-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

  Israeli jets strike back after suicide bomb

NETANYA, Israel Six Israelis and at least eight Palestinians were killed
Friday as a deadly suicide bombing in this coastal town provoked Israel to
use warplanes against Palestinian targets for the first time in the
eight-month-long uprising.
As a very volatile week drew to a close, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
reached yet another boiling point amid mounting international concern about
containing the escalation.
A terrible Friday began when the suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt
at the main entrance to a crowded shopping mall here, killing five Israelis
and wounding more than 100 people, many of whom were waiting in line to pass
through a security check that was supposed to keep the mall safe.
Then, a sixth Israeli, an army officer, was killed in his car on a road on
the West Bank.
Finally, Israel responded by using F-16 fighter jets to fire missiles at
Palestinian security headquarters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It was the
first time Israel has used warplanes since this phase of the Palestinian
uprising began in September. One Palestinian was killed in Ramallah, and at
least seven in Nablus, according to initial reports, although emergency
workers were still digging through the rubble of a police post and adjacent
prison in Nablus.
One of the apparent targets of the air raid in Nablus, a Hamas commander
being held in the prison by the Palestinian Authority, survived the attack.
Mohammed Abu Hanoud, who has been wanted by the Israelis since 1995, escaped
a previous Israeli attempt to capture him last year. Mr. Abu Hanoud, who was
subsequently convicted by the Palestinians of forming illegal military cells,
is known in the West Bank as "the man with seven lives."
In Netanya, several passersby had noticed the bomber's aberrant appearance
before he blew himself up. They had called the Israeli police, who maintain a
post only 45 meters from the mall. But by the time a police car arrived, the
powerful explosives had shattered the mirrored facade of the shopping
center's entrance, hurling bodies into the air and sending shrapnel flying
through a busy intersection.
A couple of hours later, one of the smallest victims, 5-year-old Sasha
Zagoikin, writhed in agony, screaming for his mother, as he lay alone in Room
8 of the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in the neighboring town of Hadera. His face
had been chewed by shrapnel, his jawbone and clavicle were broken and his
cries were muffled by the oxygen mask over his mouth. His mother, who was
believed to be a Russian immigrant, was downstairs in surgery, and doctors
said that the boy apparently had no other relatives in Israel.
The suicide bomber, a 21-year-old grocery store clerk named Mahmoud Ahmed
Marmash, came from Tulkarm in the West Bank, 16 kilometers (10 miles) east of
Reuters reported that Mr. Marmash, a member of the Islamic militant Hamas
group's military wing, had brought his mother sweets before setting off on
his mission and left a note saying, "Whoever believes that God's religion
will be victorious without holy struggle, without blood, without body parts
is living under an illusion."
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Benjamin
Ben Eliezer, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided to bombard the West Bank
Mr. Sharon made no public statement about the terrorist attacks or Israel's
response. But other officials called the bombing "heinous" and said that
Israel had struck at Palestinian security targets because they held the
Palestinian Authority and its forces responsible for killing Israeli citizens.
Ephraim Sneh, Israel's transportation minister, called on the United States
and the European community to pressure Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader.
"It will continue to escalate if pressure is not exerted on Arafat to take
some measures," Mr. Sneh said. "I think the Americans and the Europeans have
to do something. Now is the time."
Before the Israeli bombardment, a senior adviser to Mr. Arafat assailed the
bombing in Netanya and urged Israel not to respond with retaliatory strikes.
"The Palestinian National Authority condemns operations aimed at civilians
and innocent people, be they Palestinians or Israelis," said Taybe Abdel
Rahim, the adviser. "But stopping this deterioration requires wisdom and does
not need an angry response and more shellings and killings."
By Friday evening, the Sharon shopping mall in Netanya, its exterior badly
damaged, had reopened to allow local residents to go out to the movies. The
mall's multiplex cinema is open on Friday night, despite the Sabbath.
