-Caveat Lector-

>From WFC

Christian Coalition latches onto Israel

Bill Berkowitz - WorkingForChange

08.09.02 - Nearly left for dead by a string of controversies and mishaps over the past 
years, the Christian Coalition may yet rise again. In its recent history, the 
organization has
experienced a sharp decline in membership, gone through a series of unexplained
personnel changes, and had to deal with the resignation of its founder, Pat Robertson. 
it's pinning its comeback hopes on Israel and Ariel Sharon.

According to executive director Roberta Combs, the Christian Coalition is planning a
massive pro-Israel rally in Washington on the afternoon of October 11 to "press for
increased support for Israel's fight against terror and oppose the Bush 
administration's call
for the establishment of a Palestinian state," reports the Jerusalem Post. The rally, 
"Israel, You Are Not Alone," will be held on the Ellipse near the White House, and
organizers told the Washington Post that they hope to bring out "a minimum of 100,000

Combs, who was appointed president of the organization after Robertson's surprise
resignation late last year, said: "We, as Christians, should take a stand for Israel 
and let
Israel know we're there for them. We're praying for them." The rally will call on the 
Administration to "allow Israel to fight its war on terrorism the way we fought ours in
Afghanistan." There will also be a call to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem, as well as a voicing of opposition toward dividing Jerusalem and dismantling
settlements in Judea and Samaria, the Jerusalem Post reported. Combs said that the 
participants will also urge the U.S. to halt its support for the establishment of a 
state. "We feel like the Palestinians are committed to Israel's destruction, that they 
want a state living side by side with Israel. A terrorist is a terrorist, and Arafat 
is a
terrorist," she said.

The Christian Coalition-planned event is just one of a number of activities that U.S.
Christian evangelicals are sponsoring these days in support of Israel. Christian 
in concert with a number of conservative Jewish groups, are teaming up to hold rallies,
raise money and create new organizations in support of Israel. For Jews, Middle Eastern
and domestic politics are in play. For North American Christians, the stakes are also 

In early July, thanks to a $2 million donation by a group called the International 
of Christians and Jews, 400 American Jews moved lock, stock and barrel to Israel,
according to the Christian news service, AgapePress. "It was the largest single U.S. 
to move to Israel in 25 years.

One of the churches that helped raise the money is the First Pentecostal Tabernacle in
Elkton, Maryland. AgapePress reported that 73-year-old Bishop Huey Harris said: "What 
seeing is the Scriptures being fulfilled right before our very eyes." AgapePress 
reports: "He
says what he is looking for next is for the Church to be raptured, and then Jews 
Christ as their Messiah." A few years back, when the Southern Baptist Convention
announced it would actively seek the conversion of Jews, that statement raised an
enormous outcry in the U.S. These days statements such as the one made by Bishop Harris
don't even cause a ripple of commentary.

AgapePress also reported on a new venture aimed at linking conservative Jews with
Christian evangelicals. Headed by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, the president of the conservative
Jewish organization Toward Tradition, and Gary Bauer, the failed presidential candidate
who is now president of American Values, the new group has taken the name of the
American Alliance of Jews and Christians (AAJC). According to a press release from
Toward Tradition, the Washington, D.C.-based AAJC will be a "unique synthesis of Jewish
authenticity and Christian grassroots muscle." Bauer believes the new project will 
help to
ensure the alliance between America and Israel while at the same time build a movement
of Jews and Christians for traditional values.

CitizenLink, a news service of Dr. James Dobson's Focus in the Family, recently 
that Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was extremely moved when he received a 
letter of
support from U.S. Christian evangelicals that was hand- delivered by Bauer during a 
finding mission. Other Christian leaders who signed the letter included: Charles 
Colson of
Prison Fellowship, Christian radio talk show host Janet Parshall, Dr. Jerry Falwell of 
University, and Dr. James Dobson, the president of Focus on the Family.

Bauer said that the letter "had an electrifying impact. The meeting with Sharon was 
supposed to be a brief meeting. It turned into an hour meeting. He brought in members 
his cabinet into the room to show them the letter," CitizenLink reported.

These events follow on the heels of the late-May creation of "Stand for Israel," a 
spearheaded by Rabbi Yehiel Eckstein, president of the International Fellowship of
Christians and Jews (IFCJ), and Ralph Reed, former executive director of the Christian
Coalition and current Republican Party chairman of Georgia. The Israeli newspaper 
reported that "Stand for Israel" hopes to become a "Christian version of the 
pro-Israel lobby
on Capitol Hill, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)." One of the 
primary activities will be to counter what they see as media bias against Israel—a 
long held
belief shared by both Israelis and Christian Right activists.

Many conservative Jewish leaders prefer to look the other way vis à vis the 
issue of Christian evangelical's "end-times" beliefs. According to a recent Time 
cover story titled "The Bible & the Apocalypse: Why more Americans are reading and
talking about The End of The World" (July 1, 2002), 36% of Americans believe "the 
Bible is
the word of God and is to be taken literally; 59% believe "the prophecies in the Book 
Revelation will come true;" 35% "say they are paying closer attention to news events 
how they relate to the coming end of the world since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 
11;" and
36% "support Israel... because they believe in biblical prophecies that Jews must 
Israel before Christ will come again."

To disregard evangelicals beliefs in the "end-times" would be "playing with fire," 
Cox, professor of divinity at Harvard, told Time. "I'd be awfully cautious of this 
alliance if I
were on the Israeli side." Cox's admonition was echoed by Gershom Gorenberg, a Jewish
expert on the Christian end-times. "In my view," he said, "any theology that continues 
deny the validity of Judaism and to fantasize about looking forward to the conversion 
destruction of the Jews is one that should arouse a great deal of caution among Jews."

© 2002 WorkingForChange.com

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