-Caveat Lector-

From: "Dick Eastman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Israel -- realizing that Iraq cannot stay captured
  is secretly murdering all Iraqi intellectuals who can operate
  government, economy and health post-occupation
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 05:39:44 -0800

Israeli infiltrators (Mossad and other special units)  --
realizing that Iraq cannot stay captured is murdering all Iraqi
intellectuals who might have operated government and economy
post-occupation  -- and killing some American's who are talking
against the operation.  They are determined that Iraq will not
be able to sustain a middle class after the conquerors withdraw.

The specific targeting of doctors and pharmacologists suggests
intentions of future biological warfare against this miserable
innocent victim nation.  (Remember the rash of recently dead
(accidents, "suicides" etc.  and two on Flight 77 on 9-11-01)
leading microbiologists throughout the world as you read
the following.)

Dick Eastman

Iraqi intellectuals flee unidentified 'death squads' By
Ahmed Janabi Tuesday 30 March 2004, 13:04 Makka Time, 10:04
GMT http://tinyurl.com/2a9cw

Occupied Iraq is suffering a new brain drain as intellectuals
flood out of the country to avoid unemployment and an organised
killing campaign.

In recent months assassinations have targeted engineers,
pharmacologists, officers, and lawyers.

More than 1000 leading Iraqi professionals and intellectuals
have been assassinated since last April, among them such
prominent figures as Dr Muhammad al-Rawi, the president of
Baghdad University.

The identity of the assailants remains a mystery and none have
been caught.

But families and colleagues of victims believe that Iraqi
parties with foreign affiliations have an interest in wiping
out Iraq's intellectual elite.

Media reports suggest that more than 3000 Iraqi academics
and high-profile professionals have left Iraq recently, not
to mention the thousands of Iraqis who are travelling out of
the country every day in search of work and safety.

"Iraqis used to leave Iraq during the 13-year UN sanctions for
better work opportunities, but they are leaving now to avoid
being assassinated by unknown, well-organised death squads,"
said political analyst and politics professor Dhafir Salman.

Usama al-Ani, director of the research and development
department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Research said top Iraqi scientists have been targeted by
foreign parties.

"I believe Iraqi scientists are being targeted by foreign
powers, most probably Israel."

Terror campaign

Monday's issue of the pro-US Iraqi internet newspaper Iraq of
Tomorrow reported that the decapitated body of mathematics
professor Dr Abd al-Samai Abd al-Razaq had been found in a
Baghdad street.

Aljazeera.net contacted Dr Abd al-Samai's family in Baghdad
and was surprised to find him very much alive.

"They published such a story to terrify me and my family," he
told Aljazeera.net, accusing political and religious parties
of turning Iraqi universities into political battlefields.

"Since occupation, universities have become fertile recruitment
ground for political and religious parties. Students should
be devoted to their studies, not to serving the interests of
those who seek power.

"These groups are targeting me and all my colleagues who want
to preserve respected Iraqi institutions from destruction."


Aside from the terror campaign, measures taken by the post
occupation authorities have contributed to Iraq's brain drain.

"I would like to ask the de-Baathification committee why
they are so happy that many thousands of Baathists have been
sacked from Iraq's governmental departments and educational
institutions?" Salman says. "Do they think they have done
well? Of course, not.

"They have sacked Iraq's elite professionals; who will replace
them? Where will the replacements come from? After all,
these people are Iraqis, is this in line with the national
reconciliation they are talking about?"

Before the war on Iraq, US and UK officials repeatedly accused
the Iraqi government of triggering the exodus of four million
educated Iraqis.

But under the occupation the rate of emigration has increased.

"Iraqi universities have lost 1315 scientists who hold MA and
PhD degrees," al-Ani said. "This number constitutes eight per
cent of the 15,500 Iraqi academics.

"Up until now, 30% of those who were sacked as result of the
campaign have left Iraq."

Education system

Iraq is rich in intellectuals, largely as a result of Saddam
Hussein's policy of sending tens of thousands of Iraqi
students abroad to gain post-graduate degrees in a wide range
of disciplines.

The practice fell into abeyance when UN sanctions were imposed
in 1990 following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

In the country itself, where education has been free since the
abolition of the monarchy in 1958, most of the 20 universities
in Iraq also awarded post-graduate degrees.


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