War Crimes Remark Criticized
The United States criticized the International Red Cross on Friday, saying it
was unhelpful that a leader of one of its delegations called Jewish
settlements in the West Bank and Gaza a war crime, Reuters reported from
"We don't think this comment is helpful at this particularly volatile time,"
said Philip Reeker, a State Department deputy spokesman.
Rene Kosirnik, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross
delegation to Israel and the Palestinian territories, said at a news
conference on Thursday the settlements violate international law.
"The transfer, the installation of population of the occupying power into the
occupied territories is considered as an illegal move and qualified as a
'grave breach.' It's a grave breach, formally speaking, but grave breaches
are equal in principle to war crimes," Mr. Kosirnik said.
The settlements are a key element in current diplomatic efforts to bring an
end to Israeli-Palestinian violence.
President George W. Bush condemned the suicide bombing and urged leaders in
the region to speak out against violence.
"Violence will not lead to peace," Bush told reporters at the White House.
"Violence will make it so difficult for there to be any political settlement."
An independent commission of inquiry into the violence of the last eight
months has recommended that Israel suspend work on the settlements. Israel
rejects the recommendation.

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< < Back to Start of Article Blast at Shopping Mall Kills 6; 8 Palestinians
Die in Reprisal

NETANYA, Israel Six Israelis and at least eight Palestinians were killed
Friday as a deadly suicide bombing in this coastal town provoked Israel to
use warplanes against Palestinian targets for the first time in the
eight-month-long uprising.
As a very volatile week drew to a close, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
reached yet another boiling point amid mounting international concern about
containing the escalation.
A terrible Friday began when the suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt
at the main entrance to a crowded shopping mall here, killing five Israelis
and wounding more than 100 people, many of whom were waiting in line to pass
through a security check that was supposed to keep the mall safe.
Then, a sixth Israeli, an army officer, was killed in his car on a road on
the West Bank.
Finally, Israel responded by using F-16 fighter jets to fire missiles at
Palestinian security headquarters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It was the
first time Israel has used warplanes since this phase of the Palestinian
uprising began in September. One Palestinian was killed in Ramallah, and at
least seven in Nablus, according to initial reports, although emergency
workers were still digging through the rubble of a police post and adjacent
prison in Nablus.
One of the apparent targets of the air raid in Nablus, a Hamas commander
being held in the prison by the Palestinian Authority, survived the attack.
Mohammed Abu Hanoud, who has been wanted by the Israelis since 1995, escaped
a previous Israeli attempt to capture him last year. Mr. Abu Hanoud, who was
subsequently convicted by the Palestinians of forming illegal military cells,
is known in the West Bank as "the man with seven lives."
In Netanya, several passersby had noticed the bomber's aberrant appearance
before he blew himself up. They had called the Israeli police, who maintain a
post only 45 meters from the mall. But by the time a police car arrived, the
powerful explosives had shattered the mirrored facade of the shopping
center's entrance, hurling bodies into the air and sending shrapnel flying
through a busy intersection.
A couple of hours later, one of the smallest victims, 5-year-old Sasha
Zagoikin, writhed in agony, screaming for his mother, as he lay alone in Room
8 of the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in the neighboring town of Hadera. His face
had been chewed by shrapnel, his jawbone and clavicle were broken and his
cries were muffled by the oxygen mask over his mouth. His mother, who was
believed to be a Russian immigrant, was downstairs in surgery, and doctors
said that the boy apparently had no other relatives in Israel.
The suicide bomber, a 21-year-old grocery store clerk named Mahmoud Ahmed
Marmash, came from Tulkarm in the West Bank, 16 kilometers (10 miles) east of
Reuters reported that Mr. Marmash, a member of the Islamic militant Hamas
group's military wing, had brought his mother sweets before setting off on
his mission and left a note saying, "Whoever believes that God's religion
will be victorious without holy struggle, without blood, without body parts
is living under an illusion."
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Benjamin
Ben Eliezer, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided to bombard the West Bank
Mr. Sharon made no public statement about the terrorist attacks or Israel's
response. But other officials called the bombing "heinous" and said that
Israel had struck at Palestinian security targets because they held the
Palestinian Authority and its forces responsible for killing Israeli citizens.
