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Language <http://www.freedomdomain.com/language.html>

 Probably one of the greatest, but least suspected (and least taken seriously)
conspiracy is the Language Conspiracy. This is the conspiracy to keep different
people of different cultures in all parts of the world from communicating with each
other easily and efficiently. It is enough just to get someone to listen, but if he
or she speaks a different language, then, unless you know that language, good luck.

    Language can seem like a large and vast abyss of knowledge that only the well
studied and educated can understand and transmute. At least, it has seemed like this
to me for a number of years and I look at things as generally very easy to learn. (If
someone else can comprehend it, than so can I). At least it is good to have that
attitude. It makes learning alot easier.

    If most people knew the origins of the words they were using then they would know
the true meaning of those words as well. Some words would then appear to have no real
meaning at all and some would take on greater meaning than they previously had.

    All life can be viewed however you choose. But, to some people there are little
suddleties that raise the eyebrow. That make one suspicious that maybe there is more
to things that we take for granted than we first observe or suspect. Several books
have been written that delve into the meaning of certain words and make me personally
very suspicious that there is more to words and language than we have been led to
know. Not only have we not learned this material in life, but it has been
deliberately kept from people since the dark ages. Remember, not everyone could even
read 600-700 years ago.

    One of the best books and the one that introduced me to the language concept is
John Allegro's "Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" first published in 1970. This book
proves absolutely, that the words we use in English had different meanings altogether
in other languages. So does this mean that the original meanings of words that were
translated from such books as the "Bible" really meant something else entirely? YOU
BET!  That means that what we perceive about what was said in the "Bible" and other
ancient works is really 'wrong' and a false belief, isn't it?

    Strange as it may seem, nobody talks about this. I wonder why? Maybe, it is
because it is very important to know about and nobody wants you to know. Paranoid
sounding, isn't it? Read on and form your own opinion.

    Some of the most important things pointed out in the following books and
documentation are the fact that the "Axe" represented "God" to the ancient People.
That "Mushrooms" were a major contribution to religion and that the Rod of Mercury
(or the Cadaceus or Medical Symbol) was of utmost importance. Also, the fact that
there were many Gods and all of them were human priests living on the high mountains
of several Islands scattered throughout the world. (This is the essence of the
Trilogy "Priesthood of the Ill's".

    Warning !! Will Rogers!! Danger!! Danger!! This could very well be the most
devastating and important section of all learning and study. Be advised, once you
know the meaning of words, you cannot be ignorant of the true meaning of words, and
therefore original concepts of the ancient people. Once you understand the way they
thought about things, this may radically alter your entire belief system. (I don't
know exactly why, but it seems to work out that way)

    Special thanks to Jordan Maxwell, probably the greatest researcher and dedicated
Freedom & Truth activist the world has ever known. Special thanks to you, Jordan, for
your tireless effort. (Incidently, Jordon turned me on to some of the books mentioned
here. Namely "Priesthood of the Ill's" which comprises 3, get that, 3 books (just a
jab here) titled, "The Axe was God", "The Rod Was Mercury" and "Thirty-Thousand Gods
before Jehovah", all authored by the same person.) I think these books were
originally published in the 1930's or 40's. The premise of these books, which must be
taken into consideration when reading this section, is that there was a worldwide
"PRIESTHOOD" that existed before the dawn of Christianity and it was these
"Thirty-thousand" or so HIGH Priests which ruled the world from the hilltops among
scattered Islands and mainlands. They possessed maps which allowed them to send
pirate crews of Lower Priests through the seas to the different lands to convince the
people of the "Reality" of the various Gods which ruled the people. Very Much like
"Zardoz". These Gods and lower priests alone knew the different languages and taught
each of them to the different peoples. No one area of people were allowed to know the
language of the other tribes or groups of people. The Gate which one could not pass
was where one would be severely punished if trespassed. This kept the people from
sharing information and figuring out what was really going on. This was also the
"Garden of Eden" where the gods presided. Only the "Gods" knew of the powers of
"Fire" and gunpowder and could cause great disturbances which made the people fear
the repurcussions and deliver to the "Gods" Gold, jewels, and various sacrifices
including humans. The Rod of Mercury was carried by the Lower Priest, hereafter
referred to as just the "Priests", which were one rank lower than the "Gods", the
highest priests. This Caudaceas would allow them to pass unharmed into the different
areas to administer limited information to the King of the Peoples. (The King was
under the Priests). If one tribe got out of line, then "Jehovah" would unleash his
wrath by sending an army from "Baal's" land to destroy some of "Jehovah's" people, by
sending a Priest to "Baal's" land and informing them that there was an army planning
an invasion over to the North or something. That they must attack them and kill them
etc. When this happene, the remaining people would be frightened and say, "Well, I
guess we should have listened to Jehovah, he was right, look at how he was able to
destroy us like that".

