-Caveat Lector-

December 26, 2002
Israeli Troops Kill Seven in Hunt for Militants

Filed at 1:45 p.m. ET

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) -- Israeli troops chasing militants in the West
Bank surrounded homes, a hospital and a downtown square Thursday, killing
five armed Palestinians and two bystanders, while soldiers reoccupied
Bethlehem after withdrawing over Christmas.

The military activity reflected Israel's strategy of seizing the initiative
in its conflict with the Palestinians instead of reacting to Palestinian

But the largest Palestinian death toll in weeks also raised concerns of new
efforts by Palestinian militants -- who have not staged a major terrorist
attack in almost a month -- to retaliate.

An escalation of the 27-month conflict could also have an impact on
Israel's Jan. 28 election. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Likud is ahead in
the polls, but his advantage has been slipping because of a police
investigation of alleged vote-buying in recent internal party elections.

In Bethlehem, Israeli forces imposed a curfew again, forcing residents to
return to their homes after a two-day respite for Christmas. On Christmas
Eve, the Israelis pulled back from the center of town.

On Thursday, two Israeli jeeps drove back through the town, residents said.
Soldiers with loudspeakers declared a curfew and threw tear gas canisters
at people who were celebrating the second day of a Christmas feast, forcing
them indoors. The Israeli military said the curfew was brought back for
security reasons.

Israel's latest occupation of Bethlehem came after a Palestinian suicide
bomber from the town blew himself up on a bus in Jerusalem on Nov. 21,
killing 11 passengers. Israel says it has warnings of other militants
planning attacks originating in Bethlehem.

In clashes Thursday, Israeli soldiers killed five armed Palestinian
fugitives and two bystanders -- a teenager and a traffic policeman.

In Ramallah, soldiers surrounded a hospital and fired at the guard room,
killing an armed guard and arresting three others, Ramallah governor
Mustafa Issa said. The military said soldiers shot a wanted Palestinian who
tried to escape.

Also in Ramallah, where Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has his
headquarters, soldiers in plain clothes tried to arrest a wanted
Palestinian, but he ran, so soldiers shot and killed him, the military
said. Then Palestinians threw rocks at the soldiers, who opened fire,
killing a 19-year-old traffic policeman, Palestinians said.

In Tulkarem, Israeli soldiers killed a local leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs'
Brigades, a militia linked to Arafat's Fatah movement. The military said he
tried to escape.

In the northern West Bank town of Kabatiya, soldiers surrounded the house
of Hamza Abu Roub, a local leader of the militant Islamic Jihad, demanding
that he surrender. He sent out his wife and children and opened fire on the
soldiers, who shot and killed him, then blew up the house. Four soldiers
were wounded.

In Nablus, soldiers searching for a fugitive killed a Palestinian gunman in
an exchange of fire, the military said. Later, after soldiers imposed a
curfew, hundreds of Palestinians protested and threw rocks at soldiers, who
opened fire, killing an 18-year-old and wounding 20 other people,
Palestinians said. The military said Palestinians threw rocks and firebombs
at soldiers.

Meanwhile, in Cairo, the militant group Hamas rejected a proposal to
restart talks with Fatah about stopping suicide bombing attacks against
Israelis. Hamas has claimed responsibility for most of the suicide attacks
against Israelis.

Egypt has hosted talks between the two Palestinian factions and was trying
to arrange another round, but the Hamas representative left Cairo, saying
that focusing the talks on stopping suicide bombing attacks amounted to a

Hamas, which does not accept a Jewish state in the Middle East, has
resisted efforts to declare an end to attacks. Although Arafat has
denounced attacks on civilians, many Palestinians consider soldiers and
Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza as legitimate targets;
Palestinians claim those areas for a state.

A senior Israeli official said Thursday that Israel is building
300-yard-wide buffer zones around some of the Jewish settlements.

The purpose is to make it harder for Palestinian attackers to infiltrate,
said Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for Sharon. ``It's just to ensure that you
have a forward defense deployment so you don't engage the terrorists inside
the compound or inside the village,'' he said.

Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat said the buffer zones are an
attempt to expand settlements and sabotage a U.S.-backed peace plan which
envisions Palestinian statehood by 2005.

``Sharon wants to make sure by 2005 that it will be impossible to create a
Palestinian state because of the settlements,'' Erekat said.

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