-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Thursday, 30 March, 2000,
              12:19 GMT 13:19 UK

              In pursuit of the ultimate weapon

              The Cambridge team were in a race with the
              By Natasha Loder

              Wartime scientists have revealed how
              they tested chemicals on themselves
              as they searched for new weapons with
              which to fight the Germans.

              The researchers were part of a secret
              unit of chemists set up at Cambridge
              University, UK.

              The team quickly
              developed many
              compounds that
              were tested on
              animals. But to find
              out which were the
              most promising for
              the Ministry of
              Defence, the team
              would test
              potentially risky
              gases on

              The scientists have
              told their story to
              the journal Nature.
              Dr Fred Pattison,
              who worked in the unit in 1943, told the
              BBC: "There was a research team
              assembled to work in Cambridge during
              the last war to prepare new types of
              potential chemical warfare agents and
              they were for retribution in case a gas
              attack came from the other side.

              "Sometimes we went into the gas
              chamber armed with a pencil and paper
              for a 10-minute exposure and we noted
              down what we found on ourselves."

              Nerve gases

              Dr Pattison said the research team
              were trying to find out what symptoms
              the gases caused at doses too low to
              cause death. Temporary blindness was
              usually the first symptom experienced
              by the participants.

              Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea were
              also sometimes the side-effects of the
              tests. But what nobody realised at the
              time was that some of the
              organophosphate compounds they
              were making and testing were what are
              now known as nerve gases.

              "On one occasion, after having been in
              the gas chamber, I found that I was
              virtually blind for about 10 days," Dr
              Pattison said. "Normally one can see
              the outline of a window at night-time
              but I couldn't see that and I was afraid
              that I was permanently blinded.

              "But I managed to stagger out of bed
              and turn on the light and the light
              showed up as a dim glowing bulb, so I
              knew I wasn't blind and after about 10
              days my sight returned to normal

              Many others on the team experienced
              temporary blindness but not usually for
              more than a couple of days. The
              scientists had to trust each other to
              make the correct calculations about
              what constituted a safe "sub-lethal"
              dose. Although this may seem like an
              extraordinary risk to us today, the
              chemists taking part say they saw it
              very differently in the context of a war.

              'Ultimate weapon'

              "I was one that felt that sitting there
              was a rather comfortable way of
              spending the war when friends were
              otherwise zooming off in their
              aeroplanes, or tramping across the
              deserts," said unit researcher John Ilett.
              "But you were doing the thing as a
              wartime job.

              "It was not a matter of staying up in the
              university as an academic but working
              on a war effort to enable the forces to
              have another weapon. A weapon we
              hoped would be an ultimate weapon."

              When the team found promising new
              compounds, such as diisopropyl
              fluorophosphate, these were developed
              at the Ministry of Defence's Porton
              Down research centre.

              And although the unit was broken up at
              the end of the war, much of its work
              laid the groundwork for the
              organophosphates which are still used
              as insecticides to this day.

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