    It doesn't really matter whether you agree with the premis though, what is
incredible is how much truth there is in the "Word" game that has been played on us,
when you start to look at it.

   When you study this section, probably the most important thing to remember is that
it is not as important that you remember everything right away or understand or
comprehend the different words, what is important to remember is to listen to the
"SOUND" of the words you are reading. Sometimes it is important to say them over and
over a few times and listen to the SOUND of each word. Even though they may not be
spelled the same, that is of little importance and you will see what I mean by this.
On a couple of occasions while showing this info to some friends, I have heard back,
"Well that word isn't spelled the same way" (meaning that they were looking at the
spelling similarities instead of the "sound" similarities. It is easy to get caught
up in this, but when you train your mind to listen to "sounds" instead of spellings,
it becomes alot clearer and easier to see the roots of words and roots of meanings.
Most people are aware that each language translation to another language has certain
"Rules" in the translation, where certain letters are replaced with other letters as
a "Rule". So I will try to show as many of those here as possible too, but when you
read the words as they change, it is something you have to keep in mind all the time,
all the different "Rules".


    In order to fully comprehend this section, it may be relevant to start on the
Religion page here, to learn more about the figures that will be discussed. Since
language and religion are so intertwined, there are many crossovers, which links help
alot with. So some of the introductory info might be found on the religion page. The
word "Jackel" was called "Shagal" in Persia, both syllables of which mean "God". In
the Egyptian painting of the "judgement of the soul", the Jackel's head is placed
over the balance, to judge.The Hebrew coin the "Shekel" originates from the word
"Shakal", which means to wiegh. The Arabian word "Sheik", or "Scheik" is a title of
dignity belonging to a chief of the tribe or clans. The word for the "Golden Wolf" in
French is "Chacal". In the Eleusinian mysteries, the Greek God Dionysus, also
Iaachus, there being no "J" would have been "Jack". Plato states there were 3 judges
of the dead -- Minos, Radamantus, and Iaachus. Thus a judge of the dead in Greek was
"Iaacus" and in Egypt is "Jackel", the same word for the same office.

    There is also a powerful connection between "Jack" and "John". "John" originates
from IO which means "God" (Remember to interchange I and J accordingly.) or blue sky,
now purple as in our words "Iodine" and "Violet". (Also remember to repeat the words
to yourself so that you can hear the way they sound.) Places such as the Island "Iao"
in Scotland or "Ionia" in Asia were named by the sun-worshippers, the same as Jeho,
there being no "J", the word is "Ieho" or "Io". Since "John" was the word for "God"
in Greek, and "Jack" the same meaning in Greek or Egyptian, they were the same "Jack"
and "John". Today "Iach" is the name of God in Siam. The most significant feature of
the "Double-Axe" is that it was here that the "K's" of the alphabet was translated to
the "X", a letter originally not in the alphabet. "X" in the Celtic language is
"Amhancoll" or the Sacred "C". The "K" is the vertical "Axe" while the "X" is the
double "K" or the "Double-Axe". The Latin translation of "Axe" is "Securis" from
which our word "Security" is derived, and security in Rome rested within the control
of the "Axe". Power was the basis of the Fascist government and the translation of
the word "Fasces" is "the Axe sign". The Axe of Justice is carried by the "Jack of
Hearts", incidentally, which we will cover in another section.

