-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Latest News - World
17 February 07:50AM -- Singapore Time
Iraq vows to fight US

BAGHDAD -- Iraq vowed on Saturday to fight on to victory against the United
States and blamed the first US bombing of Baghdad in two years on a Zionist

BAGHDAD -- Thirteen-year-old Hussein Ali, with his brother Hasan by his side,
recovering at the al-Yarmouk hospital in Baghdad. Iraq claimed that Hussein
was among those injured in the air raids by the US and Britain. -- AP

The pledge came in an official communique released by the Iraqi News Agency
after President Saddam Hussein chaired a meeting of military and political
chiefs in Iraq's Revolutionary Command Council and the ruling Baath party.

'The aggression will not force Iraq to give up its rights,' said the
statement. 'Aggression and threats do not discourage Iraq.'

'Iraq will continue to fight them on land, in the air and at sea. Iraq will
finally win and Palestine will be freed,' it vowed.

'This aggression is explained by a Zionist and American plot and prepares the
ground for operations by the Zionist entity against the Arabs and
Palestinians,' the communique said.

Two dozen US and British warplanes struck five Iraqi radar and command posts
north of the 33rd parallel, US authorities said.

According to the communique the bombings hit the suburbs of Baghdad.

'As they step up their aggression, the Iraqi people, army and courageous
leadership will resist more strongly against the forces of evil.'

The communique went on to accuse Saudi Arabia and Kuwait of being
'accomplices in crime' because they shelter US and British air bases. -- AFP

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