-Caveat Lector-
Horus killed JFK
The President’s limousine SS100X was followed closely by another limousine with Special Agents and driven by agent Sam Kinney, and another agent Ken O’Donnell asked agent Dave Powers, “What’s the story on the time, Dave?” The reply came, “I’ve got 12:30.” And Sam Kinney then commented, “That’s not bad, considering the crowd. We’re only five minutes late.” See William Manchester’s ‘The Death of a President’.
So the ‘target time’ for the assassination was about 12:25pm Friday, November 22nd 1963.
According to the facts regarding the case of the JFK assassination, Kennedy was killed by a single gunman. On November 22nd, 1963, at 12:30pm CST (Central Standard Time), with President Kennedy riding in an open limousine through Dallas, Texas, when he was shot in the head and neck by a sniper. He was then taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Later, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, in a nearby theater. By the next morning, Oswald was booked for the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Two days later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, while he was being moved from the city to the county jail.
And what has bugged me for years is why the President’s limousine driver, who was trained in the art of passenger-protection, didn't immediately speed up when he heard the first shot? Or maybe after the second shot? No, the limousine continued moving slowly at 11.2mph during the time the first shots were fired, and so the President was an easy target. Me, I would have arrested the driver immediately to ask Mr Greer why he went against the fundamental rules of his training.
First to ‘911’ that can be contrived out of the Moon’s measurement. First I use the number 1,000 x Pi + 911 + 911 + 911 + 911 is the circumference of the Moon at 6,785.592 miles or a diameter of 2,159.92 miles some 3,476.05km. And 1,000 + 18,330 (thrice the ‘Skull and Bones at 6,110) is 19,330 and halved is 9,665 x 10 is 96,650 and 7 times 13,807.1428 days, or 37.8027043 years and the planned JFK assassination at about 12:26:29pm that Friday.
But I if I use the multiplication of all three components of the Great Pyramid, the volume at 91,575,000 x the missing capstone of 2,580 cubic feet x the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber at 41.6862516 x the full volume of the sarcophagus 82.4854123 cubic feet and cubed once and squared once, x Pi twice x 80 is made up of the reference number 61, for the powerful Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky at 6.10000e+30 x 6.10000e+30 x 6.10000e+30. In that Horus at 6.10000e+20 and cubed and /Pi twice and /80 and cube root x 9 x 9 x 4 and cube root is 13,807.14481 days, or 37.7802709 years, that is just 170 seconds more than 37.8027043 years, so a planned JFK assassination at 12:24:0pm on Friday.
Thus the average time for the planned assassination of JFK was 12:25:03pm Friday, November 22nd 1963 when, and only when counting to the time of the collapse of the first of the Twin Towers at 10:59:04am ADT (Atlantic Daylight Time and one hour ahead of EDT and two hours ahead of CDT.)
Thus the assassination was emphatically designed to count down from 9.11 itself by showing the Moon god Horus, the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god, the merciless killer of the sky, the ‘prince of the air’ that is 9.11 and also the time included himself at 610 and Horus himself is formed and fashioned out of the three components of the Great Pyramid, that is the Great Pyramid, by the capstone x the sarcophagus x the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber. And the Great Pyramid is made up Horus at 61,000,000 + Lucifer at 61,100,00 is 122,100,000 x 0.75 is 91,575,000 cubic feet.
Horus has written himself into the volume of the Great Pyramid when wrapped in the robe of Lucifer, that is the ‘Skull and Bones’ flag of ‘No Mercy’ at 611 (‘Skull’ 322 + ‘Crossbones’ at 289). And 611 x 3 is 1,833 miles, and I say is the inner metaphysical sphere in the center of the Earth, that of the place called Hell, which is reached by descending down from Hades for a depth of 1,260 miles, and Hades is encircled by a ‘halo’ beneath the Earth of 870 miles, which symbolizes that Hades is ‘wearing’ a crown within the Earth’s 3,963 mile radius.
Horus has done this by using his reference number 61 as 61,000,000 + the ‘Skull and Bones’ at 61,100,000 is 122,100,000 x 0.75 is 91,575,000 cubic feet, the volume of the Great Pyramid. (Not forgetting the height of both Twin Towers added together is 2,730 feet x 12 inches is thrice 10,920. And the reciprocal of 91,575,000 is 1.092001092e-08, so the Twin Towers could be said to be the ‘Towers of Horus and Lucifer’, the fallen archangel who waves the ‘Skull and Bones’ flag over the gates of Hell and is the dark force in Horus.
So thanks to the ‘target time’ for the assassination was about 12:25pm Friday, November 22nd 1963 all is revealed, in that the Order of Horus killed the President and caused the detonation on time of the first of the Twin Towers… and yet there will some who say this is only a coincidence or so contrived by me, which plainly ridiculous.
Sad, the cleverest people see not, whilst the not so clever are illuminated.
John D. Miller
 'Frame 312: Art of the cover-up’ by Kyle Lawson
She writes:
There are few things Americans love better than a conspiracy theory. JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Watergate, alien abductions - where would cable television and Hollywood be without these supposed cover-ups. Or Broadway and the nation's bookstores, for that matter? Snip
Narrow the search to "Kennedy conspiracy theories," and you'll get something of a break. Only 34,400 pages. Vesic is right. Lives are spent worrying about this stuff. One of those worriers is Lynette, the main character in Keith Reddin's new play, ‘Frame 312’, which Actors Theatre is staging at the Herberger Theater Center in advance of its New York premičre and just in time for the 40th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. She knows something about Kennedy's death. As her family gathers to celebrate her birthday more than three decades after the assassination, she debates whether she should tell the world.
Lynette is a former assistant editor at Life magazine. In the days immediately after the president's death, she was an unwilling witness at the first screening of the infamous Abraham Zapruder film, a strip of celluloid that allegedly proved the existence of a second assassin. Time-Life, the magazine's parent company, purchased exclusive rights to the film on the morning after the assassination. When the government demanded that the company turn over the original negative, the publishers complied, appointing Lynette to take the film to Washington. Up to this point, Reddin's play is a slice of reality. There was an assistant. She did deliver the Zapruder film to the government. From there, Reddin's artistic license takes charge. Lynette delivers a copy of the film, not the original. That leaves ‘Frame 312’ in her possession, the snip of film that seems to show a second bullet striking Kennedy and located a frame ahead of the more famous ‘Frame 313’, which shows the president's head exploding. It also leaves a lot of other frames, some of which were edited out of the "official" version of the Zapruder clip when it was released by the Warren Commission. Snip
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