-Caveat Lector-

 And so to World War One

And the arrogance of the ‘Invisible Hand’ that is the Adversary who rules his demonic legions, is such that he actually ‘wrote’ the symbol of spiritual Death, that is the measurement of the internal volume of the sarcophagus into Armistice Day, that of 11am November 11th 1918 when Adversary raised up his own banner of Death, and so mocked the hundreds of thousands of dead.

Of course were know that from certain species of the ‘poppy’ plant can be extracted hallucinogenic mind bending drugs and so for me, I find the symbol of ‘Remembrance’ the poppy, for those who died, a sick kind of joke.

Armistice Day or Remembrance Day or Veterans Day or Victory Day or World War One Memorial Day is the name of this special this very sad day.

It was on this day at 11am in 1918 that World War One ceased. The Allied and Central Powers signed an armistice agreement at 5am in Marshal Foch’s railway car in the Forest of Compiegne, France.

There is an engraved inscription in French, at the place of the signing ceremony: "Here on the eleventh of November 1918 succumbed by criminal pride of the German Empire - Vanquished by the Free Peoples which it tried to enslave."

There is a 2 minute silence at 11am on November 11th each year.

And Death showed itself when the counting was done of those who had died during World War One. The counting from between August, 1914 and November, 1918, revealed that 958,422 British and Commonwealth servicemen were killed, and 1,939,702 were wounded with many Americans killed and wounded fighting in Europe.

And the counting of the dead and wounded for World War Two, that is between 1939 and 1945, showed that nearly 360,000 British and Commonwealth servicemen were killed and nearly 500,000 wounded. And on November 11th each year many think of the 16 million Americans who served in the armed forces during World War Two, when more than 400,000 died.

 Counting a ‘Time for Death’

So it was on July 28th 1914 Austria officially declared war on Serbia and so the great European war had begun. A few days later Germany declared war on France and promptly invaded Belgium. And from 11pm Tuesday evening, August 4th, Great Britain was at war with Germany. The United States came to help the allies on April 6th 1917. And so at 11am in 1918 that World War One ceased.

So with ‘numerological bunkum’ in mind, please consider this.

Counting from War Start to War End, that is from soon after 5am on July 28th 1914 to 11am November 11th 1918 is 1,567.212 days.

And to what the truncated pyramid on the One Dollar Bill indicates to me, that is, it symbolises the missing apex on the Great Pyramid, the world's priory symbol of Death.

And Morton Edgar gave the missing apex as leaving a platform area of 33 x 33 feet which is correct, and a height of 32 feet, (which is questionable) and so a volume of 11,616 cubic feet.

And so Edgar’s ‘Point of Death’ is that 11,616 cubic feet x Pi thrice x 0.2 is 72,033.782 and as cubit inches is 41.6862164 cubic feet, the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. (And Flinders Petrie’s internal volume is 72,033.783 cubic inches at 41.686217 cubic feet).

Thus even if the missing apex is not some 11,616 cubic feet, the three numbers 33 x 33 x 32/15 reveal the ‘Measurement Message’ for Death, that is represented by the sarcophagus, and so this seems very applicable as a truncated pyramid tomb.

A ‘Banner of Death’ is ‘611’ that is a two sided banner, on one side is the number 289, the Serpent Rouge, who is represented by the Trilateral Insignia, that is the so called ‘Alien Flag’ said to have been found marked on the side of a crashed UFO in Area 51. The design shows a pyramid and horizontal lines. The other side of the banner is 322, that of the Skull and Bones, the sign of ‘No Mercy’.

And I repeat that from soon after 5am on July 28th 1914 to 11am November 11th 1918 is 1,567.212 days.

And the ‘Banner of Death’ at 611 x 611 x 7/40 and divided by the internal volume of the sarcophagus at 41.686217 cubic feet is 1,567.2128 days.

Or I can use the number of the Antichrist at 9333 x 7 and divided by 41.686217 cubic feet is 1,567.2086 days.

For the mind of the Antichrist set in train World War One and finished World War One exactly on his own 'Time'.




And compound the result for a contrived ‘Banner of Death’ one only has to look at the insistence that the Armistice Day, must be November 11th 1918, when the war was over supposedly on November 7th 1918. Then very curiously the Associated Press Agency responded with their own bulletin,” Washington, Nov.7. It was officially announced at the State Department at 2.15 o'clock this afternoon that the Germans had not signed the armistice terms."

Of course this news bulletin, (which predated November 11th by 4 days), had ignited a jubilant and unrestrained celebration throughout the United States. Some newspapers had waited for more official confirmation before stringing up the bunting and so Associated Press stopped the festivities.

But then the war was over on November 7th but was kick started again so to continue on for another 4 days, until November 11th.

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