-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Israel: Iran Has Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon
Mon Feb 4, 5:16 PM ET
By Irwin Arieff

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres accused Iran
on Monday of turning Lebanon into "a ball of explosives" by sending in
Revolutionary Guards and arming Hizbollah guerrillas with Katyusha rockets.

He said after talks with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan that Tehran had
given 10,000 missiles -- able to strike targets inside Israel -- to Hizbollah
guerrillas operating in southern Lebanon near Israel's northern border.

"On top of that, the Iranians are having the Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon,
which is illegal under the United Nations charter, and we are going to appeal
to the secretary-general on that subject," Peres, who was in New York for the
World Economic Forum, told reporters.

The Katyushas, with a range of 12 to 42 miles (20 to 70 kms), "can hit the
heart of Israel, he said. "They have converted Lebanon into a ball of
explosives, endangering the future of Lebanon."

The missiles' range would put them within striking distance of the northern
port city of Haifa.

Israel is also concerned that medium-range missiles could fall into the hands
of Palestinian militants waging a 16-month-old uprising against Israeli

The United Nations has peacekeepers in southern Lebanon and marked out the
frontier between Israel and Lebanon after Israeli forces withdrew from the
south in May 2000, ending 22 years of occupation.

The Hizbollah guerrillas are backed by Syria, the main power broker in
Lebanon, as well as Iran, and control most of southern Lebanon.

Israel last month intercepted a boat carrying arms including missiles that
Israel said came from Iran and were being shipped to the Palestinian
Authority. Iran and the Authority have denied involvement in the shipment.

President Bush said in his annual State of the Union message last week that
Iran, together with Iraq and North Korea, comprised "an axis of evil."

Peres also said he backed a proposal put forward by the French Foreign
Ministry last week that Israel recognize a Palestinian state before settling
the question of its boundaries.

"We suggested (that) too," Peres said when asked about the French idea.

But he rejected a second idea suggested by Paris -- that the Palestinians be
allowed to hold general elections.

"I think the idea of an election is premature," he said.

Election campaigns invite candidates to take extreme positions in order to
catch the voters' eye, increasing tensions, he said. "Who needs it? What
for?" he asked.

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