-Caveat Lector-
Lincoln’s ‘Numbered’ Death

This posting is definitely not for the Skeptics, so let them skip on singing their own song, where there is no God, no Devil, and no conspiracy theory.

OK, now to some serious number crunching the first part is contrived by Satan, the Devil, and the second ‘memorial’ part by a human mind.

President Abraham Lincoln informed his friend that while in his bedroom in his home in Springfield in 1860, he saw a strange vision while looking in a mirror. He saw a double image of himself. One face held the glow of life and breath, the other shone ghostly pale white. His friend was later quoted saying "It had worried him not a little... the mystery had its meaning, which was clear enough to him... the life like image betokening a safe passage through his first term as President; the ghostly one, that death would overtake him before the close of the second... With that firm conviction, which no philosophy could shake, Mr. Lincoln moved on through a maze of mighty events, calmly awaiting the inevitable hour."

President Abraham Lincoln fully expected to be murdered, during his second term in office, and had resigned himself to his fate, as much as anyone can who expects to die at the hand of another.

A certain Carl Sandburg wrote a multi-volume book series about Abraham Lincoln, published in 1939. And he refers to April of 1865, shortly before the President was shot, with Lincoln quoted as saying, "About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. It was light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers. 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin!' Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which awoke me from my dream. I slept no more that night; and though it was only a dream, I have been strangely annoyed by it ever since."

So we know so well the story that of the evening of April 14th 1865. While attending a special performance of the comedy, "Our American Cousin," President Abraham Lincoln was shot. Accompanying him to Ford's Theater that evening were his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, a twenty-eight year-old officer named Major Henry R. Rathbone, and also Rathbone's fiancee, Clara Harris. After the play was in progress, a certain John Wilkes Booth at about 10:10pm that evening, stepped into the presidential box and with a drawn derringer pistol, aimed, and fired at close range into the head of President Abraham Lincoln who slumped forward in his chair.

The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, dropped the pistol and waved a dagger. Rathbone lunged at him, and though slashed in the arm, forced the killer to the railing. Booth leapt from the balcony and caught the spur of his left boot on a flag draped over the rail, and shattered a bone in his leg on landing. Though injured, he rushed out the back door, and disappeared into the night on horseback. A doctor in the audience immediately went upstairs to the box. The bullet had entered through the President’s left ear and lodged behind his right eye. He was paralyzed and barely breathing. He was carried across Tenth Street, to a boarding-house opposite the theater, where next morning at 7:22am on April 15th 1865 President Abraham Lincoln died.

So for the first part of the calculation I consider September 11th 2001, that is day 253 of the year and divided by 365.242198 days 2001 is 2001.692691.

And counting down to 7:20:06am Saturday morning (and not 7:22am the official time given) to the death of President Abraham Lincoln is 136.4071117 years and cubed and squared twice x 6 and squared and /10 is equivalent to Satan at 1.550000e 23 x the Devil at 508 x Satan at 1.550000e 23 x the Devil at 508.

So it was Satan, the Devil, through the mind of the conspirators, chose the date for the shooting of the President, and was there in the room to ensure the President Abraham Lincoln died on time, that is his time, that is 9.11 time.

The ‘Grave’ Lincoln Memorial

OK, the skipping Skeptics may want to jump and hop over this human contrived Lincoln Memorial 9.11 conspiracy.

Although Congress incorporated the Lincoln Monument Association in March 1867 to build a memorial to President Abraham Lincoln, no progress was made until 1901 when the McMillan Commission chose 107 acres of West Potomac Park as the site for the memorial. And Congress agreed on a design for the memorial submitted by New York architect Henry Bacon and construction began on February 12th 1914, and Daniel Chester French designed the statue and the Piccirilli Brothers of New York carved it. It is 19 feet tall and 19 feet wide and is made of 28 separate blocks of white Georgia marble. And 19 is a number for ‘Judgment’ and 19 x 19 is 361 the reference number for the Ancient Egyptian god Osiris, the god and Judge of the dead, and of course the father god of the falcon masked god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky. And the monuments murals painted by Jules Guerin depicting principles evident in Lincoln's life, are located on the north and south walls of the memorial above inscriptions of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural. And it was Ernest Bairstow who carved other sculptured features of the memorial with the assistance of Evelyn Beatrice Longman, The building is constructed primarily of Colorado Yule marble and Indiana limestone. The 36 columns around the memorial represent the states in the Union at the time of President Lincoln's death; their names are carved in the frieze directly above. The names of the 48 states in the Union when the memorial was completed in 1922 are carved in the exterior attic walls. A memorial plaque in the plaza commemorates the subsequent admission of Alaska and Hawaii. And it was President Warren G. Harding who dedicated the memorial on May 30th 1922.

OK, counting down from September 11th 2001 to President Abraham Lincoln’s ‘Memorial Dedication Day’ on May 30th 1922, that is year 1922.407948 is 79.2847430 years.

And counting down from President Abraham Lincoln’s ‘Memorial Dedication Day’ on May 20th to the morning of President’s death at 6:22am (not 7:22am) Saturday, April 15th 1865 is 57.1224775 years. So there is a more or less exactly one hours difference between 6:22am and the death of the President at 7:22am. So because it is a one hour difference, that of Central time compared to Eastern time, I say the conspirators knew this fact, and were happy with it.

Why? Because 79.2847430 years x 57.1224775 years and squared thrice is 1.770000e 29 and that is a most diabolically powerful number, that of the ‘Black Trinity’ the ‘Three Demonic Frogs’ and the speed of gravity is 177,000 miles per second so to go down and down.

So skipping Skeptics, please skip on, for this calculation is not for you, for it shows a very evil human conspiracy that uses September 11th 2001 in the year 1922 as its own ‘Time Marker’.

So did Osma bin Laden really choose the date of September 11th 2001? But then most Americans cannot stomach what the above means and so hop and hop and hop again over such offerings.


The ‘Black Trinity’ that is the three Biblical demons, the Dragon, the Beast and False Prophet has together the reference number 1770, that is ‘Three Demonic Frogs’ symbolized each by a fleur de lis, the demonic frogs who very purpose is to deceive the world’s leaders by entering into their minds and causing them to plan for the battle of Armageddon in northern Israel. And each ‘frog’ represents the number 590, the medieval Knights Templar reference number, and 59 is number for the Pharaoh’s ‘dual’ rulership symbol of the serpent goddess of Delta Egypt at 17 and the vulture goddess of Upper Egypt at 42. And 59 x 6 is 354 days that of the cycle of the Moon in Hades, and so the symbol of the ‘Ruler of Darkness’. And to really emphasize this ‘grave’ business, the speed of gravity throughout the Universe is 177,000 miles per second and so refers to the ‘Black Trinity’ and ‘fleur de lis’.
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