-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5811/mc.html">Madonna and Media
Wild. As always, . . .
Madonna Louise Ciccone's involvement in the federal civil rights lawsuit

Ciccone's involvement with the plaintiff dates as far back as 1984.
Madonna is in the secret, secret, service known as the "Cross". Many of
the people who are in the entertainment industry are "in the Cross".
Madonna Ciccone is associated with the defendants in the federal
lawsuit. The Miramax movie called: Desparately Seeking Susan(D.S.S.),
1984, staring Rosanna Arquette, and Adain Quinn, is a "sleazy service"
targeting movie___shadow targeting the plaintiff. The movie uses
background props and double inuendo to target the plaintiff. Outsiders
don't understand the movie, the movie is not a screw-ball comedy___it is
a movie about slavery, illegal gambling, and the secret system.
Baby Jesus? Madonna sucks her thumb and says: "Baby Jesus" during MTV's
 Tenth Anniverary show
Madonna visting Babs(Barbra Streisand) and Dryfus(Richard)
on the set of "Nuts"(1986?)
There seems to be a correlation here!

Notice the background scene in this picture. Every element of the
picture has been specifically selected to tell a story__ from the neon
sign "Magic Club" to the "yellow" bag slung over Susan's shoulder to the
bum leaning against the wall__its all about the secret system and the
secret system games.
When Susan(Madonna) says: "she doesn't want to buy one", she is talking
about buying a human being(a stranger, an outsider,.etc), she is not
talking about buying a bathtub! Review the "Cross-Talk reference guide"
and find out what the movie is actually about.

Although the character's name is never mentioned in the movie, the
excerpt from the book "Madonna Superstar", 1988 by Schirmer/Mosel GmbH,
Munich, provides the concrete evidence: In the movie, the character who
is trying to catch Susan(Madonna) is named "Wayne", the same name as the
plaintiff(remember Madonna knows the plaintiff's wealthy family). As
indicated in the exhibit below: Wayne the gangster who is following
Susan(Madonna)____. Note the design on the back of Susan's jacket___this
is a very important symbol__the all seeing eye__which indicates the
attributes or characteristics of those in the system, those on the
inside. The full analysis of this movie is forth-coming__along with the
game that Madonna(and NYC) played while the plaintiff (the engineering
 student) was a homeless "hostage" in Manhattan(1995).

Question? Why would they use such blatant targeting? I believe that they
are very cruel and ruthless people and that this movie was created as a
message to the engineering student basically saying "we set you up..."
This is how the insiders target people! Remember, the main objective of
those inside the system is to destroy people(they don't like)__that is,
to remove people from society___they do this by manipulating, framing,
torturing, etc... If they can't get you to break the law and have you
incarcerated, they torture and harass you in such a way that they can
label you as "nuts", and of course__incarcerate you. If they fail at
their attempts of illegal incarceration then they use high tech means of
causing illnesses that can be attributed to known diseases___hmmmmm.

The above is part of Madonna's(attorney's) response to the student's
1996 federal civil rights action. The student was living on the street
at the time and did not have a mailing address; so the court dismissed
the case on a technicality.
Spooked by a (Spook?)Superstar__ My Baby Has a Secret!
Ciccone Delivery Truck
Observed in Downtown Chicago, 11/98
"A" - Mo Co (AMOCO) Building
Note the Frame?
Madonna(Breathless Mahoney, Dick Tracy 1990) look-alike, Chicago Tribune
advertisement supplements(11/16/98). This Is How They Do It!
Reviewing "DSS" Desperately Seeking Susan, Miramax - 1985, Madonna's
Character, Susan, is known to play games with people; she utilizes the
want ads, etc, to send messages___Susan's boyfriend "Blackie" says:
"She's been playing games with me for years"!
Also, the link to the Breathless Mahoney Picture is:
http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/5811/ imgs/mhny.jpg
These are recent photos of Carlos, Lourdes, and Louise(Madonna), from a
magazine called Semana
Carlos Leone and his daughter Lourdes
Wonder what little Lourdes is thinking?

In a recent tabloid magazine there was an article about the feud between
Madonna and Cher. It appears as if the feud might be a result of the
activity between Madonna, the secret system, and the student. The
student met Cher at the Studio 54 party in 1997? The student was walking
on West 53rd street(the back entrance to studio 54__also the street
where celebs enter the David Letterman Show) when he met Cher as she was
leaving. The student gave her flowers but wasn't able to talk to her
about his story. Cher is part Armenian an so is the student. Is Cher
pissed off at Madonna for her involvement in the framing of the student
and his political prisoner status?
Tabloid Article About Cher - Madonna Feud
Main Index

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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