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.....Irish Satanic and Child Abuse Expose's


*   The Missing Persons Issue,Ireland.
*   contents page
*   contents page 2
*   Latest news and links

*   Lists of Satanic and child abuse expose's in Ireland in recent years.

*   Figure 1..One of the first Satanic expose's was published in May 1996, in
the Irish News of the World. It proclaimed that Satanists were planning to
sacrifice a human baby to their demon master. The article was highlighted by
John Mulvihill , a former Labour Party member of the Irish parliament, the

*   Figure 2.Article in The Mirror tabloid Nov 1998, tells of accusations of
child/abuse against the Christian Brothers in Ireland at the Artane orphans
home. Survivors have claimed that children went "missing" from the home ,
especially those who had no living relatives.One of many articles clearly
showing largescale child abuse within the Irish RC Church.

*   Figure 3. Article in Kilkenny People June 1996, claims that children had
been abused by a Bishop, a high ranking Garda(policeman), a Minister and
high-profile personalities.It said that the Survivors planned to name the
abusers on a web site which they planned to set up.

Figure 4. Article in the Mirror Jan 1999, tells of Sarah Bland , originally
from Laois ,and her terrible memories and personal torments after being
sexually abused( no the word is raped, as the article says), by
Devilworshipping paedophiles , one of which is a relative.Her mother fled
with her children to Canada to save her children from the powerfull Satanists.

Figure 5 and 6.The Father Brendan Smyth Affair caused the collapse , in 1994,
of the Coalition Goverment between the Fine Faol Party ,led by Albert
Reynolds and the Labour Party led by Dick Spring.The furore started with the
failure of the Irish Attorney Generals Office to implement several
extradition warrants on Father Brendan Smyth for Child Abuse.Smyth died in
prison from a "heart attack" in 1997. Another notorious child abusing
priest,Father Fortune ,suffered a similar end .Shortly after being released
on bail from Mountjoy Prison on child abuse charges , he committed "suicide"
with a mixture of WHISKEY and prescribed drugs. He apparently , was in the
habit(pardon the pun) of showing the children videos of THE LIFE OF BRYAN AND

Figure 5. Father Brendan Smyth abused children in N Ireland and the Republic
of Ireland.

Figure 6.Father Brendan Smyth , died of "heart" attack 1997.

Figure 7. Father Fortune died of "cocktail of Whiskey and drugs.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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