-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

The first two parts of this post have information on the Mormons. The second
two have information on MK-Ultra.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

from : http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/Sample-Issue-19.htm

"Mormonism, Masonry and Godhood - Can Angels be Trusted" by Dr. Cathy Burns.
Please use caution while reading this. It may be triggering. The book is
Christian in nature and contains quotes from the Bible.

        Joseph Smith (Junior) was born in Vermont in 1805. "Joe himself was
known for (allegedly) being lazy, lying and exaggerating, as well as having
an attraction to several occult pratices including fortune telling and
divining." (Pg. 5) When he was 19, he found "himself in court charged with
vagrancy and fraud." (Pg. 7)
        Polygamy was "an everlasting covenant". Smith had 49 wives, Brigham
Young, his successor had 27 wives. (Pg. 41)
        One part of Mormonism is "Baptism of the Dead." "It costs over $10
million dollars a year to maintain these (baptizing) facilities...(they
believe) only baptized Mormons can attain godhood." (Pg. 51)
        "Joseph Smith, Senior...was (allegedly) a firm believer in witchcraft
and other super natural things..." (Pg. 54) "(He) was also well-known in his
community for (allegedly) using blood sacrifices in his magic rituals to find
hidden treasure." (Pg. 56)
        "...In The Satanic Bible "Mormo" is  listed as one of the...names for
Satan...Mormo is also listed as the "King of Ghouls ..." (Pg. 63-64)
        From pages 72-85, Ms. Burns shows some parallels between the Mormons
and the Masons, including:  The Five Points of Fellowship (which has alleged
connections to Satanism)," Smith and Young were both Masons, "1500 Mormons
were kicked out of Masonry...thereafter,  the Temple ceremony of Mormonism
came into effect." (Pg.75), many rites and rituals are similar, many oaths
were similar including threats of death (for revealing the tokens of Aaronic
priesthood), and levels of priesthood.
        One prominent Mormon, Cleon Skousen, former F.B.I. head, faculty
member of BYU, allegedly welcomed Sun  Myung Moon("Moonies") home from
prison. He said "that God had sent...Moon to our country with a revelation
and a message.... The Mormon/Moonie (alleged) coalition involves the Freeman
Institute's (now the National Center for Constitutional Studies) in a new
global anti-communist campaign with CAUSA International, an (alleged) Moonie
front organization." (Pg. 85)
        The Mormon church collects 4.3 billion dollars from its members and
has numerous land holdings and businesses. They also own 16 radio stations,
one TV station, and 30 bookstores in Utah. (Pg. 87-90)
        From an article originally in the Salt Lake Tribune, "Utah ranks
second in the nation for reported incidents of child abuse per capita...child
abusers are (allegedly) spread across the entire socioeconomic spectrum and
leaders at every church level. There are (allegedly) abusing bishops, stake
presidents, elders, quorum presidents...LDS leaders often (allegedly) testify
in court on behalf of the abuser." (Pg. 94)
        Even though Blacks are now allowed in Mormonism, originally they were
not. Brigham Young "declared that one drop of Negro blood was sufficient to
bring a person under the curse and bar him from the priesthood." (Pg. 97-98)

from : http://members.aol.com/SMARTNEWS/Sample-Issue-21.htm

Federal Lawsuit Article

Please use caution while reading. It may be triggering. The lawsuit mentioned
in the article has been filed in federal court and has been neither proven
nor disproven at this point. All crimes and allegations mentioned in the
article are alleged.

Scott v. Mormon Church, A Federal Lawsuit Introduction by Plaintiff's
Attorney, Tim Kosnoff
        On March 19, 1998, a lawsuit for damages was filed against the Mormon
Church in the United States District  Court for the District of Oregon in
Portland, Oregon. The suit charges that church officials failed to warn or
protect the plaintiff or the plaintiff's parents from an elder and youth
leader the church knew had an extensive history of sodomizing children within
the church. The suit further accuses the Mormon Church of a pattern and
practice of protecting pedophiles and other child sex offenders within its
membership, by failing to report  incidents of child sex abuse as required by
law, by discouraging victims from reporting incidents of abuse to the police
and by obstructing vigorous investigation of complaints of child sex abuse by
civil authorities.
        The case, Scott v. Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints  and Gregory Lee Foster, 98-366 AA,
(hereinafter Scott v. LDS), accuses the church of knowingly retaining
Franklyn Richard Curtis, known by the church to be a predatory pedophile, to
participate as a leader in LDS  Church youth activities, of knowingly failing
to report Curtis' sexual molestations of Mormon children to law enforcement
authorities as required by law, of knowingly failing to warn the members of
the LDS Church about the danger Curtis presented to children and of knowingly
failing to protect children from Curtis' sexual  abuse.

"Journey Into Madness" by Gordon Thomas, discusses the CIA's long history of
allegedly sponsoring torture and medical abuse. The book discusses in part
the alleged roles of Allen Dulles, William Casey and Dr. Ewen Cameron. Bantam
Books, 66(*)6 5th Ave, NY, NY 10103, ISBN 0-553-05357-4.

Please use caution.  The following may be triggering: "Virtual Government:
CIA Mind Control Operations in America" by Alex Constantine, Feral House,
Venice, CA. (1997)  $14.95. Some selected chapter headings (&sub-)  are
provided chronologically: "Preamble: On the Road to the Fourth Reich - The
Geopolitical Framework of Virtual Government"; "The CIA: The Birth of
Operation MOCKINGBIRD, and the Takeover of the Corporate Press & the
Programming of Public Opinion;" "Virtual Government: Alien Abduction, Psychic
Warfare and Cult Programming - Military Corporate, Academic and
Quasi-Religious Fronts for Mind Control Operations in America"
[remote-viewing/non-lethal weaponry/Aviary/SRI/OTO dung heap exposed]; "The
Search for the Manchurian Preschooler" and "McMartin Preschool Revisited" -
subheading: "The Wall."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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