory minimums that set up
these stringent mandatory minimums and took away a judge's discretion. In the
90's they made it worse. Now the only way for people to avoid the worst
possible sentence is to turn other people in. So now they catch a big kingpin
and he turns in a bunch of people under him who are not violent, who are not
a problem at all, and he gets out with a 2 year sentence and they have 30
years to life.

So Gore and Bush may have been sentenced to 30 years for past drug use?

Yes, and this might be a better country after all. (Laughs). It's so insane
that it's like a comic novel, it's just so ludicrous.

What does the Libertarian Party have to say on Medicare and prescription

Before we had Medicare and Medicaid, this country had charity hospitals and
free clinics to take care of poor people. Health insurance was available to
virtually everybody, even if you had a preexisting condition. All the things
that politicians keep promising us today were the things we once had in this
country. But then politicians realized they could get more votes by appealing
to the elderly with Medicare and to the poor with Medicaid. Now elderly are
paying twice as much out of their own pocket as they did before Medicare. And
as far as the poor are concerned, the state Medicaid programs all around the
country are just fraught with corruption and waste. The healthcare system
which once was the best in the world is now an absolute mess and it's all
because of the government. It's typical of the government though. Government
knows how to break your legs and then hand you a crutch and say "See if it
weren't for the government you couldn't walk."

What role should the federal government play?

The easy agreement is this: let's reduce the government to it's
Constitutionally mandated size. That means the government should provide
national defense, the judiciary, a mint, a postoffice, a patent office and a
few other trivial things. We would have a much better national defense if we
weren't so focused on a national offense. If we were less concerned about
running the rest of the world and having troops in 100 countries and the
ability to annihilate everybody in the world we could defend this country
very very well for no more than $50 billion a year. We would be a lot safer
than we are now and we would also be a lot safer from terrorism because
nobody would have any reason to come over here and try to influence our
foreign policy.

Where would that $50 billion come from?

Tariffs and excise taxes. That would be enough. In fact, those could be cut
over a period of time too.

And you are optimistic about the future of your party?

We have a very high profile Senate race in Massachusetts, with Carla Howell
running ahead of the Republican who is challenging Teddy Kennedy. I doubt
that we will elect a congressman this year, but we may elect a few state
representatives and we will certainly do very well in some of the
Congressional races. In Texas, we have more candidates running statewide than
the Democrats do. We have over 1400 local, state and federal candidates
running. We have strong parties in Massachusetts, Georgia, Michigan,
California and Florida, We're not a celebrity party, we haven't been financed
by a billionaire. So it means that everything we have has been earned and
it's not going to fade away when somebody walks out of the party.

For more info on Harry Browne go to www.harrybrowne2000.org

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