-Caveat Lector-


        Lockerbie witness 'lied' to CIA to secure life in US

Special report: Lockerbie   http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/Lockerbie/

Gerard Seenan at Camp Zeist

Thursday September 28, 2000

The Libyan defector who has become the key prosecution witness in the
Lockerbie trial is a desperate liar who exaggerated his status as a
spy and fabricated key information when a disillusioned CIA
threatened to abandon him, a court heard yesterday.

Under cross-examination from defence counsel, the credibility of
Abdul Majid Giaka yesterday appeared to crumble. The Scottish court
in the Netherlands heard Mr Giaka had consistently lied to US
intelligence officers in order to achieve his dream of beginning a
new life in the west.

Defence counsel Richard Keen QC sought to portray Mr Giaka as little
more than a garage mechanic who had over-played his position within
the Libyan intelligence organisation, the JSO, and had lied about his
contacts within Libya for money and to further his own ends.

According to CIA intelligence documents produced in court, Mr Giaka
had claimed to know senior Libyan officials. But when questioned
about these men by Mr Keen, Mr Giaka admitted he had never met many
of them and had only a passing knowledge of others.

In a bizarre exchange, the court also heard Mr Giaka had told
American intelligence officers he was a relative of King Idris of
Libya and that Colonel Gadafy, the Libyan foreign minister and the
president of Malta were all masons. Mr Giaka refused to reveal how he
knew Colonel Gadafy was a mason for "security considerations".

Earlier, the court heard that in 1988 Mr Giaka's CIA handlers decided
he was not up to scratch as a double agent and threatened to drop
him. Defence counsel William Taylor QC said CIA cables from the time
made it clear Mr Giaka knew his salary was on the verge of being

Shortly before it was due to be terminated, Mr Giaka told the CIA one
of the Libyan accused had once shown him orange-coloured explosive in
his desk at Malta's Luqa airport. Mr Taylor said this was a "complete
fabrication", framed so that it could not be verified by the CIA.

The information, however, was enough to temporarily appease the CIA
and it was not until the summer of 1991 that the American
intelligence organisation put renewed pressure on Mr Giaka. In a
series of clandestine meetings at safe houses in Malta, the CIA told
Mr Giaka it was no longer prepared to pay him $1,000 a month and
urged him to meet with officials from the US justice department for a
complete debriefing. The CIA, however, refused to guarantee a future
for him in the US.

At this time, Mr Giaka was said to be desperate. He feared for his
life, his wife was pregnant and he had "burned all his bridges".
Referring to CIA cables, Mr Taylor said: "In the clearest possible
manner the CIA have told you what is going to happen to you unless
officers from the department of justice think you are going to come
up with something which makes you of use as a witness. It is clear as
a pikestaff," said Mr Taylor.

On July 13 1991 Mr Giaka was taken to an American warship off the
coast of Malta. That day, he gave his most crucial evidence against
Abdel Baset al-Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, the men accused of
the bombing.

Mr Giaka told American justice officials that in December 1988 he had
watched Mr al-Megrahi and Mr Fhimah take a brown hard-shelled
suitcase, flown in from Tripoli, unchecked through customs at Luqa

Mr Taylor said Mr Giaka had never before mentioned this to his CIA
handlers. "This incident of the brown [suitcase] is an invention that
comes up rather late in the day," he said.

The prosecution alleges that the bomb which eventually blew up Pan Am
flight 103 on December 21, 1988 was planted inside such a suitcase
and was put onto a plane at Luqa airport before it was transferred to
the Pan Am flight at Frankfurt.

The trial continues.

[As does the coverup]

Guardian Unlimited C Guardian Newspapers Limited 2000

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