-Caveat Lector-

Opinion: It's time to tap clean energy sources

Petroleum is polluting our environment, robbing us of our independence

By Dennis Weaver, Special to the News


The most urgent change we must make, as we move toward sustainability, is in the 
energy we
use to support our economy, which now is fossil fuel.

It is impossible to support an economy that depends on an energy to fuel it that is not
sustainable. Oil cannot be manufactured, we can't grow it. It is not renewable. 
Scientists are
estimating we have a 50-year supply left at the present rate of consumption, maybe 

Petroleum is the largest producer of environmental pollution. The cars and trucks we 
drive and
the coal-fired power plants that generate our electricity produce greenhouse gases 
that are
creating global warming, which many scientists believe to be the most serious threat 
to life on the

Besides endangering our personal health, fossil fuel pollution also increases
the financial burden on us, the taxpayers. We are the ones who foot the bill to
clean up the messes we make by our own thoughtless and destructive

The price for fossil fuels has escalated sharply in recent months. California
consumers particularly have felt the drain on their pocket books. Energy bills
have more than doubled in many places, while numerous communities have
suffered "rolling brown-outs," even though an endless supply of clean energy
shines down on us daily. How long will we continue to ignore the sun's ability
to furnish us our energy needs?

The situation in California would be quite different if, 30 years ago, its
leaders had seen the wisdom and necessity to shift to a clean, inexhaustible
energy source to fuel its economy and had the political courage to do it.

Will we learn from this adversity? A relatively small portion of the Mojave
Desert, put aside for photovoltaics, could produce enough electricity to
satisfy all of California's energy needs, and then some. It could sell to other
areas that have energy shortages rather than having to spend more than
$300 million a day buying from those who have an abundance.

It is only prudent to tap into solar/hydrogen power now, rather than continuing
to build more dirty coal-fired power plants and drill for oil anywhere we might
possibly find it -- even if we destroy great portions of our most beautiful
wildernesses in the process. Solar/hydrogen is capable of freeing us from
our dependency on foreign oil. There is no reason to be held hostage
because we rely on an energy source outside of our national borders.

America must stop polluting itself by fueling vehicles with gasoline. Bush's
new energy program doesn't deal adequately with the awful damage to our
air and health that gasoline is doing.

I urge President Bush to form a new special commission to plan the
conversion to hydrogen. Hydrogen does not poison the air, and it is an
everlasting supply. His special commission should consist of the most
credible visionaries in business, the environmental movement, politics and
the scientific community -- to design an energy policy that is truly sustainable
and healthy. Nothing is more important for our children.

The crisis in California can become a great opportunity. The political climate
is perfect to begin to make the shift to a clean, renewable energy to provide
our needs. But it won't happen unless people demand it.

As Gandhi said, "When people lead, leaders will follow." The time is now.
The situation in California is a wake-up call for all America. Let's answer it.

Actor/environmentalist Dennis Weaver is a part-time resident of Ridgway,
Colo. He is president of The Institute of Ecolonomics, which encourages
businesses to profit while cleaning up the environment. He can be reached
via e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

July 28, 2001

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