-Caveat Lector-

Charles Krauthammer on Pat Buchanan: "So off to dance with Ross Perot - and
to lunch with Lenora Fulani, self-described (former?) 'militant black
nationalist ... Marxist and social therapist,' now a power in the Reform
Party. Buchanan's association with Fulani, once head of the 'black-led,
woman-led, multiracial and pro-gay' New Alliance Party, is beyond parody.
Fulani is so far out on the loony left that she once called Michael Dukakis
a 'white supremacist candidate.' (She ought to read Pat's columns.)"
Philadelphia Inquirer, September 27, 1999
In seeking Reform Party backing, Buchanan shows what a hypocrite he really
The line on Pat Buchanan has always been this: He might be slightly cracked,
but at least he is principled: He knows what he believes and says it without
fear or equivocation.
After Buchanan's performance auditioning for the Reform Party presidential
nomination, however, it is clear that his reputation for principle is an
elaborate fraud.
For example: In a column last November headlined "The Dispossession Of
Christian Americans," Buchanan is agitated about figures showing that half
of Harvard students are Asian or Jewish. He decries "a Harvard student body
where non-Jewish whites - 75 percent of the U.S. population - get just 25
percent of the slots. Talk about underrepresentation! Now we know who really
gets the shaft at Harvard - white Christians."
This is, of course, cracked. (The implication that Asians and Jews have had
50 percent of the spots set aside for them to the exclusion of white ethnics
is nutty.) But when he thunders that "a liberal elite is salving its social
conscience by robbing America's white middle class of its birthright, and
handing it over to minorities," he at least seems full of passionate
So when Gloria Borger asked him about this on Face the Nation - "You wrote
in that column that they [Ivy League colleges] should 'look more like
America,' as you put it, by reserving 75 percent of their slots for, quote,
'non-Jewish whites' " - we might have expected a rigorous defense.
Instead, Buchanan first tried denial. "Oh, I don't think I wrote that."
When Borger shot back, "You did write that. I'm quoting," Buchanan took a
dive, protesting now that he'd been speaking "tongue in cheek."
Tongue in cheek? Buchanan wrote not one but two columns denouncing the Ivy
League for "denying its first-class tickets to the upper crust of society"
to "Euro-Americans." There is not a hint of irony in either piece. Moreover,
the second (Jan. 1, 1999) refers explicitly to the fuss kicked up by the
first (Nov. 27, 1998): "When I suggested that it might be time for
Euro-Americans to demand affirmative action, the usual suspects answered
with the usual invective." The second column is the time to reveal it was
all in jest, no?
No. If anything, Buchanan laid it on thicker in the follow-up, declaring
that "This social and moral injustice needs airing."  And, by God, airing
injustice is what Pat does. Right? Right. Until he's called on it on
national TV. Then he goes impish and squishy and claims that he is an
Pat Buchanan is a lot of things. But ironist he is not.
He is, for starters, a both-sides-of-the-mouth politician. His technique is
to convey raw prejudice to his followers, who understand his code, then go
on respectable media, smile and pretend he never meant it. His trademark is
the wink. The wink is interpreted by his friends in mainstream media as "I'm
fooling the mob." It is understood by the mob as "I'm fooling the
An ironist he is not. But a hypocrite he is. He savages the Republican Party
for being insufficiently committed to the unborn, then gets ready to defect
to a party that is entirely and publicly indifferent to abortion - and, to
boot, to the other great social issues Buchanan claims are so near his
bosom, such as gay rights.
Howard Phillips' Constitution Party shares not just Buchanan's foreign and
economic policies but his views on abortion, religion and the rest. Why then
is Buchanan courting the Reform Party? Because the Constitution Party is not
up for $13 million in free federal money.
So off to dance with Ross Perot - and to lunch with Lenora Fulani,
self-described (former?) "militant black nationalist ... Marxist and social
therapist," now a power in the Reform Party. Buchanan's association with
Fulani, once head of the "black-led, woman-led, multiracial and pro-gay" New
Alliance Party, is beyond parody. Fulani is so far out on the loony left
that she once called Michael Dukakis a "white supremacist candidate." (She
ought to read Pat's columns.)
In April 1987, she went to Libya to join a rally marking the first
anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Libya. That bombing was the work of
Ronald Reagan, Buchanan's hero and boss. Pat was White House director of
communications at the time of the attack. Fulani called it a "terrorist
And we thought that red-brown alliances were a specialty of the Russians.
Who knows? Maybe Buchanan now thinks the bombing was a big mistake. Or just
tongue in cheek.
Charles Krauthammer is a syndicated columnist.                   <<...>>

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