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World Exclusive Interview to GoOFF.com with World-Class Author Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.

His books, 'Who's Who of the Elite,' and 'The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK' are regarded as some of the most important works of this century....Find out why!

October 21, 2002

By: J. Conti
Contributing Author

For those of you who don't know who Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. is, here is a brief biographical statement. Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. was born in Big Lake, Texas, he holds a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas A & M University. While active in engineering, he was a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, and a National Certified Manufacturing Engineer. After graduation, he accepted a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant (later promoted to 1st Lt.) in the Army Security Agency (ASA), a branch of the National Security Agency (NSA), which is a big brother to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Military training was in the field of cryptoanalysis (the breaking of codes), and served as a Company Commander with an Intelligence Unit on the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the Chorwan valley of South Korea, from 1956 to 1957 (after the fighting had ceased).

Upon leaving active duty, began his professional career in the petroleum industry. Served as an Industrial Engineer for ten years until being promoted into management, and was a manufacturing Plant Manager for over ten years.The past seventeen years he served as an International Management Consultant, working in the US, Japan, Mexico, Canada, England, and Iran.

After completing the manuscript to the first book, Who's Who of the Elite, he contacted a number of publishers to ascertain their interest in this material. They all declined because of the subject matter, so he formed his own publishing company, RIE, and published this first of fourteen books in progress. The author has devoted the rest of his life to exposing the real truth about the world controllers who would like to make us all their slaves.


Gaylon, tell us please, what is the "elite", what does the term really mean?

My definition of the Elite is anyone who is now, or who has ever been a member of the Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), or Trilateral Commission (TC), or who is now, or has in the past associated very closely with the core members of these secret organizations.

What is the degree of influence the "elite" have over the Government of the United States, and for that matter, the world?

The Elite either directly, or indirectly controls EVERYTHING of significance that happens over the entire world.

How did they manage to have so much power?

The Golden Rule - He who has the gold, rules! The core members of the Elite (primarily the Rockefellers and Rothschilds) own all of the central banks of the entire world. Money is power! They create money from thin air. Their money is not backed by ANYTHING!

Who are the "members" of this secret ruling clique?

There are just over 3,000 members of the Elite, and I name them all in my first book, Who's Who of the Elite. In addition to naming them, I also tell what secret organizations that they belong to, where they work, and their job titles. Then I sort them by where they work, and it becomes very clear that they control EVERYTHING of significance over the entire world.

In your opinion, what is their ultimate goal and what will they do to accomplish it?

Their ultimate goal is to create the Global Union, which will control the entire world both politically and economically, and they will do whatever is necessary to accomplish this goal.

How long ago did their plans begin?

At least before the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, probably much earlier. The minutes of this meeting include discussions about forming the European Union, which is the first step in establishing the Global Union.

Why is it that almost no one knows about these things?

Most information around the world comes from newspapers, news magazines and Television, and the Elite directly own, or control all of these sources of news.

Where does their endless money supply come from? Don't tell me it's us!

They create money from thin air. Their money is not backed by ANYTHING! The law that created the Federal Reserve System stipulated that all taxes collected by the Internal Revenue System must be deposited in the Federal Reserve Banks, NOT the Treasury Department.

To what degree do you think they affect who our elected officials are?

The Elite have selected the winning candidates for our President for the last 200 or more years. In many cases they select the top two candidates for this office. Bill Clinton attended the 1991 Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden, Germany before he was selected by them to become our president in 1992.

To what extent do they control the American media, and for that matter, the world's?

Most information around the world comes from newspapers, news magazines and Television, and the Elite directly own, or control all of these sources of news.

This is difficult to ask, but, are we their slaves? Is that what this reality boils down to?

When they complete the Global Union, somewhere around 2010, there will be around 3,000 Elite, and the rest of us, who will essentially be their slaves.

What role do you think they play in the "cancer", "Alzheimer's", "depression" and "heart disease" industries? Do you think that through their
"seemingly" unrelated front companies they are actually poisoning Americans to keep them sick and feeble? Do you think they are behind the "solutions" for these problems too-that is to say, the "pharmaceutical" solutions?

Many of these problems are directly caused by the addition of fluoride in our water and toothpaste. The Germans and Russians used fluoride to make their citizens docile so that they could take over as dictatorships. Fluoride does not prevent cavities, it causes cavities, and many of the illnesses that you mention, plus others. The Elite also own or directly control all of the major pharmaceutical companies.

Is covert population control going on in this country right now?

Yes! They are using HIV viruses, birth control and abortions as birth control in the US. In Africa, they are using CIA instigated wars between the tribes, HIV viruses, emboli viruses and several other deadly viruses, created in US labs, to reduce the population so that they can gain control of the wealth of natural resources of Africa.

Please tell us a little about your latest world shocker, 'The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK and MLK?'

This book tells who planned these assassinations, why they were killed, who did the shooting, where they were when they fired the shots, and who paid them for their efforts. It also reveals many atrocities committed on US citizens by the FBI and CIA.

Tell us about 911, what's your take?

All of the evidence is not in yet, but the US Administration absolutely had prior knowledge of the Trade Center and Pentagon crashes by the terrorist. The CIA funded, furnished the weapons and trained bin Laden's forces when the Russians were in control of Afghanistan. They have used the attack on these facilities as an excuse to create the new Homeland Security Agency, and to tighten up on our rights as citizens. The Homeland Security Agency will be created not to protect us from terrorist, but to control, arrest and incarcerate the Militia members once the Administration bans the private ownership of firearms. They have already created concentration camps to house the militia as they are arrested for defending their right to own firearms. No dictator has ever taken complete control over his nation without first outlawing the private ownership of firearms.

WhatReallyHappened with Jim Trafficant, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Congressman Earl Hilliard, and above all, why do you say Ron Paul is next?
These people are all national heroes!

Add Bob Barr to this list, as well. These elected representatives were asking too many embarrassing questions of the Administration regarding the never-ending attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights, so they had to be silenced, by removing them from office. My Representative in Congress, Ron Paul, is next because he has always stood on the side of his constituents in defending our rights, and trying to get us out of the United Nations, eliminate the IRS, Federal Reserve System, and many other things that are harming us.

What's your outlook in both the short term and long term? What's ahead for us?

If we don't inform the entire nation of what is REALLY going on, then we will have an American Union (just like the European Union) by January, 2005. On May 6th or 7th, Vice President Dick Cheney told the attendees of the Council of the Americas that the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) that it would be completed by January, 2005. Immediately after he finished his talk, David Rockefeller (Chairman of the Council of the Americas) shook his hand and thanked him for his remarks. (The video of this meeting is available from C-SPAN)

Do you have any last words for our readers?

Yes! Read Chapter 11 of my book The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK, and you will find many of my suggestions as to how to stop the Elite in their efforts to conquer the entire world. You can learn more about my thoughts on my web site at www.4rie.com. Thanks for your interest.

Gaylon, it has been a great pleasure. Thank you very much.

To purchase copies of two of the most important books ever written on the subject matter of the elite, click below:

The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln,...

Who's Who of the Elite : Members of the...

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