-Caveat Lector-

Contempt Overwhelms Israel Campaign

.c The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Deep into a sleepy campaign that has lacked substantive
issues, Israel's political parties have finally found common ground: mutual

``Liars,'' ``forgers'' and ``haters'' are the least of the accusations
bandied about this week in a heated campaign that is unprecedented in its
acrimony -- and may make it increasingly harder for Israelis to live together
after the ballots have been cast.

``A little respect, some basic manners,'' cautioned an editorial in Maariv on
Thursday. ``Does anyone remember the meaning of those expressions?''

It started on Sunday when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- sliding in the
polls toward May 17 elections -- heard that a Barak supporter described Likud
backers ``who work in the market'' as ``riffraff.''

The reference appeared aimed at Sephardic Jews of Middle Eastern background
who have backed Likud candidates by a 3-1 margin. Netanyahu seized the
occasion and made an unannounced stop Monday in a Tel Aviv market.

Amid a crush of supporters, Netanyahu told supporters that leftists ``hate
the people. They hate the Sephardim, the Ethiopians ... the Russians --

Barak, who condemned the remarks by actress Tiki Dayan, said he would resist
attempts by Netanyahu to drag the country into a ``civil war.''

Netanyahu would not back down, and his Likud party ads doctored a video to
make it appear as if Barak had laughed at Dayan's comments after she spoke at
a Labor party rally.

Longtime campaign watchers said the level of invective was unprecedented.

``The word `hatred' has been used massively in this campaign by Netanyahu,''
Hebrew University political scientist Yaron Ezrahi said Thursday. ``It has
fanned fires ... in a multiethnic society.''

It wasn't just Netanyahu. Shas, an ultra-Orthodox Sephardic party under siege
after leader Arieh Deri was convicted last month on bribe-taking charges,
lashed out at the ``elites'' it said framed Deri.

One campaign broadcast features a street scene of small town Sephardi Jews
saying they ``can't stand'' Ashkenazis, or Jews of European background. ``I
wouldn't speak to you if you were Ashkenazi,'' one man yelled into the

Another Shas campaign commercial featured elderly Ashkenazi Jews dozing off
during a symphony concert and focused on one woman chewing with her mouth
open. ``They call this culture,'' a narrator repeated again and again.

The party reserved its most venomous rhetoric for Israel B'Aliya, a party of
Jews from the former Soviet Union campaigning to wrest the Interior Ministry
from Shas.

In a radio advertisement, Interior Minister Eli Suissa said Israel B'Aliya
was seeking unchecked immigration from Russia and former Soviet republics --
and pledged to keep ``the forgers, cheats, the call-girls and others from
entering the state of Israel with dignity.''

Under pressure from Netanyahu, Suissa apologized for the statement on
Thursday. ``If my words hurt someone, I apologize, I never intended to offend
anyone,'' he said.

Emigres from Russia and former Soviet republics -- about 14 percent of the
electorate -- are a crucial voting bloc, and Netanyahu seized on a
discrepancy between the Hebrew and Russian versions of Barak's biography this

The Russian-language version quoted Barak as saying that east Jerusalem was
``Arab land.''

Netanyahu -- who, like Barak, has pledged never to divide the disputed city
-- accused Barak of ``political censorship'' for leaving the quotation out of
the Hebrew edition.

The Labor party said the translation was sabotaged; the translator, the
writer and the publisher of the book all swore that the quotation was never
in the original. Likud spokeswoman Tsippi Livni said they were all ``liars.''

Ezrahi, the political analyst, said the low level of rhetoric was the result
of virtual agreement between the major parties on the major issue that once
distinguished them: territorial compromise with the Arabs.

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