* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *
 4 July 2000
 AI Index AMR 41/034/2000
 News Service Nr. 130


 President-elect and his government must turn a new leaf in the
 protection of human rights

 President-elect Vicente Fox and his future government must make a clean
 break with Mexico's century-long history of political violence and gross
 human rights abuses, Amnesty International said today in the wake of
 Sunday's presidential and parliamentary elections.

 The President-to-be must at the very earliest opportunity make clear to
 all Mexicans and the international community that the unrestricted
 protection of human rights will be a cornerstone of his government's
 policies and program of work. These must include laying the foundations
 for effective reform of the institutions designed to protect human
 rights and bring about an end to impunity.

 Human rights reforms under the previous governments of the ruling
 Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), in power for over 70 years,
 have frequently been marred by unchecked arbitrary detentions, torture
 and ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and killings. For the victims
 of these abuses, truth and justice has been ignored for too long.

 A long-standing and widespread lack of confidence in the ability of
 Mexico's security forces and judicial system to operate within the rule
 of law is one of the central challenges which the new government must

 Amnesty International has been reporting on Mexico's human rights
 situation for over 35 years. During these years the organization has
 documented and appealed to the authorities on thousands of individuals
 whose rights -- including the right to life -- were taken away from

 The vast majority of these victims never took on the high profile
 associated with cases like the 1968 massacre of hundreds of students in
 Mexico City or the 1997 killing of 45 indigenous men, women and children
 in Acteal, Chiapas. But they are no less important.

 "President-elect Vicente Fox of the Partido de Accion Nacional (PAN),
 his yet to be appointed ministers, and the newly-elected representatives
 in Congress and the Senate must rise to the challenge at a moment when
 the international community is placing human rights at the centre of its
 agenda," the organization said.

 Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
 WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom
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