We just LOVE practicing for martial law.
We just LOVE illegal searches and seizures.
We just LOVE violations of Posse Comitatus.
We just LOVE practicing for future gun confiscations.
We just LOVE the militarization of our local police.
We just LOVE those black helicopters.
We just LOVE this UN Peacekeeping training.
We just LOVE urban warfare exercises.
We just LOVE stomping on the Bill of Rights.
We just LOVE what our globalist masters have in store for us.
We just LOVE the socialist New World Order.
Call the numbers listed in the article and share your LOVE with
these misguided Swansboro officials and reporters.
MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2000

Swansboro welcomes MEU exercise Town officials see no problems
with training that starts today



SWANSBORO -- Watching Marines train is a normal sight in
Eastern North Carolina, even in a quiet waterfront town like

But an urban exercise planned in the Friendly City by the Sea starting
today has raised more than a few questions, town officials said.

But not from residents.

"We have received some calls expressing concern, but they have been
from out of state," said Town Manager Bill Price. "It's not the local
people who are concerned."

The questions are coming in response to an Internet report from
World Net Daily. The posting claims that Marines would replace
police officers in Swansboro. The Marines would conduct random
checkpoint searches and patrol residential neighborhoods.

Not true, Price said.

"The Marines are not replacing the police department, and they are
definitely not engaging in random searches of our citizens," Price said.

The scheduled exercise involves the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
According to public affairs officials, the event will involve Marines and
sailors of 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, and is part of their
predeployment training prior to their mid-July departure for the
Mediterranean Sea.

Capt. Gabrielle Chapin, a MEU spokeswoman, said the Marines plan
to take care in Swansboro.

"If the town were to receive any complaints, then we'll cancel that part
of the training," Chapin said. "For instance, we'll only have about
seven Marines at a time patrolling down Front Street."

The participants will conduct mock patrols and maintain a simulated
checkpoint under the watchful eye of the Swansboro police. Military
commanders will get practice addressing the concerns of Mayor Paul
Edgerton, Police Chief Harry Pugliese and Price in daily meetings.

"The checkpoints are for Marine role players who are designated for
their exercise," Price said. "Area residents and businesses will not be
affected unless they want to play along."

Practice patrols are planned for areas of the town south of N.C. 24 to
include Church and Front streets.

Just as if there was an embassy to be evacuated or humanitarian
assistance to be delivered overseas, the military staff members in
training will meet with actual town officials every day.

"It's the communication that we're practicing," Price said.

The media has been invited to view the exercise, attend morning
situational meetings and even go on simulated patrols with the

"I can understand the concern of people in other areas who don't
have a close working relationship with their local military," Price said.

Any questions from residents regarding the exercise should be
addressed to the Swansboro Police Department at 326-5151 during
working hours or the Onslow County Sheriff's Department at 455-
3113 after working hours.

Edgerton, for one, welcomes the Marines. Swansboro, he pointed
out, owes the military the favor.

"The Marines really helped us after the snow in 1989, hurricane
cleanups and our annual Mullet Festivals," Edgerton said. "I'm looking
forward to continuing the close working relationship between
Swansboro and the Marine Corps."

Eric Steinkopff can be contacted by e-mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling 353-1171, Ext. 236.
"You shall have world government, whether or not you like it, by
conquest or consent.
-James Warburg, CFR member, Feb. 17, 1950

"When the American people will wake up, they will be communist."
-Nikita Khrushchev
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