    In the playing cards, the "Ace" is the "Ak" and outranks the King. The Ace of
Spades is the pictured mitre of the Gods later worn by the high priest. Three of the
Kings carry swords, while the fourth, the King of Diamonds carries the Axe. Two Jacks
carry swords, one, the Jack of Hearts, carries an Axe, and the fourth, the Jack of
Spades, carries the sign of Mercury, the Caduceus. The Cauceus was originally two
coiled serpents creating a large and a small "O", symbols of the Sun and Moon, and
indicative of the Jackal and the Sun-worshippers. The Queens all carry the flower,
the fleur de lis, the symbol of the Sun or the lees, the ruling class throughout all

    The "Oak" was named after the "Axe". The "Oaks of Dodana" was the home of Zeus.
The earliest Greeks were the "Achaeans". The author goes on to say "whence they came
is not definately known, but in 2000 B.C. their very name indicates an association
with the "Priesthood of the Axe". "Ithaca" when translated means a "piece of the oak"
or of the "axe". The "Acropolis" was their high city of Garden and connotes the
"axe". "Achilles", their beloved hero, held a name literally translated as the Axe
God, which he literally was. The "Academy" was the sacred grove where Plato and
others taught, and bore reference to the tree, the oak, the "axe". As in Rome, force
was the prerogative of Zeus, and should one disobey the command of the Oracle, death
was the penalty.

    "Ach" is the byword of the Germans. "God" is a good translation that fits in well
as a word of exclamation or appeal ("Ach, meins Gott").

    Charlemagne is buried at "Aachen", the "Aix La Chapel of France", literally, the
"Chapel of the Axe" or in Hollandish "Aken" the Axe. "Aachen" was the Heathen (for
roots of the word "Heathen", click here) capital of Europe and there are numerous
places not far from there which evidence a pre-Roman culture of the "Axe". The farmer
was there governed by his priest as the "Agrimensors" ruled in early Rome.

    The German God "Teus" has been identified with the Greek "Zeus". The Isle of
Rugen was the reported home of the "Gods". Such names as "Gotenhafen", "God's
Heaven", a Northerly port and "Gottesbury" evidence the early activity of the "Gods".

    Beil is the German word for "Axe", and "Beilage" is the word for "enclosure",
evidently a "gerden of the God" or "enclosure of the Axe", just like "Securis" is the
Latin word for "Axe" and security is the place of safety, the enclosure is the "cut
off" place.

    In southern England today, on the river "Exe", the city "Exeter" gives it's name
as living evidence of the ancient customs of the past. "Isca" was another word for
the same place, as evidenced by Ptolemy. One can easily see "Isca" and "Exe" are the
same word.

    The ancient name of the site "Damnoium" was the place of the damned, where they
recieved the "Axe".

    The Thames - Tem - the river of time, the "heavenly descended stream" passes from
the garden by "Oxford", the Lord God, or lord Axe, down to the sea. "Essex",
"Sussex", "Wessex" are all indicative of the original "Gods" - the "Axe" - though
historians derive the word from the Saxons - the swords people. But, even this only
evidences the story for the "sax" was the sword or the "axe" of God, "S" being the
sign of the Assen Gods of "Asgard" one of the many "Gardens of the Gods".

    England was originally the Druid Garden of Odin - or Garden of Eden, a secret
land ruled by Druid Priests. "X" was the sign of "God". "Manx" means Men Gods - for
every Druid Priest was a God and his domain was a Garden.

    The Golden Axe was carried by the sacred Inca God, followed by a second person
carrying a silver axe, and a third with a copper axe. Human victims of the "Axe" went
to slaughter by the thousands. In Oaxaca - Southwest of Maxico city, Father Francisco
de Burgoa of Oaxaca wrote, "Human sacrifices were made by bending the victim over a
great stone and tearing his heart out with a stone axe" and carrying it to the chief

    In North America, the American Indians were ruled by a "Sachem" which is the
Egyptian word "Acme", or most high. The Tomahawk was the "Axe" and like our word
"Atom", the root word "toma" means "to cut".

    There is much evidence to show that America was related to Europe long before the
time of Columbus. Many words are our words - the most interesting being the Mexican
word, "Teocalli" for "Temple". "Teo" is our word for "God", and "Calli" the Celtic
for "House". The great pyramid of "Teotihuacan", and the famous valley of ruins -
"Anahuac", both seem dedicated to "huac" or the "Axe".

    One of the great "Gods" of the Druids was Hessus, the Strong Man. Some writers
think this to be the same name as Jesus. At Western Germany is the country of Hess.

