-Caveat Lector-

>From <www.calnra.org>...

Two weeks ago California Attorney General Bill Lockyer stood in front of a
table for a photo opportunity with the press. On the table were various
"illegal" firearms that he claimed were sold to California undercover
agents at the Pomona gun show held the first weekend in May.

As you may recall, Lockyer was pointing out that gun shows are havens for
illegal gun sales. So much so, his agents ran out of money early the first
day implying they could have purchased illegal firearms all day long.

Highly placed sources close to the investigation within the Department of
Justice have revealed a very disturbing story of deceit perpetrated on the
public for the purpose of furthering gun control efforts. The agents
involved in the sting operation at the Pomona gun show were from the
Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement Division of the California Department of

Agents from the DOJ's Firearms Division were not used in the operation.
BNE agents are not trained in weapons identification nor are they familiar
to any great degree with federal or California gun laws. Why members of
the BNE were used is not certain, but we will speculate that to obtain a
"bust", the last thing Lockyer wanted were firearms experts who are
looking for illegal firearms. The experts would have probably gone home
empty handed.

However, the BNE agents didn't go home empty handed from the Pomona show.
Unfortunately, it is beginning to appear as though they used taxpayer
money, arrested dealer(s) and held a press conference to announce the
purchase of illegal firearms that are perfectly legal. Sources say the
weapons Lockyer displayed for the press were, in at least some cases, not
the weapons procured by undercover agents at the show. In fact, the MP-5
subgun on the table belongs to a Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement agent!
The Colt Sporter displayed is a legal firearm in California along with a
number of other firearms that are legal under the 1989 Roberti-Roos
Assault Weapon law. The so-called "auto-kits" are perfectly legal for sale
and possession in  California providing they aren't installed in the
receiver of a firearm. The flame thrower is also legal providing the
igniter is removed/demilled to prevent ignition. The empty LAW rocket
launcher tube (no rocket in place) is not a controlled item, illegal, nor
is it even considered to be a firearm.

We understand, so far, that not a single firearm or firearm component
purchased at the Pomona gun show sting operation is illegal though we are
still trying to verify this as fact. We are also under the impression that
not a single person who sold the firearms or components to BNE agents have
been charged with illegal weapons possession or sale though our sources
are attempting to verifying this as well. We are beginning to believe that
what happened at the Pomona gun show was not just an innocent mistake of
improper weapons identification. We believe the "sting" and subsequent
news conference was a well choreographed lie orchestrated by Bill Lockyer
himself. Before it is assumed that everyone in the DOJ is "on-board" with
Lockyers' tactics, sources within the DOJ say that some agents are
extremely upset with Lockyer and how he is working this "scam" on the

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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