(This is a classic example of PR, spin control, and disinformation form a
former world power. Russia is a toothless fairy, run by a CIA-annointed
leader. Putin needs to be punished. --SW)

Lack of deep-sea divers left Russia with 'no chance of successful rescue'

The Russian rescue operation to save crew trapped in the Kursk
submarine was doomed from the start because the navy did not have a
deep-sea diving team, it has been disclosed.

Even though the Russian public had been led to believe Moscow tried in
good faith to save the men, it was already angry it took President Vladimir
Putin four days to call for foreign help.

Now it is clear all Russian attempts to save the crew were futile. The Bester
mini-sub sent down to examine the Kursk could never have locked its
"skirt" on to the submarine without divers to guide it by hand.

The Soviet Union had teams of deep-sea navy divers trained in underwater
rescue, but the cash-strapped Russian Navy was unable to keep them and
they were disbanded.

Russian submariners are now publicly denouncing the authorities. "Without
divers it is impossible to save the sailors, who were suffocating in their
grave, and everything that's been going in the Barents Sea is pure fiction,"
Mr Yuri Filchenkov, a former navy diver who has worked on oil rigs, told the
newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

He said he rang the navy several times to offer his experience as a diver
when he learned of the sinking.

Another Russian submariner said: "Without divers, the submersible would
have been banging its head on the side like a blind kitten."

The crew's families were given false hope because early Russian press
reports talked of a diving bell going down to the submarine. But if this
confusion was caused by Russian journalists, the naval authorities never
put them right.

"From the press and TV reports in the first days we concluded that
everything was going according to the usual practice in disasters at such
depths," said Mr Igor Kozyr, a retired navy captain from the St Petersburg
Submariners Club.

"To start with, divers go down with a bell, determine the character of the
damage, make a general assessment, and then a decision is taken how to
conduct the rescue.

"But from the latest announcements it seems that the Norwegians are the
first divers to reach the submarine and our people tried to dock their
capsule without divers. We are stunned."

According to Mr Filchenkov, the Northern Fleet - to which the Kursk
belonged - had a proper rescue service 15 years ago. It had three rescue
ships with equipment including diving bells. The bells, which act like lifts,
are pulled up and down by a mother ship with the divers inside them.

"The fact that the Kursk was lying more than 100 metres under the surface
was no problem in those days," Mr Filchenkov said. "We have lifted sunken
ships up from 200 metres."

What is not clear from the latest disclosures is whether Mr Putin was
properly informed about the navy's problems. If he was also deceived by
the admirals when they claimed their equipment was up to the task, naval
heads may roll when the full inquest into the tragedy is conducted.

The Guardian
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