-Caveat Lector-

Hitler's final enigma solved

 SCIENTISTS have the final confirmation that Adolf Hitler
 died in Berlin in 1945. Using forensic dentistry and computer
 imaging, they have proved beyond doubt that the charred
 remains found by Red Army soldiers outside a bunker in
 Berlin were indeed those of the Führer, writes Fiona Fleck.

 The discoveries by Michel Perrier, which complement
 previous Russian claims, will be made public in a paper at a
 conference in London tomorrow. Fragments of Hitler's skull
 and jawbone, locked away in KGB archives in Moscow,
 had been thought too charred to conclusively confirm their
 identity, but Perrier, a leading expert at the Institute of
 Forensic Science at Lausanne University, decided to

 Although he was not granted access to the bones, Perrier
 analysed Russian archive documents and photographs that
 could help him identify the remains. Perrier, who often assists
 the Swiss police, also made detailed notes from the
 American military interrogation of Hugo Blaschke, the
 society dentist who treated Hitler from 1938 to 1945. "Hitler
 was a very difficult patient, very impatient. He had several
 hang-ups about his teeth and he had very bad breath,
 probably because of gum disease," Perrier said.

 Blaschke built Hitler several elaborate dental constructions,
 which were identified by Soviet experts with relative ease.

The Times, 24 Oct. '99

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