-Caveat Lector-

Monday, December 30, 2002 Tevet 25, 5763
Israel Time:  04:53  (GMT+2)

Two Palestinian children killed in territories by IDF

By Amos Harel and Arnon Regular

 Cameraman Taner Ziara being led to an ambulance after being hit by an IDF
bullet yesterday in Gaza.
(Photo: AP)

Two Palestinian children were killed by the Israel Defense Forces in the
territories yesterday, an eight-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl.

Also yesterday, a cameraman on assignment for Associated Press Television
News was injured when IDF forces fired warning shots at demonstrators
approaching a checkpoint in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank village of Dura, on the outskirts of Hebron, IDF troops
arrested three Islamic Jihad activists suspected of belonging to the
terrorist cell responsible for the attack on the West Bank settlement of
Otniel on Friday night, which killed four Israelis.

In Gaza, two IDF soldiers were wounded overnight on Saturday by an antitank
rocket fired at the armored vehicle in which they were traveling near
Rafah, on the Israeli-Egyptian border. One of the soldiers suffered
light-to-moderate injuries while the other was lightly wounded. The two
were taken to Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva.

In the West Bank city of Tul Karm, 8-year-old Abdel Karim Salameh was
killed by a shot to the head, according to the director of the town's
hospital, Dr. Ahmed Abu Baker. A second boy, aged 11, was injured by a
rubber-coated steel bullet in the leg, the director said.

Palestinian witnesses had charged that Salameh was killed by a tank shell.

An IDF spokesman said that the soldiers had fired rubber bullets and used
tear gas to disperse stone-throwing youths. Senior IDF officers said there
was no tank fire in the area of the incident.

The nine-year-old girl was killed overnight on Saturday as she stood
outside her home in a refugee camp near Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip.
Military sources said that soldiers had responded to gunfire from the area
of the incident.

AP cameraman Taner Ziara was injured by a ricochet while covering a protest
march by about 150 Palestinians and foreign supporters. The demonstrators
marched toward an IDF military checkpoint to protest restrictions on
Palestinian movement. When the supporters were about 50 meters away from
the checkpoint, soldiers fired to keep the marchers away. According to
Mohammed al-Hawaja, one of the organizers of the march, a ricochet hit
Ziara in the head.

Ziara was taken to nearby Rafah Hospital. Doctors there said the bullet cut
the back of Ziara's head, but that he was in stable condition.

The protest took place at a checkpoint on the outskirts of the Mowasi area,
near the Gush Katif settlement bloc. Mowasi, home to tens of thousands of
Palestinians, has come under especially severe restrictions in the past 27
months of fighting because of its proximity to the settlements. Residents
can pass through checkpoints only with special permits and Mowasi is
off-limits to visitors.

An attempt by a terrorist to infiltrate Kiryat Arba was thwarted by the
West Bank settlement's security patrol overnight on Saturday, Israel Radio
reported. According to the report, the Kiryat Arba security officer saw a
suspicious figure approaching the southern entrance to the security fence
and fired in the air. An exchange of fire ensued and additional security
forces arrived at the scene, but the gunman apparently fled the area.

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