    Jehovah and Elohim were two different "Gods". Jehovah is a singular name and the
Elohim are plural. The Elohim were most likely the Priesthood , of which Jehovah was
one.  Genesis XXXV states "and Alim (God) said to Jacob, 'Arise -go to Bethel and
dwell there and make an alter unto God (Lal)'.". The heathen divinities "Ashtoreth"
and "Baal - Zebub were called "Elim". Aron states "Ale Aleik, these are they Aleim
who brot thee out of the land of Egypt." Cruden states "Elim" means strong Oaks,
perhaps a grove. Ale Aleik, God, the God Axe was one of the Aleim, or a strong Oak.

    The Cannanites planted the "Ashera", the tree of the lord; the Hebrews planted
the "Eshel"; and the tree of Odin was the "Asil". In Egypt, the "Acacia" or the
"Akak", a pointed shrub was a symbol of Druid strength.

   The Temple at Jerusalem was called "Eiklbit", but often just "Eikl", the second
word "bit", which means "house" being omitted. The Teple was the house of God. , the
house of "Eikle", whichas there was no letter "J", or rather, as "J" was then "I",
the house of "Eikle" was the house of "Jackal" or "Shakal "ikl", alone, this again
serves to show the relation of the Hebrew God tp the Egyptian God, the "Jackal" or
the "Acme" - the Most High.

    "Ace" has three meanings, - First, highest point, acme; Second - Oak or Oak Tree,
as in acorn, and; Third, as in Ox as in "Aurocks" or "Oxen". A fourth meaning, , but
only a part of the first, is that "Ace" means "Axe" or Hatchet. As a digression here,
let the reader derive Hatchet from Ax by changing the "K" to a soft "C"; adding the
"H" as in Hach and placing the "T" in for emphasis, with the "et" for dimunative,
thus in French "Hatchet" is the word for the English "Ax", and "Ace" is the same as
"Ax" or "Ak" after the French pronounciation.

    The Christmas tree today is a Druid rite, even to a pointed tree. Druid
expressions are our slang, for example. "O Pshaw", Shaw was the word for "God",
extant today in the name of rulers of Persia. "Dog-gone" is Dagon, a Phoenician God.
The "Deuce" is French, Spanish or Greek, "Dios" or "Teus".

    "Ach", in the German "Ach Meingott" is literally, "The Axe is my God". "Give them
the Axe" and "Down in the Hatch" are everyday evidences of Druidism. Such names as
"Achs" or "Atchison" or "Hatch" surviving in surnames are Druid origin.

    "Spade" means "Sword". The King of Spades carries a broed sword. Various forms of
the word remain with us, such as "Spatula", a "spaded bitch", even a "Bunech" is a
spade. The shape of the Mitre is that of the Ace od Spades, which is a very broad
sword. The God of the Axe was the personified sword. The supreme Druid "Ace" was
"Odin" or "Woden" and "Eden" of the bible.

    The biblical "Gods" were the "Elohim" or the "Aleim". "Je" is the word for "Lord"
and "El" is the word for "God" "Joel" means "Jehovah is God" and "Eli-jah" means "God
is Jehovah". "Ale" or "Eli" means "God", beyond question, Crudens Concordance gives
many instances. One writer states "Ale" or "Eli" occures 17 times in the bible as Oak
or Cedar tree, 99 times as "God" and 48 times as a swearing or conjuring word.
"Elohim" is used over 2500 times in the Old Testament and is the plural form of
"Gods", oak spirits or lords of creation.

    There are three common names today for trees, the "Oak", the "Elm" and the "Ash",
that are derived from the sacred tree of the Druids. The "Oak" was the tree of the
"Axe", the Hebrew form of the word was "Eshel", the Nordic form was "Asil". The
"Asil" was the tree of Odin. "Asil" or "Eshel" combines the words "Ash" and "Elm".
The "Ashera" was the sacred tree of the Cannanites. A critical examination of the Old
Testament will show the "Ashera" and the "Eshel" correlated, as sacred trees
worshiped by people subject to their gods. The "Oak" leaf is an emblem worn by both
allied and "axis" officers. The "Oak cluster" is given as a award of bravery, for the
"Oak" signifies a strong man. Once the reader knows, he will see the "Oak leaf"
emblem everywhere as ornaments derived from ancient European culture. In Celtic
Irish, the alphabet consists of names of trees and the tree began to symbolize the
written word. Thus the "Tree of Life" was the written word or Codex or Law. Thus our
word "Codex" signifies the trunk of a tree and a roll of a book or manuscript volumn.

