Sender's Note - "... the Fabian Society is a cabal of world leaders intent
on taking over the global economy."

The Patriot
Mel Gibson.

by Neil Norman

Perhaps it's because he's an honorary Australian. Or maybe it's just that he
is a Hollywood film star, but the small but perfectly formed Mel Gibson
seems to have it in for the English in a big way.

 In for another round: Mel Gibson comes back for a second crack at the

 Not content with allying himself with the hairy-kneed porridge-munchers in
a ludicrous travesty of British history with Braveheart, Mad Mel is now
having another bash at the English with his historical epic, The Patriot, in
which Gibson stars as Benjamin Martin, a colonial militiaman in the American
War of Independence whose guerrilla exploits against the Redcoats in the
swamps of the Carolinas earned him the sobriquet the Swamp Fox.

Judging by the reaction so far to the film, which opens in the US on 28
June, the English are not only in for a thorough pasting from Mel and his
band of motley guerrillas but also a comprehensive character assassination.
To a man, the dastardly English are depicted as heartless toffs and
machiavels, war criminals and child-killers. As Jason Isaacs, who plays the
British baddie, Col William Tavington, remarked recently: "I'm Satan in this
film. I'm a nasty, evil British officer and Mel comes after me like a
warrior possessed."

But possessed of what, exactly? Certainly not intelligent objectivity and
partiality. What with traducing the historical facts (as far as we know
them) into the colour of money and anti-English sentiment for Braveheart,
Gibson's latest venture looks increasingly as if he has an agenda above and
beyond the $25 million paycheck he allegedly received for The Patriot. It's
a long way and a lot of dollars in the bank since Gallipoli, in which Gibson
played an Australian athlete who joined the Anzacs in the First World War
only to be sent to certain death by - you guessed it - incompetent English
officers. It is entirely possible that Gibson, who was born in Peerskill,
New York and did not arrive in Australia until the age of 12, has bought
into the Australian legacy of English-hating - an atavistic resentment
against the policy of transportation of convicts; then again, Gibson, who is
a devout Catholic, possibly subscribes to a headily romantic view of Celtic
republicanism that finds merit in the perennial resistance of the underdog
nations (Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall) against their merciless oppressor,
England. Or maybe he is just getting his own back against English critics
who have failed to take him seriously enough. Then again, to pursue an
anti-English agenda in Hollywood is a crowd-pleasing tactic and a cheap way
of earning the plaudits (and bucks) of the home team. As every Hollywood
casting agent knows, the devil speaks with an English accent. The fact that
he didn't actually direct The Patriot (as he did Braveheart) matters not a
jot; his involvement legitimizes the enterprise and indicates an endorsement
of the film's warped sentiments. Once director Roland Emmerich got involved
as director (formerly of Godzilla and all points SFX blockbuster) it was
clear that historical accuracy was never going be high on the agenda. With
Gibson on board the primary aim for the movie was big box-office success.
Therefore, it was necessary to rewrite the "hero" - the real-life Francis
Marion, a thoroughly unpleasant dude who was, basically, a terrorist - to a
level of palatability that is more appropriate for the wholesome Mr Gibson.

A devout traditional Catholic with seven children by his wife Robyn Moore to
prove it, Gibson's inclination is towards the more reactionary political
sentiment. To wit, he has pronounced against abortion, has said he would
encourage his own children to take up weapons in self-defence and believes
that the Fabian Society is a cabal of world leaders intent on taking over
the global economy.

The man appears confused. Now we find him whitewashing the character of
Francis Marion who, according to a recent article in the Daily Express, had
a reputation as a racist who hunted Indians for sport and regularly raped
his female slaves. According to Christopher Hibbert, a British expert on the
American Revolution, Marion "was a wily and elusive character, very active
in the persecution of Cherokee Indians and not at all the sort of chap who
should be celebrated as a hero. ... The truth is that people like
Marion committed atrocities as bad if not worse than those perpetrated by
the British."

Given his penchant for conspiracy theories (he even appeared in a film of
that title as a paranoid taxi driver), Gibson may not be the most reliable
ambassador for the "special relationship" that purportedly exists between
England and America. But as to why he seems to have such a chip on his
shoulder about the English, I am at a loss. Perhaps when you've had as many
demons of your own as Gibson - including a heavy alcohol habit - one feels
the need to demonise some exterior source - to exorcise your demon into
another vessel, so to speak. It seems as if the English just happened to be
passing at the time.

My 'Sympathy' goes out to Mel.


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