-Caveat Lector-


> August 21, 1999
> Theater of the Absurd in Kosovo
> by Gary Dempsey
> Gary Dempsey is a foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute.
> As NATO's occupation of Kosovo enters its second month, one thing has become
> painfully clear: NATO and the Clinton administration are willing to go to absurd
> lengths to deny that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is taking over Kosovo and
> laying the foundation for a Greater Albania. When the KLA missed NATO's deadline
> for turning in its heavy weapons, for instance, NATO's top man in Kosovo, Gen.
> Michael Jackson, insisted that the KLA was not defying NATO. Rather, he claimed
> the guerrillas were so diligently accounting for all their weapons that they
> were being delayed. "I do not regard this as non-compliance," said Jackson, "but
> rather as an indication of the seriousness with which [the KLA]... is taking
> this important issue." As of yet, the KLA hasn't turned in all its heavy
> weapons, and on the day NATO's deadline expired, German soldiers stumbled upon a
> secret cache of 10 tons of ammunition--probably a mere fraction of what the KLA
> has hidden away.
> Even more alarming, the KLA has taken sweeping political control of Kosovo,
> establishing a network of self-appointed ministries and local councils, seizing
> businesses and apartments, and collecting taxes and customs payments. Moreover,
> each day brings new reports of KLA atrocities against Serb civilians--the
> drowning murder of a fully clothed, 78-year-old Serb woman in her own bathtub,
> made the front page of the Washington Post. Meanwhile, Lt. Cmdr. Louis Garneau,
> NATO's spokesman in Kosovo, conveniently announced, "We don't keep statistics on
> civilian deaths" under NATO's watch.
> We now know, however, that in the first seven weeks of NATO's occupation there
> were 198 confirmed homicides, 573 confirmed arson attacks, and 840 confirmed
> incidents of looting. More than 40 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries
> have been destroyed or damaged, and 200 Serb civilians have been kidnapped.
> According to Human Rights Watch, more than 80 percent of the Serbs in Kosovo
> have left or been driven out. Most of the kidnappings and murders, adds the
> rights group, have been committed by members of the KLA, who believe NATO has
> given them expansive reign.
> State Department spokesman James Rubin, however, insists that "there is no
> evidence of KLA involvement" in the outrages against Serb civilians. Rather,
> claims Rubin, there are rogue elements at work, not an organized ethnic
> cleansing campaign administered by the KLA leadership. Ironically, this is the
> same excuse Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic gave for the ethnic cleansing
> committed by Serb paramilitaries in Bosnia. The truth of the matter, however, is
> that ethnic cleansing need not be systematic, merely tolerated in limited cases.
> Throw a rock at one bird on a wire, and all the birds on the wire will take
> flight, goes an old Balkan saying. The KLA's take on the continuing ethnic
> violence is even more absurd.
> While paying lip-service to peace and harmony in front of the international
> press corps and Western diplomats, Hashim "Snake" Thaci, the KLA's self-declared
> prime minister of Kosovo, has scoffed, "There might be some people who are armed
> who aren't under KLA control... but there might be some people in KFOR [NATO's
> Kosovo Force] who aren't under General Jackson's control." Nonsense. NATO troops
> are not disobeying Jackson's orders, let alone killing civilians, burning down
> houses, and looting stores. The United Nations says it is now moving into Kosovo
> to help deal with the ethnic violence, and the UN's chief administrator, Bernard
> Kouchner, says he wants to pull the KLA into the exercise of power, offering it
> a share of executive responsibility. Other Western officials want the KLA to
> form the core of Kosovo's police force. What is likely to happen is more theater
> of the absurd, as the KLA's control is institutionalized while the charade that
> the KLA is not in control is perpetuated.
> In the meantime, NATO commanders find themselves not with a peacekeeping policy
> in Kosovo, but a KLA management policy. That was entirely predictable. "When we
> entered Kosovo there was still fighting going on and without a doubt the KLA had
> seen NATO and the air campaign as all part of what they were doing," concedes
> NATO's Gen. Jackson, "But time's moved on." It certainly has. NATO served as the
> KLA's unwitting errand boy, which was the KLA's aim all along, and now the KLA
> is advancing on to its next goals: ruling over Kosovo and pursuing a Greater
> Albania. Both those goals, of course, contradict NATO's calls for the creation
> of a multi-ethnic democracy in Kosovo and could bring NATO peacekeepers and the
> KLA into direct conflict. They also bode ill for Balkan stability--an ostensible
> goal of NATO's occupation in the first place.
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