    The "Harries" were first men in relationship with the "Gods" and the "Gods"
withheld contact with the people. The "Harries" were the highest in rank of the
people who contacted the "Gods". Thus the 12 lesser "Gods" or men in the abode of
"Woden" were the "Einherier" or the "number one" herier. That is the derivation of
the word "Henry", and "Henry" has been the name of 90 consecutive kings in one part
of Germany. "Harry" is the first and true word in Irish and the "Harries" were
secondary to the "Lueds" only. "Mister" is the English word, "Herus" the Latin,
"Herr" the German, "Andrew", the Greek, "Eric" the Scandinavian and "Enrique" the
Spanish, is an example. Then "Sorceror" in the German language is "Herierar".

    "Heresy" was the following of the "Herierar", or the one who knew. The "Herus"
was a highly educated man who had to take cover in the dark ages. The "Pagan" (For
the true Root of the word "Pagan" click here) word possessed extremely intellectual
knowledge available to the "Herus".

    In general some of the knowledge available to the "Herus", the "Herierar" or the
sorcerer was the teachings of the Pagan Gods that were being appropriated by the
Christians and taught as Christianity; that Osiris, Adonis, Dionysus had risen from
the dead, that the Holy Mother and Child had been worshiped in Asia Minor for ages,
that "Christ Eli" of the new Testament resembled very much the "Kyrie elesion" of the
Greek mysteries and poems, that foregiveness of sins and benevolence were Greek
customs of the Island of "Ellis" and Samothrace. That Babtism was practiced by the
followers of Orpheus, and in Springtime Adonis was suppose to arise from the dead.
Christmas was the Yule celebration of the Pagans. He was aquainted withthe word
"Christ" in the Greek "Kyrie", and the Indian "Kristma" and with "Jesus" in the Latin
"Hesus, and the Greek "Hessoid", in the Irish "Hessus" and the German "Hess". He knew
the suffering of Prometheus was the same story as the suffering of Christ and that
"Prometheus Bound" was the same as "Christ Crucified". The images of Egyptian Isis
and her son "Horus" were sold in Rome as that of Mary and Jesus, and he could not
help assuming the feast of the Tabernacle to the feast of Bacchus. The reward of the
faithful in heaven was taught by the Greeks. When Constantine made Christianity the
State religion of Rome, the persecuted Christians became the persecutors. Shortly
after Emperor Theodosius permitted the burning of the Pagan Alexandrian Library in
391 A.D., for the sin of Heresy was the sin of Knowing. The writer goes on to say
that "Communion" was but a rehearsal of the rites of Dionysus and when the flesh of
the Bull was eaten the body of Dionysus was eaten, all a part of the rites of the
Resurrection of Dionysus, the Son of "Zeus" or "God". Initiation to the secrets of
"Eleusis" promised a better life after death. Pergatory was also taught in the
mysteries of Greece. To know all this was "Heresy", and the punishment for "Heresy"
was death.

    There were many "Gardens of the Gods", which were "Enclosures". The writer Taylor
lists 126 names for the "Enclosure". Such words as "ton", "tun", "town", "hagen",
"hay", "haigh", "park", "fold", "worth", "garden", "liz", "thwait", "elan",  are
examples. He states "England is preeminantly a land of hedges and enclosures".
Probably more than half the Celtic names in Wales and Ireland contain roots "elan",
"eil", or "bally", all of which denote an enclosure. The Russian word "Grad" as in
"Petrograd" means "Garden". The Portugese and Irish word "Lis", as in "Lisbon" means
"Garden". "Hagen" is the same word as "Haven" as in "Copenhagen". In northern Europe,
the common enclosure was a "Hedge", a "Tun" a "Zaun", the German word for "Hedge". In
marketing and banking today "Hedging" means to guard oneself. The Greek word
"Paradise" is really "Para" "Deus" or "Dios", the "Park of the Gods".

