-Caveat Lector-

John W. Magaw was appointed to head BATF in 1993.
Check out the interesting chain of title described on the attack helicopters
that the BATF "Air Force" collected in 1994.

Magaw is now with FEMA, where "he will plan and coordinate FEMA's domestic
terrorism efforts."  http://www.fema.gov/nwz99/99346.htm

don'cha just wonder what sort of terrorism efforts they've got in the
planning stages.....  ?
Sumthin' to do with FBI's Megiddo report mebbe...

Could be he'll be helping organize the FEMA air force?

Dave Hartley

excerpt from
The proliferation of BATF squads whose names imply violence continues:
Tactical Response Teams, High-Risk Warrant Teams, Forced Entry Teams, Entry
Control Teams, and Special Response Teams (SRTs). In fiscal years 1993
through 1995, the SRTs were used 523 times, carrying out a dynamic entry in
about half of the 157 SRT utilizations in 1995.[131]

BATF continues to recruit the SRTs, in the words of one ex-BATF agent,
"hand-picking these superhormone guys."[132] As Jim Jorgenson, of the
National Association of Treasury Agents points out, this means that SRTs are
composed of people who may run 300 yards and shoot better than anyone else,
but who lack the maturity and judgment to think where they are running.[133]
Absolute discipline and adherence to orders may be virtues in the military,
but not in civilian law enforcement. Perhaps if the three SRTs that were
used in the Waco raid included a larger share of older, slower, and wiser
agents, someone would have spoken up when the raid commanders yelled "He
knows we're coming" and "Let's go." Rank-and-file defiance of the order to
launch a surprise attack with no element of surprise would have saved the
lives of the four BATF agents, and of the Branch Davidians.(p.648)

BATF has stepped up the training of its field commanders in military
tactics, under the supervision of the Army.[134] In 1994, the Army's Joint
Task Force Six oversaw BATF training in the use of Bradley Infantry Fighting
Vehicles, including the 25mm machine guns on the BFVs. This training was
necessitated by BATF planning to use BFVs in future operations such as Waco,
to avoid government casualties.[135]

In 1994, BATF acquired three OV-10 light attack aircraft, a type of plane
used in the Gulf War and for counter-insurgency, which is commonly equipped
with rockets, although machine guns and chain guns can also be attached.
Twenty-two such planes had been acquired in 1993.[136] None of the planes
were registered to BATF, but at least seven are registered to American
Warbirds in Maryland. No company named "American Warbirds" has ever acquired
a license to do business in Maryland, and thus, to the extent that American
Warbirds actually exists, its operations are a criminal misdemeanor.[137]
Aircraft title records indicate that American Warbirds acquired the planes
from Mid-Air Salvage, a company with a New Jersey address, but which (like
American War Birds) does not exist in the Federal Aviation Administration
database. Mid-Air acquired the planes from the federal government's General
Services Administration.[138] It is not clear why the transfer of aircraft
from the military to the BATF needed to be laundered through two civilian
According to BATF Director John W. Magaw, the BATF's OV-10 aircraft have
their weapons removed. Mr. Magaw describes the OV-10's capabilities as
"reconnaissance" and "command and control and insertion of troops." [140] He
states that the forward-looking infrared system on the OV-10, which can be
used to identify objects at night or under poor visibility conditions, will
be used "to enhance the safety of ATF special agents and other law
enforcement officers working to combat firearms trafficking and other
violent street crime." [141] In 1996, Congress defunded the BATF air force.

More news is leaking out about the ATF air force. (old post.)

Very disturbing details about the 22 OV-10  "Bronco" counter insurgency
aircraft have been exposed by SOF magazine in their September 95 issue.

Some interesting highlights are:

There are (by the ATF's admission) 12 operational OV-10d's and another
10 for spare parts.

2 aircraft, tail numbers N471AW and N475AW  received mechanical and paint
work in late June in Shawnee Oklahoma... another with a similar paint
scheme with tail number N439AW was inspected in Nashville, Tennessee.
Others are believed to based in Houston, California, and Washington DC.

FAA registry reveals that the tail numbers are registered to a company
called "American Warbirds Inc." of 5-1 Metropolitan Court, Gaithersburg,
Maryland.  The address is located in suburban Washington DC, at the
dead end of an industrial park cul-de-sac and not located near an airport.

American Warbirds has no phone number listed with directory assistance
and a Gaithersburg airport spokesman had never heard of the company.

It is not incorporated in Maryland, Delaware, or the District of
Columbia.... nor has it filed the required paperwork to legally do
business in Maryland.

Tail numbers N471AW through N477AW are assigned to American Warbirds
and all are OV-10d's.

If the 7 of the above aircraft are operational, where are the other 5?

An OV-10 has been seen in Nashville Tennessee with the tail number
N439AW, local aviation sources identified it as a BATF aircraft.

A check with the FAA registry indicates this number is NOT assigned.


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