-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 02:54:30 +0300 (IDT)
From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: driver

by Barry Chamish

This interview with JFK Jr.'s driver appeared in Yediot Ahronot shortly
after the Piper crash. My comments begin and end with ***.

             HE COULD BARELY WALK, HOW DID HE FLY? Yoel Katzavman
drove John Jr. 48 hours before the plane broke up. "He was a
quiet and humble client."

  "How could he have flown that plane with a broken leg? It was
really suicidal?," said Yoel Katzavman (38), a limousine driver
born in Hakiriot, who drove the Kennedy couple many times.

  Katzavman arrived in the US three years before and was employed
by the Empire limousine service. He was often called to drive
John Jr. and Carolyn Kennedy from their New York apartment. He
recalls his last ride with John Jr., less than 48 hours before
the final takeoff.

  He was called to pick up the Kennedy couple from their
apartment in Manhattan and take them to the George Magazine
headquarters. "It was the first time since Kennedy had broken his
heel two months before, that he could was wearing both shoes, but
he was still on crutches," Katzavman recalls. "He could barely
step down with his foot and couldn't get out of the car on his
own. His wife and I had to help him. I held his crutches and
lifted him out. He had to hold onto the door to straighten up.
His wife accompanied him inside as he clung to his crutches."

***In all the reports on JFK Jr.'s death, I have never read that
he was a near invalid when he flew the plane. Why not? The
authorities would jump on such an explanation for his piloting
"error." I ask, would a broken foot interfere with flying? Does
the FAA permit pilots with such an injury to man planes? Is
Katzavman accurately describing JFK Jr.'s condition? Would his
wife and sister-in-law have flown with him if he was too injured
for safe flight?

   Next, we have been told that JFK Jr. was modest in his habits
and walked or took the subway to work. Why would he call a limo
for the short haul to his office, when an ordinary cab would do
just as well?***

Katzavman has shed new light on JFK Jr.'s condition before
entering his Piper Saratoga. Until now people have reported that
his condition improved after the cast was removed. Flight experts
have explained that to fly a Saratoga, both legs are required.

***I return to my initial observation. If both legs are required
and JFK Jr. could barely walk even on crutches, why was he
permitted to fly the plane and why would his wife, who had to
help her invalid mate out of the car and into the office, step
into the plane with him?***

Katzavman can also tell how John Jr. broke his leg, precisely.
"After Carolyn returned to the limousine, I took her on a
shopping trip. On the way she explained that John had broken two
bones in his leg after an accident in his ultra-light plane.
Carolyn reported that her husband was frustrated and depressed
because he hadn't played sports in a long time."

***Not just the heel bone was broken. Now there is a second
break. Yediot writes in his leg, though I believe they meant in
his foot. And of course it happened during another flying
accident. Katzavman's version is beginning to look scripted. Now
on top of two broken bones in his foot, we discover he was
depressed to boot. This is too good to be true for the
authorities: it could have been used to explain away the
unexplainable crash. Yet neither the breaks nor depression, to my
knowledge, were reported. Katzavman is on his own.***

Katzavman drove Kennedy only during the recent period of his
injury. Previously he rode his bike or the subway. He described
Kennedy as a generous, courteous, pleasant man. "I drive lots of
important people but he was special, really friendly. When he
stopped by the kiosk near his home to buy a paper, he'd always
ask me if I wanted anything. He'd always ask permission before
putting his hurt leg on the seat. He was polite without making
any special demands."

Katzavman refuses to discuss his relationship with Carolyn. "I
can only say she spoke of him like he was angel," he said.
"During their last conversation they spoke about going to a
family wedding, though he didn't say anything about flying. She
wanted to know what to wear at a Jewish wedding (Rory Kennedy was
to be married in a Jewish service) and worried that a bare
shoulder would be inappropriate. He assured her it would be

When Katzavman returned Carolyn home, she paid and gave him a $50
tip. "It was the biggest tip of my life," he says.

***I'll bet it was. I don't like this story. I don't like it at
all. Why on earth would Carolyn fork over $50 to Katzavman? Until
then, Katzavman sounded just like Yitzhak Rabin's final driver,
Menachem Damti, when he gave his guilt-ridden version of events
to the media. He doth extol too much. The $50 tip is way too much
extolling. Instinctively, I don't feel comfortable with
Katzavman's version. His information is vital evidence of the
inability of JFK Jr. to fly his plane, of a previous plane
accident, of a depressed state of mind and yet, and yet, he, and
only he that I am aware of, reported this information. Perhaps
because he and only he, was primed to do so. For now, just


Barry Chamish is the author of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin. For
information, please write [EMAIL PROTECTED] and visit

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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