Homosexual Adoption 'Bad News for Everybody,' Activist Says

By Rusty Pugh
April 3, 2002

(AgapePress) - A leading family-values advocate says no amount of celebrity endorsements or charm will change the fact that homosexual adoption is not good for anyone -- especially the children.

With the revelation that she is a lesbian, Rosie O'Donnell has made the talk-show circuit in recent weeks, attempting to promote the idea of homosexuals adopting children. Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute says no number of sitcoms and celebrities will change the fact that homosexuality is wrong -- and that homosexual adoption is bad news for everyone, including the homosexuals.

photo of Bob Knight"[Adoption of children] gives them the false sense that they can keep playing house and acquire children as an experimental thing. It's not good for anybody, least of all kids," Knight says. "But it really is in the interests of the homosexual agenda because it's part of their campaign to legitimize homosexuality and say it's no different from mom and dad do in the bedroom."

"But we know it's different -- and we know it hurts the people who do it and any kids involved."

He says people like O'Donnell want to make the public accept what God says is wrong. "You're starting with a household with two people with a severe sexual identity problem," he says. "They may have many fine attributes, but this does not qualify them to be parents. Adoption is a privilege, not a right, and children deserve to be placed into mother-and-father, married, intact homes."

The pro-family activist says it is very unfair for homosexual celebrities to be given consideration for adopting children when there are thousands of loving heterosexual couples who have waited through years of red tape for the chance to adopt.

He adds that O'Donnell is not a role model, but that she could be if she were courageous enough to think this through and declare what most people already know: homosexual adoption is bad for children.


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