-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/32555.htm

}}}>Begin Extract


October 25, 2001
Ultra-right-wing organizations - including a particular West Coast
group - have become a key focus of the massive federal investigation
into the murderous Anthrax attacks, The Post has learned.
Investigators have been zeroing in on members of several anti-
government hate groups that they believe have obtained or attempted
to get the deadly bacteria from several U.S.-based laboratories
before it surfaced in Florida, Washington and New York this month.
Several sources told The Post taht, while they have not entirely
discounted state-sponsored terrorism, Osama bin Laden sympathizers or
sleeper cells, a number of developments in the far-flung probe have
them eyeing domestic terrorists:

NEW YORK POST is a registered trademark of NYP Holdings, Inc.
Copyright 2001 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

Extract End<{{{
>>>I found these and am sending them because they seem to be
synchronous.  The NY Post published the cartoon; now, they report the
"home grown" source of the threat.  Of all the news organisations,
Fox (a coupla floors below the NY Post) and CNN have not been
affected (or so we haven't heard), whereas ABC, CBS, NBC have.  I
should add here that I AM NOT suggesting any complicity between
Fox/NY Post and the the threats.  What I AM wondering is whether the
perpetrator(s) have some particular leanings in the delivery of the
spores.  A certain segment of the media; a certain segment of the
Congress; a certain region; a specific axe to grind.  Now, the NY
Post has got an exclusinve on the homeground homeland homies who MAY
be the cause.  A<>E<>R <<<

Cartoon @


> Advertiser walks
>  after NY Post anthrax cartoon
> Patriotic fervor may have
>  put a halt to some of the bickering on Capitol Hill, but
>  nothing, it seems, can keep New York's tabloid dailies from
>  having a go at each other. Instigating the latest round was a
>  cartoon that appeared on Saturday in the New York Post. The
>  cartoon, drawn by Sean Delonas, depicts Mort Zuckerman, owner of
>  the New York Daily News, sending an anthrax-contaminated letter
>  to the Post. Behind Zuckerman is a chart showing his paper's
>  circulation languishing, while in the preceding panel another
>  chart portrays the Post's circulation with a line angled steeply
>  upwards. Last week, an editorial page assistant at the Post was
>  diagnosed with cutaneous anthrax. Following the publication of
>  the cartoon, Major World, which operates 14 New York-area car
>  dealerships, pulled its advertising from the Post. Major World
>  owner Harold Bendel told The New York Times that he found the
>  cartoon and other aspects of the Post's coverage insensitive.
>  Bendel estimated that his company spends between $600,000 and $1
>  million advertising in the Post each year.

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