    The "Gate", "Port" or "Door" was an important place, being named "Gate" from
"God" and "Door" from "Thor" or "Thur" as in "Thursday". "Porte" the Turkish
government, so called from "High Gate" or "Sublime Port", the Chief office of the
Ottoman government. "Porta" is Latin for "Gate". In later and more refined days of
the "Gods", they placed a "Portico" or "Porch" before the Gate or Door. The earliest
pre-Celtic culture of Europe was "Gad Hellic", which literally should mean "Gates of
the Gods". The Greeks called themselves the "Hellems" and this author will soon show
the connection between "Hellens" meaning "Gods". (The "Illi"). The "Gad Hellens" were
the original "Gods". Below "Lisbon" (meaning garden) was "Gades" or "Cadiz" or
"Gadiz", literally meaning a "gate" and also a prehistoric city. "Carthage" is the
word "Garden", "Cartha" and was a city of the "Gods". "Babylon" meant "Gates of the
Gods", and "Memphis" meant the "Gates of the Blessed".

    The word "Hag" is also very significant. Also "Hab", being the same word. The
"Hedge" was sacred for it protected a sacred place and the plot of land, "Agre" or
"Acre" was sacred ground. The animals were sacred such as the "Agnus Die", lamb of
God. "Heaven" was originally "Hagen" or a sacred place. "Haggiology" is still the
study of the Sacred Saints. The "Hague" was the "Hedge", the sacred place. "Agustus"
was the sacred one, a mane taken upon himself by Tiberus Ceasar. "Agatha" is a given
name which means sacred. The word is apparent in the Greek "Agamemnon" and "Ajax".
Hay" was originally "Hag" and was the sacred product of the ground.

    The word "Real Estate" meant the "Regal" "Estate", the sacred land not belonging
to the common people, who only lived on it by the grace of the Druid God or his first
"Harry the Ra". "Roy" or "Rex" or "Regis". Thus "Agri" meant Sacred King and
"Agriculture" was the sacred culture of the King. In French the cattle are the
"Bestiaux", the beast of the axe, and thus they were sacred. The German "Agide", the
Greek "Aegis", meant protection, and correlates with "Hagen" or "Haven". "Agrurier"
is the Agrarian, the rural person originally sacred, until given the stigma orf
"Heathen" or "Pagan". "Hagiarchy" is a government by Priests. "Hadj" is the
Mohammedan Sacred Pilgrimage. From all this and from historical evidence, the "Hag"
was originally a sacred woman, the same as the Sibyl, which in literal translation
signifies "Akin to the Gods". Before the time of writing, the "Hag" was the
repository of knowledge by work of memory. She could of course know many secrets.
She was a "Witch", (the feminine of "Wizard"), in that she knew, for "Witch", "Wise"
and "Wisdom" are derivatives of "Wit", to know. The wisdom of the communities rested
with the sacred women of the temples, the "Hags".

    South of the Dardenelles, the sacred woman became the scared harlot "Aurelia
Amelia, the Hag". There wer sacred harlots in great numbers on the Island of Cypress.
The temple became the "Harem" of the public, the sacred women became the "Harlots" of
the public and the Priest became the cashier of the enterprise. The celebration at
the temple at which all of the community collected to partake in the orgy was called
the "Hag". This practice of temple "Harlotry" passed into Christian times and in
Roman times a letter of Pliny states the Romans objected to this "Agape" or love
feast held by Christians at communion time, when contributions were made. The local
name of the sacred harlot was "Kadesha", the Etymology of which is conjectural but
could be "Gade or "Gate" of God or "Shaw". "Adonis", the God of Love fits into this
scheme. Jehovah is related to the story in the word "Adonijah" or Adonis Jehovah
"Adonai" was the Biblical name of Jehovah.

