-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.thedailyenron.com/documents/20021018090236-48993.asp

Judge Orders Release of Documents
Hidden at Presidential Sites

Mind Your Business, Part 10
They continue to hide relevant documents. They snub their noses at legal mandates to
comply. They repeatedly obstruct attempts to verify their claims. Who? Iraq? No - the 
administration. Yesterday US District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ran out of patience.

Judge Sullivan once again ordered the Bush White House to turn over documents that
chronicle Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force meetings last year. The
administration has been sued several times over the documents - including one case
brought by its own General Accounting Office. Federal judges in those other cases have
ordered the Energy Department to turn over thousands of pages of many key documents
relating to Cheney's meetings with energy firms - including Enron - that were spirited 
off to
the White House for safekeeping.

Yesterday's hearing was especially contentious and was marked by several sharp
exchanges between Sullivan and Shannen W. Coffin, the Justice Department attorney
handling the case for the White House.

Coffin has refused to produce the documents being sought by plaintiffs, the Sierra 
Club and
Judicial Watch, stating that having to do so "would impose upon the executive
unconstitutional burdens." But, Coffin did not specify precisely what would be
unconstitutional, and he specifically did not declare the documents were "privileged."

A clearly infuriated Judge Sullivan told Coffin he could not have it both ways. "You 
have to
produce the non-privileged documents and assert the [executive] privilege for those 
are," he told Coffin. "You refuse to assert the privilege and won't respond to court 

Coffin countered by contending that the document request would place an "undue
interference" on executive branch operations, and that "the consideration of undue
interference requires special treatment by this court in this context."

Sullivan wasn't buying it. He set a November 5 deadline for the White House to either 
up the documents or return to the court with a formal declaration of executive 

That's when things got really interesting.

As the judge was preparing to adjourn the hearing, Coffin asked for an extension. The
reason, he said, was that they could not determine what documents might or might not be
privileged since they had not inspected them yet. Judge Sullivan hit the roof.

"That is a startling revelation!" the judge said twice. "How can you be asserting this 
privileged information if you haven't looked at it?"

"We haven't completed the review," Coffin said. "We've done enough to know our
arguments" are correct, he said.

"How could you misspeak on something as significant as that?" Sullivan shouted back.

Now Judge Sullivan knows what it's like to be a weapons inspector in Iraq.

First Energy, Now Food?
When a politician takes a lot of money from a special interest group it can sometimes
impair their reflexes. They move slowly, when they should move fast. That's exactly 
happened this week when thousands of consumers were exposed to potentially deadly food

On October 2, federal food inspectors were led to a New Jersey processing plant after 
people died and dozens were sickened after eating cold meats packed by the plant. Tests
turned up deadly listeria bacteria in meats processed at the plant - and food shipped

Pilgrim's Pride announced a voluntary recall of 27 million pounds of turkey and chicken
products after tests found listeria in drains at their plant.

But wait, where was the USDA? Moving slow. Real slow. You see, Pilgrim's Pride, as 
part of
the poultry and food processing industry, have been large GOP contributors (82% of
donations to the GOP, 18% to Dems) They like the regulation-lite policies of 
Candidate George W. Bush was provided with rides on Pilgrim's corporate jets at least 
times during his campaign for president.

Apparently not wanting to upset their friends in the meat processing business, the Bush
administration didn't make a big deal out of this little listeria outbreak. Since 
Pilgrim's Pride
had agreed to a voluntary recall, why make a federal case out it? Right?

Well, how about school kids? Might that be a good reason to make a big deal out of it?
Apparently not good enough for the Bush administration. It seems in trying hard to be
discreet about all this unpleasantness, the USDA failed to warn schools that it had
purchased and shipped to them nearly 2 million pounds of the ready-to-eat lunchmeats in
question under the federal lunch program.

That was not done until Sunday, October 13, eleven days after the outbreak was 

"Isn't it amazing that they didn't look for that (in schools) before now?" said Donna
Rosenbaum, spokeswoman for the advocacy group, Safe Tables Our Priority (S.T.O.P.). "I
find it unconscionable that they would not jump on that immediately after issuing the

S.T.O.P. said the situation was a national emergency and should have been treated as 
by the administration. They point out that more than 20 people, including three 
women, have died in the past few weeks from this and other listeria outbreaks in the US
and that over 120 others have suffered serious illnesses. And those are just the cases
reported to hospitals. Many others simply suffered through the painful aftermath of 
potentially life-threatening bacterium at home.

“People are dying of preventable diseases. We demand the administration take immediate
steps to protect the American people,” stated Rosenbaum, co-founder of S.T.O.P.

Even the specter of news footage of elementary school kids being rushed from 
cafeterias to
emergency rooms apparently cannot trump campaign contributions. Rather than tighten
controls, the Bush administration has actually loosened them. Under the new policy the
USDA no longer closes meat factories that fail salmonella tests. Instead it just sends 
of reprimand. When that does not work, they simply stop testing them.

Just this past July, Agriculture Secretary Ann Venamen issued a directive telling her
inspectors to hold off on new tests when plants twice fail salmonella tests and not to 
them until the plant is capable of passing inspection. Even if the plant subsequently 
fails the
test the only penalty is another nasty letter from the USDA.

So, the next time you or your kids feel a little queasy after lunch, you'll know whom 

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