-Caveat Lector-

Will someone please post the urls for the information about John
Denver?  I have lost them and considering he was a more important part
of the continuing movement that started in the 60's or earlier than
Kennedy was, I am following that up.  I found a tape "John Denver A
Portrait" (c) 1994 by Windstar Records Produc

It does not have some of the best clips in it, but as the theme Ended up
being a bit eye opening.  Wonder how much his dad knew (his dad was a
Air Force Test pilot) and how much he talked to his son?

I am also curious about Willie Nelson.  Why did the IRS go after him
right after he started Farm Aid?  I still think the small farmer is
suppose to sink - anyone have any more information on the Meat Buyers
not having to release figures on how much they pay for meat?

Thank You
aka The Pied Piper

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