    In Antioch, there were a thousand sacred harlots, the hire of which became the
income of the temple. There were large and beautiful gardens with fountains, groves
and temples. By this method the temple became the repository of the wealth of the
community and the many instances of the enormity of this wealth has been passed over
too lightly by historians. The word "Heath" is very endearing to the Scot. The girls
name "Heather" is still used even in the Christian families. The surname "Heide"
still exists in our phone directories. "Heathen" means farmer or a person from the
"Heath", and it's disparaging significance came about when Christianity made it's
advent into Northern Europe. Coming into the large cities first, then in the smaller,
it received it's support from the fountainhead in Rome and Constantinople. The last
to become Christians were the FARMERS who reluctant to forsake their ancient rites.
There is even today a vestige of this accursed method of disparaging the farmer. He
is looked down upon by the city dweller, not knowing that the start of the downward
push was given by Christianity in placing a disgrace upon the "Heathen". So much
pressure was made, it is a matter of record that in early Paris the heathen or farmer
was botcotted and failed to sell his produce unless he became a Christian and was

    In the same manner as "Heathen", the "Pagan" was given a downward push by the
church in Southern Europe. "Pagus" is the Latin and Greek word for farmer or rather
villager. In old Gothic, "Pagus" was something like a county or township and in
modern German "Heide" is the word for "Pagan". Thus "Paganism" and "Heathenism" were,
in reality, "Ruralism" as contrasted to the city, which during the Dark Ages was
totally in the hands of Christianity.

    The "Illi". This race of "Gods" is described in the "Illiad" by Homer. They also
belonged to the Druids and the followers of the "Ax". They also were the "Acheans" or
Early Greeks and had connections with all Europe. Their culture matched, if not
coincided with Early Irish. Later, they became the "Nobill" and the "Gentil", the
high gods and the race of gods. The identity of the word "Illi" has been purposely

    The Wall Street of London is "Lombard Street". The French name for "money lender"
is "Lombard". The Lombards came from Florence and Venice. These cities held fabulous
wealth in the Middle Ages. It was the Lombards that started the Popes up in temporal
wealth. Although professing Christianity at times, it seems the Lombards held their
former Pagan beliefs, if there were any beliefs outside money, and should they be
left with their money, any religion would do.

    In early times the Temple combined wealth and religion, the Temples were the
banks, and such a Temple as formerly stood on the site of St. Paul's Cathedral was
said to have been a Phoenician Temple and banking house.

    The word "Money" is derived from "Moneta" - the surname of "Juno". In the Temple
of Juno coin was minted by the Romans.

    While several writers have spoken of a division of powers between the rulers of
money and those of religion, there is no historic evidence to the knowledge of the
writer. All that is evident is that money and religion went into the dark ages
together and came out seperate. Rome held control in religion, London ruled money.
The Church even forbade interest charging. It is the belief of the author that
Christianity never converted money. In all the religious wars of the middle ages, the
crusades etc., Paganism held the money. When Rome conqupred Jerusalem the first time,
the millions found in the Temple were left there. When Jehovah had trouble with the
Priests of Jerusalem he d Shisbak take the Temple money to Egypt. It must be
remembered all money and religion were kept together until the time of Constantine,
who himself was a Pagan until converted. When Christianity sent it's mighty forces
northward after winning the Emperor, the Pagan lords must have concealed vast
treasures of wealth, which indeed may have brought on the Dark Ages.

    The Renaissance was a revival of the Pagan Greek world and perhaps with Pagan
money, due to a truce between religion and and money being made between the Lombards
and the Pope after the Lombards had threatened Rome in 726. Tuitprand, the Lombard,
presented the Pope with some conquored towns that laid the foundations for the Papal
temporal Sovereignty and which was to have a profound influence upon the history of
Italy, but what the Pope gave Tuitprand in return is not said. Was it the Lombard
Pagan money power? Later, Florence was the wealthiest city in the world and was the
first city to rescue the Grecian culture from oblivion. Florence was also the money
changing center of the world.

    This money power of the Pagans, the Lombards, supposedly came in 568 from the
upper lands of the "Elbe", a truly Pagan territory. The Lombards were never a
majority and their power was strong and scattered going into Portugal, France and

    "X" represents the unknown number in mathematics and was so selected because of
it's legendary meaning. "X" was likewise elected for the name of the Roentgen Ray or
the "X-ray". "X" is also the sign of wisdom. The Hebrew root is "SK" "X" and today is
seen in our word "Skill". In Tibet, the word for "God" is "Xang Siouph" or "Xiang the
wise". In Chinese, "God" was called "Xangti". In India, Buddha was called "Xaca"  and
suffered crucifixion and resurrection. In Northern Europe, Woden was called "Xaca",
from which is derived our word "Socage", a system of land tenure. "Xaca" meant wisdom
and is the word "Sage" or "Saga", a story. "X" is the sign for Christ in our word
Christmas. The "Xmas" tree is a yew tree and "IU" is God". The pointed "yew" is
indeed a symbol of Paganism. "Xaca" is "Tschaka" or "Ischaka", which signifies
"Lord". The Arabian name of Christ is "Ischa" which, reading from right ot left is
nothing but "X" and Ptolemy's map of England locates "Ex" or "Exeter" and names it
"Isca" which is "Axe" or "X". Deus Budda had the name of "Xacha", the self existant
X, was the Mexican architect that built the immense Pyramidal Tower.

