Sunday, August 27, 2000

  Kosovo death toll
  as KFOR finds more

  By Gregory Piatt
  Stars and Stripes

   PODUJEVO, Kosovo — Graves are still
  being unearthed by investigators, scientists
  and forensic experts sent to put the puzzle
  together of how many people were killed
  during last year’s ethnic cleansing of

   Perhaps thousands of corpses remain in
  graves scattered around the Yugoslav
  province. Still others were reportedly
  cremated in haste or carted back to Serbia
  before the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping
  troops entered Kosovo.

   War crimes investigators and forensic
  experts, who delicately strip inches of soil
  from these graves with backhoes and garden
  tools, may never find every body, but are
  putting together evidence for war crimes

   “It’s physically and emotionally
  demanding work,” said Billy Fulton, the
  crime scene coordinator for the British
  forensic team working on behalf of the
  tribunal  here. “Quite often we work in view
  of the relatives.”

   Since forensic experts started last year,
  they have found nearly 3,000 bodies in mass
  graves, down wells and in shallow ponds.

   On Thursday, Fulton’s forensic team
  unearthed eight bodies in the Podujevo
  Cemetery as relatives watched. The seven
  Muslim men and one woman whose
  remains were exhumed allegedly were
  killed during last year’s ethnic cleansing

   Scientists are investigating the sites for the
  International Criminal Tribunal for the
  Former Yugoslavia. With only a few months
  before the ground freezes and their work
  halts until spring, they expect the body
  count to grow.

   This year, forensic teams have examined
  200 grave sites, found 700 bodies and know
  of at least 400 more sites, said Paul Risley,
  spokesman for the tribunal’s prosecutor,
  Carla del Ponte.

   “Every week KFOR reports more grave
  sites,” Risley said in a telephone interview
  last week.

   Many of those found are ethnic Albanians,
  who allegedly were killed by the Yugoslav
  Army or Serbian paramilitaries. But the
  tribunal is also investigating grave sites
  where Serbs may have been killed by the
  Kosovo Liberation Army, the disbanded
  guerrilla group that fought against the Serbs
  for independence.

   So far, the tribunal has publicly indicted
  Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic,
  Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Nikola
  Sainovic, Yugoslav Interior Minister Vlajko
  Siejiljkovic, former Yugoslav Army chief of
  staff Ojdanic Dragoljub and Serb President
  Milan Milatinovic on war crimes charges for
  last year’s ethnic cleansing.

   As for the KLA, the tribunal is still
  investigating what part the guerrilla
  organization had in the deaths of Serbs. So
  far, no indictments have been issued. But
  del Ponte has said the tribunal’s
  investigation is focusing on the KLA’s top

   North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  Secretary-General Lord George Robertson
  said recently that when the indictments are
  completed, alliance troops will arrest
  wanted war criminals inside Kosovo.

   Graham Blewitt, deputy prosecutor at The
  Hague Tribunal, said recently he expects the
  final toll of confirmed killings to be between
  4,000 and 5,000 bodies.

   NATO officials, notably former Supreme
  Allied Commander Europe Gen. Wesley K.
  Clark, put the figure of ethnic Albanians
  killed by the Serbs at 10,000 after NATO
  peacekeeping troops entered the Yugoslav
  province. During last year’s Yugoslav
  bombing campaign and the refugee crisis
  that ensued, U.S. Secretary of Defense
  William Cohen said the number could be as
  high as 100,000 dead.

   Since then, NATO has been accused of
  exaggerating the number of killings as part
  of a propaganda campaign to justify the 78
  days it bombed Yugoslavia.

   As for the fluctuating numbers during the
  bombing campaign, KFOR spokesman U.S.
  Army Maj. Scott Slaten said there was no
  way NATO knew what was going on in
  Kosovo during the bombing. Many people
  were reported missing and were found alive
  later, Slaten said.

   “We were bound and determined to keep
  the mass killings that happened in Bosnia
  [and Herzegovina] from happening in
  Kosovo,” Slaten said. “Whether the final
  number comes out to 3,000 or 7,000, there are
  still graves.”

   When the tribunal started its exhumations,
  Risley said, it put the final figure of those
  possibly dead at 11,000 because that was
  how many people are reported missing. But,
  he added, many bodies probably were
  burned or taken back into Serbia for

   “There will be no way to find all the
  people killed,” he said.

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