-Caveat Lector-


"The Human Rights Commission (judged) that the Bible is in violation of the
code - that's basically what it boiled down to," Owens said.

[Note:  The day is coming, and not far off, when beliefs that are contrary
to political correct thinking will be illegal.  The forerunner of this
sorry state of course is "hate crime", where there are penalty enhancements
for a crime committed because of the perpetrator's beliefs.  It is already
wrong to kill or harm another person, but to enhance the penalty because of
the criminal's thoughts and beliefs does two things, it elevates certain
segments of society above others making them and their lives more valuable,
and it punishes politically incorrect beliefs.  This is of course only the
first step in achieving the goal of making incorrect thought itself
illegal.  When will your belief in the Bible, your religious convictions,
your patriotism over globalism, and so on be illegal?  It will be sooner
rather than later. - Tony]

September 7, 2001

Is the Bible 'Hate Speech'?
By Dave Clark, correspondent


An advertisement recently appeared in a Canadian newspaper citing Bible
references as basis for opposing homosexuality. Now, the man who paid for
the ad is being charged with insulting homosexuals and "exposing them to

Hugh Owens' troubles began as they ended - with a local newspaper.

"I came across an advertisement celebrating Gay Pride Week," Owens said.

Determined that such "celebrations of sin" demanded a response, Owens took
out his own ad referencing four scriptural admonitions against unnatural
sex. Next to those Bible references was an equal sign, and an image of two
men holding hands, with the internationally recognized circle-with-a-slash
sign superimposed over it.

"Basically, the message was, 'These four Bible passages equal 'no' to
homosexuality,' " Owens said.

But a group of homosexual leaders lodged a complaint against Owens and his
ad with Saskatchewan's Human Rights Commission. Activist Gens Hellquist
said the forum found the ad was illegal - "that it violated my human
rights, exposed me as a gay male to ridicule and hatred."

For their "pain and suffering," Hellquist and two other plaintiffs have
been awarded $1,500 each from Owens' pocketbook.

"The Human Rights Commission (judged) that the Bible is in violation of the
code - that's basically what it boiled down to," Owens said.

The Rev. Paul Donlevy, with the Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, said he was
very disappointed. He added that Canadian Christians are now on notice.

"I think it sets a terrible precedent," Donlevy said. "I'm concerned, too.
Does that mean you can't quote Scripture when you're talking about

Meanwhile, Owens is still outraged at the ruling.

"Sharing that message (that the Bible opposes homosexuality) can't be
viewed as an act of hate. It's ludicrous. Not sharing it would be an act of

Owens plans to appeal the commission's decision.

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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"We are a religious people and our institutions
presuppose a Supreme Being ... No Constitutional
requirement makes it necessary for government
to be hostile to religion and to throw its weight
against the efforts to widen the scope of religious
influence. The government must remain neutral
when it comes to competition between sects ...
The First Amendment, however, does not say
that in every respect there shall be a separation
of Church and State."

1952 - US Supreme Court defines the
"Separation of Church and State."

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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