    Xphs Chi Rho Eta Zeta was given as the name of God by the Greeks of Eleusis.
Egyptian Kings, who were more or less "Gods", had names ending in "Cheres". "Xi, Rho
Sigma" - XRS is the cross-wisdom. XRS is the cross wisdom for "X" is the cross and
R.S. is "Ras" or Wisdom (Reason).

    Alexander Al (the emphatic article) "Exander" or, omitting the article he was
called "Iskander" or "Ischander" by Easterners. The Arabic "Al Ischa" was "the
savior". Alexander was born 360 years before Christ and his swift ascent to power was
due to the Priesthood desiring a divine incarnation. Alexander, like many ancient
personages, claimed divine descent from Jupiter Ammon in the form of a dragon. In the
Ionian language, "Iskander" signified "Filusuf" or "love and wisdom", like our word
"philosophy". He was of the ancient sect of the "Sofees" or "Sufi", even as Omar

    The reader should note a deep and complicated scheme of imposture and mystic
superstition, which perhaps yet continues to exert it's secret influence upon all our
institutions, both civil and religious.

    The city of "Exeter" in southern England is named "Exonia" in the Doomsday survey
of 1086. In the Ptolemaic map of England of 139, the same place is termed "Isca".
"Isca" is the right to left spelling of "Ace" or "X" or "Ex". Again, may it be
reminded that "Isca" was the name for "Lord", for here at "Exeter" in the country of
"Damoniorum", the Greek form was "Damonion", or the condemnation place, where the
people were judged by their rulers. There is evidence enough to make it worth
mentioning here that England may at one time have been the Druid capital of the
world. "Ions" compare "Exonia", an Island near Scotland, is lately mentioned as being
a place that competed with Rome as the site of the religious capitol of the world.
"IO" is the word for "God" as has been mentioned before. "Apex" is the highest point,
"Vortex", the top, and "Acme", the most high. The "X" in the "skull and crossbones"
is an Aztec symbol of the Gods according to Bancroft.

    Real Estate was the "Realm" or "Regal Estate". when Kingship and divinity were
united, the Earth was the Lords. No one but God owned the Earth. Hence, large areas
of land were termed "Dominions", for the "Domain" comes from the Latin "Dominus", a
Lord, so truly in Pagan areas more then Christian  the Earth was the "Domain",
belonging to the "Dominus" or "Lord". "D" "Om" is the "Om", and "Om" was the 'never
to be spoken' word, the "Amba" of India, the "Omphe" of Greece, the "Triumph" of
Rome, the "Am" or "Ammon" of Egypt, the "Umber", "D-Om", the "Om" was "God".

    Etruscan Italy, in very early times was divided into parrallelograms and a cross
was fixed at every intersection. The Patriarch, or Royal Priest was the vicramadita
or Vicar of God, and was the owner of the soil of the whole world, and collected
one-tenth of it's produce for the use of it, thus "X" represents the "Tenth", for
that was the share of Diety. The Etruscan "Agrimensors" were a religious body who
first used the "Acre" or "Ager". The 'tithe' arose from the "Agri Decumani" when
Christianity took over barbarism. The tithe precedes King's taxes , landlord's rents,
military services, etc. County villages of Rome were called "Pagus" and were more
like our townships, having a Temple, but not necessarily any towns or cities;
although a developed community existed in the township organization.

This is only a Fraction of the information these books contain. To order a copy of
the Trilogy titled "Priesthood of the Ills", which includes the three books, "The Axe
was God", the "Rod was Mercury", and "Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah"; Please
send a Postal Money Order for 33.00, which includes $3.00 s&h, with the "Pay To" Line
Left Blank to 2532 Lincoln Blvd. #135 Marina Del Rey California 90291.

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