Ephraim Sneh, Israel's transportation minister, called on the United States
and the European community to pressure Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader.
"It will continue to escalate if pressure is not exerted on Arafat to take
some measures," Mr. Sneh said. "I think the Americans and the Europeans have
to do something. Now is the time."
Before the Israeli bombardment, a senior adviser to Mr. Arafat assailed the
bombing in Netanya and urged Israel not to respond with retaliatory strikes.
"The Palestinian National Authority condemns operations aimed at civilians
and innocent people, be they Palestinians or Israelis," said Taybe Abdel
Rahim, the adviser. "But stopping this deterioration requires wisdom and does
not need an angry response and more shellings and killings."
By Friday evening, the Sharon shopping mall in Netanya, its exterior badly
damaged, had reopened to allow local residents to go out to the movies. The
mall's multiplex cinema is open on Friday night, despite the Sabbath.
War Crimes Remark Criticized
The United States criticized the International Red Cross on Friday, saying it
was unhelpful that a leader of one of its delegations called Jewish
settlements in the West Bank and Gaza a war crime, Reuters reported from
"We don't think this comment is helpful at this particularly volatile time,"
said Philip Reeker, a State Department deputy spokesman.
Rene Kosirnik, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross
delegation to Israel and the Palestinian territories, said at a news
conference on Thursday the settlements violate international law.
"The transfer, the installation of population of the occupying power into the
occupied territories is considered as an illegal move and qualified as a
'grave breach.' It's a grave breach, formally speaking, but grave breaches
are equal in principle to war crimes," Mr. Kosirnik said.
The settlements are a key element in current diplomatic efforts to bring an
end to Israeli-Palestinian violence.
President George W. Bush condemned the suicide bombing and urged leaders in
the region to speak out against violence.
"Violence will not lead to peace," Bush told reporters at the White House.
"Violence will make it so difficult for there to be any political settlement."
An independent commission of inquiry into the violence of the last eight
months has recommended that Israel suspend work on the settlements. Israel
rejects the recommendation. Blast at Shopping Mall Kills 6; 8 Palestinians
Die in Reprisal

NETANYA, Israel Six Israelis and at least eight Palestinians were killed
Friday as a deadly suicide bombing in this coastal town provoked Israel to
use warplanes against Palestinian targets for the first time in the
eight-month-long uprising.
As a very volatile week drew to a close, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
reached yet another boiling point amid mounting international concern about
containing the escalation.
A terrible Friday began when the suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt
at the main entrance to a crowded shopping mall here, killing five Israelis
and wounding more than 100 people, many of whom were waiting in line to pass
through a security check that was supposed to keep the mall safe.
Then, a sixth Israeli, an army officer, was killed in his car on a road on
the West Bank.
Finally, Israel responded by using F-16 fighter jets to fire missiles at
Palestinian security headquarters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It was the
first time Israel has used warplanes since this phase of the Palestinian
uprising began in September. One Palestinian was killed in Ramallah, and at
least seven in Nablus, according to initial reports, although emergency
workers were still digging through the rubble of a police post and adjacent
prison in Nablus.
One of the apparent targets of the air raid in Nablus, a Hamas commander
being held in the prison by the Palestinian Authority, survived the attack.
Mohammed Abu Hanoud, who has been wanted by the Israelis since 1995, escaped
a previous Israeli attempt to capture him last year. Mr. Abu Hanoud, who was
subsequently convicted by the Palestinians of forming illegal military cells,
is known in the West Bank as "the man with seven lives."
In Netanya, several passersby had noticed the bomber's aberrant appearance
before he blew himself up. They had called the Israeli police, who maintain a
post only 45 meters from the mall. But by the time a police car arrived, the
powerful explosives had shattered the mirrored facade of the shopping
center's entrance, hurling bodies into the air and sending shrapnel flying
through a busy intersection.
