The standard, Judeo-christian interpretation of Matthew 25:14-30 is that the slave master is the good guy and the disobedient slave is the bad guy.  On closer analysis of this text, in the context that Jesus, who was, by standard Jewish/Judeo-christian accounts, a rebelious slave himself, the text must be analyzed from the point of view that either Jesus, like the rebellious slave in this text, is either the good guy or the bad guy.  If we assume that Jesus is the good guy then it logically follows that the rebellious slave, not the slave master, in the Mathew 25:14-30 text, is also the good guy, which turns topsy-turvy the notion that earning profit on money is good. The economic and financial implications of this little twist of theological thinking has immense and far reaching implications regarding the conflict between capitalists, communists, international socialists, and nationalists, particularly national socialists.  When the Matthew 25:14-30 text is analyzed in the broader framework of various philosophical views about money, particularly Aristotle's contention that money is sterile and that it is morally bankrupt to earn profit on money, it puts the modern economic notion that money is not economically productive, and hence not part of the economic equation, into central focus and brings to the front burner the fundamental global conflict now going on as a result of the Zionist NATO attempt to expand the IMF/World bank interest/debt/tax slavery money system into Eastern Europe.  Considering that America is bankrupt, it is only a matter of time until the global monetary system must come to terms with what Karl Marx called "finance capital" and what Adolph Hitler called "the slave's yoke of international capital and its masters, the Jews".  The root of this global conflict rests in Deuteronomy 15:6 and in what Islam calls "the Deuteronomic Double Standard" where the Bible teaches that it is morally wrong for Jews to pay interest but it is morally right for Jews to charge interest (the "meliorated slavery" scenario moralized by the Bible).  Those who are militant anti-communists need to understand that Karl Marx did not invent the slogan "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need", he mearly took it out of Acts 2:45.  There is a lot going on behind the scenes these days.  The Pope's recent visit to Poland has powerful implications.  It is time for Christian Theologians to do a serious re-think of what Christianity is really all about.  Matthew 25:14-30 must be the starting point for any scholarly analysis of the economic and financial teachings of Jesus.  Most so-called "christains" and lovers of "democracy" don't have a clew that when they claim that the Bible is the word of God they are giving their blessing to Ephesians 6:5 which is now emobdied in the IMF/World Bank interest/debt/tax slavery money system that the Jews call "meliorated slavery" God-ordained by the Law of Moses (Torah/Pentateuch).  How many so-called "christains" do you know who believe that Jesus abolished the Law of Moses?  Jesus fulfilled the Ten Commandments, not the Torah/Pentateuch.  Thomas Jefferson simply said that "Christianity is an engine for enslaving mankind".  What he meant was "Judeo-christianity" which rejects the economic and financial teachings of Jesus (which would abolish all interest/debt/tax slavery money systems).  Until preaching, teaching, promoting or practicing slavery of any kind is made illegal and unconstitutional all other arguements are like grabbing at buckets to try to bail out the Titanic.  AMERICA IS BANKRUPT - SO... WHO CARES?
Lee Cheney
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