-Caveat Lector-

   Thursday December 10 11:31 AM ET

Posters say 'Clinton go home'

   JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Hundreds of posters depicting U.S. President
   Bill Clinton in a keffiyeh were put up on Israeli billboards around
   Jerusalem on Thursday ahead of his arrival, police and witnesses said.

   ``Clinton go home'' posters were sprayed around the city, including
   near the prime minister's residence, and on the main Jerusalem-Tel
   Aviv highway ahead of Clinton's three-day visit starting late on

   Police said they did not know who put up the photomontages showing
   Clinton in a black-and-white traditional Arab headdress with the
   Hebrew words ``I am a Palestinian'' written above.

   The Israeli Public Works Department rushed to remove the posters and
   said it had set up a special team to remove new ones that could be put
   up during Clinton's visit.

   Several of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet ministers have
   expressed regret over the timing of Clinton's trip and the fact that
   he is visiting Palestinian-ruled areas.

   Clinton is due to arrive in Israel on Saturday and will visit Gaza on


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