A couple of hours later, one of the smallest victims, 5-year-old Sasha
Zagoikin, writhed in agony, screaming for his mother, as he lay alone in Room
8 of the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in the neighboring town of Hadera. His face
had been chewed by shrapnel, his jawbone and clavicle were broken and his
cries were muffled by the oxygen mask over his mouth. His mother, who was
believed to be a Russian immigrant, was downstairs in surgery, and doctors
said that the boy apparently had no other relatives in Israel.
The suicide bomber, a 21-year-old grocery store clerk named Mahmoud Ahmed
Marmash, came from Tulkarm in the West Bank, 16 kilometers (10 miles) east of
Reuters reported that Mr. Marmash, a member of the Islamic militant Hamas
group's military wing, had brought his mother sweets before setting off on
his mission and left a note saying, "Whoever believes that God's religion
will be victorious without holy struggle, without blood, without body parts
is living under an illusion."
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Benjamin
Ben Eliezer, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided to bombard the West Bank
Mr. Sharon made no public statement about the terrorist attacks or Israel's
response. But other officials called the bombing "heinous" and said that
Israel had struck at Palestinian security targets because they held the
Palestinian Authority and its forces responsible for killing Israeli citizens.
Ephraim Sneh, Israel's transportation minister, called on the United States
and the European community to pressure Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader.
"It will continue to escalate if pressure is not exerted on Arafat to take
some measures," Mr. Sneh said. "I think the Americans and the Europeans have
to do something. Now is the time."
Before the Israeli bombardment, a senior adviser to Mr. Arafat assailed the
bombing in Netanya and urged Israel not to respond with retaliatory strikes.
"The Palestinian National Authority condemns operations aimed at civilians
and innocent people, be they Palestinians or Israelis," said Taybe Abdel
Rahim, the adviser. "But stopping this deterioration requires wisdom and does
not need an angry response and more shellings and killings."
By Friday evening, the Sharon shopping mall in Netanya, its exterior badly
damaged, had reopened to allow local residents to go out to the movies. The
mall's multiplex cinema is open on Friday night, despite the Sabbath.
War Crimes Remark Criticized
The United States criticized the International Red Cross on Friday, saying it
was unhelpful that a leader of one of its delegations called Jewish
settlements in the West Bank and Gaza a war crime, Reuters reported from
"We don't think this comment is helpful at this particularly volatile time,"
said Philip Reeker, a State Department deputy spokesman.
Rene Kosirnik, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross
delegation to Israel and the Palestinian territories, said at a news
conference on Thursday the settlements violate international law.
"The transfer, the installation of population of the occupying power into the
occupied territories is considered as an illegal move and qualified as a
'grave breach.' It's a grave breach, formally speaking, but grave breaches
are equal in principle to war crimes," Mr. Kosirnik said.
The settlements are a key element in current diplomatic efforts to bring an
end to Israeli-Palestinian violence.
President George W. Bush condemned the suicide bombing and urged leaders in
the region to speak out against violence.
"Violence will not lead to peace," Bush told reporters at the White House.
"Violence will make it so difficult for there to be any political settlement."
An independent commission of inquiry into the violence of the last eight
months has recommended that Israel suspend work on the settlements. Israel
rejects the recommendation. Blast at Shopping Mall Kills 6; 8 Palestinians
Die in Reprisal

NETANYA, Israel Six Israelis and at least eight Palestinians were killed
Friday as a deadly suicide bombing in this coastal town provoked Israel to
use warplanes against Palestinian targets for the first time in the
eight-month-long uprising.
As a very volatile week drew to a close, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
reached yet another boiling point amid mounting international concern about
containing the escalation.
A terrible Friday began when the suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt
at the main entrance to a crowded shopping mall here, killing five Israelis
and wounding more than 100 people, many of whom were waiting in line to pass
through a security check that was supposed to keep the mall safe.
Then, a sixth Israeli, an army officer, was killed in his car on a road on
the West Bank.
Finally, Israel responded by using F-16 fighter jets to fire missiles at
Palestinian security headquarters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It was the
first time Israel has used warplanes since this phase of the Palestinian
uprising began in September. One Palestinian was killed in Ramallah, and at
least seven in Nablus, according to initial reports, although emergency
workers were still digging through the rubble of a police post and adjacent
prison in Nablus.
