IRS: Government attack dog

by Linda Bowles

In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has shown a
propensity to leap like a junkyard attack dog at every suspected
and imagined tax violation by conservative organizations such as
the Christian Coalition and the Western Journalism Center; and it
has with similar, savage enthusiasm executed tax audits on Bill
Clinton's accusers, such as Juanita Broaddrick, alleged rape
victim, and Paula Jones, alleged pants-dropping target.

Given such diligence, you may never have suspected that the same
IRS might look the other way at massive and in-your-face
violations of its tax codes by liberal organizations such as the
National Education Association (NEA).

Fortunately, the Landmark Legal Foundation, as an act of good
citizenship and in the interest of fair play, has politely
reminded a selectively negligent IRS that political activities
and expenditures by the tax-exempt NEA "are taxable to the
organization unless they are segregated from the organization's
general operations and conducted through a political action

In a formal complaint, the foundation, headed by legal scholar
Mark Levin, presented a veritable mountain of evidence and
exhibits to support the charge that the NEA has for a number of
years lavishly spent general operating funds on taxable political
activities and failed to report them on its tax returns.

It remains to be seen whether the IRS is willing to take time
from its punitive witch hunts and its routine assaults on private
citizens to conduct a serious investigation in response to a
serious complaint. As we say in the trade when confronted with a
highly unlikely occurrence, "Don't hold your breath!"

It is difficult to believe that any thinking person, other than
perhaps a trial lawyer, would have the gall to argue that the
National Education Association is not a thoroughly partisan,
political organization.

The NEA knows it has an image problem, and has sought help in
dealing with it. Exhibit 23 of the Landmark Legal Foundation's
presentation is a copy of a friendly audit by The Kamber Group.
The Kamber people identified four perceptions of the NEA which
that organization needs to overcome:

1. The NEA is a monolithic union that looks out for No. 1 at
everyone else's --including kids'-- expense.

2. The NEA is a giant political arm of the Democratic Party.

3. The NEA is the greatest obstacle to needed education reform.

4. The NEA has nothing new or positive to offer.

While Kamber suggested to the union bosses that these perceptions
could be overcome with better communications, the reality is that
these are not communication problems. This is not a list of
misperceptions. This is an accurate diagnosis of a corrupt,
self-serving organization that provides money and services to key
Democratic politicians like Bill Clinton, Algore and California
Gov. Gray Davis in exchange for protection of its monopoly from
reform, competition and accountability.

The NEA is the largest and most powerful trade union in America.
Its open agenda is indistinguishable from that of any other
radical, left-wing organization. Its philosophy of secular
statism, anti-American multiculturalism, Marxian egalitarianism,
and moral relativism permeates the government school curriculum.

Like most unions, educational unions protect mediocrity and
oppose change. They believe that need, not merit, should be the
basis of rewards, that competition is unhealthy, that equality of
outcome is more important than the attainment of excellence and
that it is the job of government schools to protect children from
the wrong-headedness and incompetence of parents.

The concept that a school would live or die based upon doing a
good job with the children is totally alien, not to mention
frightening, to those in charge of government schools. They do
not understand or value the power of free enterprise, market
forces and competition. For this reason alone, they should not be
involved with the education of our children.

Historians Will and Ariel Durant defined education as the
"transmission of civilization ... our mental, moral, technical
and aesthetic heritage ..." They wrote: "Civilization is not
inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation
anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century,
civilization would die ..."

The transmission of America's heritage to oncoming generations
has been short-circuited. The values and traditions that made
America the greatest nation in history and the envy of the world
are dying.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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