-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/

Iowa governor blames ProjectUSA for resistance to mass immigration
Issue 81: July 7, 2001


In response to questions about the widespread resistance to his plan to
import cheap labor from poor countries, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack said
that "groups such as Project USA exploit the 'issues to advance their
own political agenda.'" (Des Moines Register, July 5, 2001)

The organized resistance to mass immigration in Iowa predates
ProjectUSA, of course, but in one way, the governor is right. From its
inception in May, 1999, ProjectUSA's primary goals have been to raise
the immigration issue in open public debate, de-link it from the issues
of race and diversity, and inform Americans of simple Census Bureau
statistics on mass immigration.

Until very recently, most news stories about immigration failed to
mention explosive population growth, or mass immigration's negative
impact on the environment and working Americans. Instead, they consisted
of enthusiastic accounts of increased "diversity," or of heart-rending
tales of the struggles of individual immigrants.

But Americans deserve to have the basic facts if our democracy hopes to
craft a wise immigration policy.  We should not, through fear, apathy or
ignorance, condemn the next generation to an overcrowded, polluted and,
very possibly, balkanized nation.

Iowans fight immigration

Charges of racism cloud immigration arguments


Mass immigration promoters in Iowa are in full retreat.

Less than two years ago, Governor Vilsack was irresponsibly proclaiming
Iowa the new Ellis Island and advocating Iowa put itself above U.S.
immigration limits.

Today, supporters of the governor's scheme are backpedaling furiously.
In a June 26 Mason City Globe Gazette editorial, the chair of the Mason
City New Iowans Committee, Lori Henry, pointedly assured concerned
residents that the $50,000 grant to Mason City for the governor's pilot
program will have nothing to do with importing foreigners.  And at a
City Council meeting July 3rd, she went further, promising that the
money will only go for things like Welcome Wagons.  (At ProjectUSA, we
can't wait to see what a $50,000 Welcome Wagon looks like.  We offer
some suggestions: http://projectusa.org/mason_city_welcome_wagon.html)

We see the change in Iowa as proof that mass immigration, while popular
with the cheap labor lobby, the professionally ethnic, the immigration
lawyers and some racists, is very unpopular with the American people
themselves.  This is particularly true when people learn that
immigration, if Congress does not act, will double U.S. population
within the lifetimes of today's children.

You can contact your Representatives and tell them it is time for our
nation to end the shameful and irresponsible practice of harvesting the
cheap labor of poor countries.  You can find your Senators and
Congressperson -- and their records on mass immigration -- at:
http://www.numbersusa.com/ (click on "Congress vote records").


"The rich will always require an abundant supply of the poor."



Our Governor was here at the Clear Lake celebration, rode in the parade
(35,000 spectators) and spoke.  Janice drove the Truthmobile in the
parade and was well received.  She handed out some of your surveys
[http://projectusa.org/States/IA/iowa-immigration.html#survey] and any
other literature she could find to give to people since they seemed to
come up and want whatever she was giving out.  She was treated "royally"
by all the people on the parade route.  All this on July 4th.

Mae Greene
Mason City, IA


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