One of the apparent targets of the air raid in Nablus, a Hamas commander
being held in the prison by the Palestinian Authority, survived the attack.
Mohammed Abu Hanoud, who has been wanted by the Israelis since 1995, escaped
a previous Israeli attempt to capture him last year. Mr. Abu Hanoud, who was
subsequently convicted by the Palestinians of forming illegal military cells,
is known in the West Bank as "the man with seven lives."
In Netanya, several passersby had noticed the bomber's aberrant appearance
before he blew himself up. They had called the Israeli police, who maintain a
post only 45 meters from the mall. But by the time a police car arrived, the
powerful explosives had shattered the mirrored facade of the shopping
center's entrance, hurling bodies into the air and sending shrapnel flying
through a busy intersection.
A couple of hours later, one of the smallest victims, 5-year-old Sasha
Zagoikin, writhed in agony, screaming for his mother, as he lay alone in Room
8 of the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in the neighboring town of Hadera. His face
had been chewed by shrapnel, his jawbone and clavicle were broken and his
cries were muffled by the oxygen mask over his mouth. His mother, who was
believed to be a Russian immigrant, was downstairs in surgery, and doctors
said that the boy apparently had no other relatives in Israel.
The suicide bomber, a 21-year-old grocery store clerk named Mahmoud Ahmed
Marmash, came from Tulkarm in the West Bank, 16 kilometers (10 miles) east of
Reuters reported that Mr. Marmash, a member of the Islamic militant Hamas
group's military wing, had brought his mother sweets before setting off on
his mission and left a note saying, "Whoever believes that God's religion
will be victorious without holy struggle, without blood, without body parts
is living under an illusion."
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Benjamin
Ben Eliezer, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided to bombard the West Bank
Mr. Sharon made no public statement about the terrorist attacks or Israel's
response. But other officials called the bombing "heinous" and said that
Israel had struck at Palestinian security targets because they held the
Palestinian Authority and its forces responsible for killing Israeli citizens.
Ephraim Sneh, Israel's transportation minister, called on the United States
and the European community to pressure Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader.
"It will continue to escalate if pressure is not exerted on Arafat to take
some measures," Mr. Sneh said. "I think the Americans and the Europeans have
to do something. Now is the time."
Before the Israeli bombardment, a senior adviser to Mr. Arafat assailed the
bombing in Netanya and urged Israel not to respond with retaliatory strikes.
"The Palestinian National Authority condemns operations aimed at civilians
and innocent people, be they Palestinians or Israelis," said Taybe Abdel
Rahim, the adviser. "But stopping this deterioration requires wisdom and does
not need an angry response and more shellings and killings."
By Friday evening, the Sharon shopping mall in Netanya, its exterior badly
damaged, had reopened to allow local residents to go out to the movies. The
mall's multiplex cinema is open on Friday night, despite the Sabbath.
War Crimes Remark Criticized
The United States criticized the International Red Cross on Friday, saying it
was unhelpful that a leader of one of its delegations called Jewish
settlements in the West Bank and Gaza a war crime, Reuters reported from
"We don't think this comment is helpful at this particularly volatile time,"
said Philip Reeker, a State Department deputy spokesman.
Rene Kosirnik, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross
delegation to Israel and the Palestinian territories, said at a news
conference on Thursday the settlements violate international law.
"The transfer, the installation of population of the occupying power into the
occupied territories is considered as an illegal move and qualified as a
'grave breach.' It's a grave breach, formally speaking, but grave breaches
are equal in principle to war crimes," Mr. Kosirnik said.
The settlements are a key element in current diplomatic efforts to bring an
end to Israeli-Palestinian violence.
President George W. Bush condemned the suicide bombing and urged leaders in
the region to speak out against violence.
"Violence will not lead to peace," Bush told reporters at the White House.
"Violence will make it so difficult for there to be any political settlement."
An independent commission of inquiry into the violence of the last eight
months has recommended that Israel suspend work on the settlements. Israel
rejects the recommendation.

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