-Caveat Lector-

This site has moved, check it out if you are intrested in
why Mark Twain's writtings are really being gone after.
This man had a whole nother side that we seldom hear
aka The Pied Piper


                      Boondocks, n., hinterland, remote and
                      underdeveloped area. From Tagalog
                      bundok, meaning mountain... more

 Anti-Imperialism in the United States
 Essays and contemporary texts, photographs and political
 cartoons introduce the organizations formed to oppose U.S.
 territorial and economic imperialism.

 Historical Graphics Gallery
 Browse or search the photographs, political cartoons and maps
 included in this site.

 Mark Twain on the Philippines
 Twain's writings on the Philippine-American War, contemporary
 criticism, and essays about his involvement with the
 Anti-Imperialist League.

 The enduring cultural and political consequences of the
 Philippine Revolution and Philippine-American War.

 Stereoscopic Visions of War and Empire
 Interpretive archive of stereoscopic photographs of the
 Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars, world's fairs,
 and other representations of the American empire.

 "The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics
 Rudyard Kipling's classic exhortation to empire and more than
 fifty contemporary responses to the poem.

 Other Sites

 Graphic Representations
 Political cartoons of Uncle Sam, Theodore Roosevelt, and the
 American Empire, and the America First campaign launched
 during World War I.

 Mark Twain's Anti-Imperialist Writings
 From the 1866 letters from Hawaii to his last writings on the
 Philippine-American War, Russia, and the Belgian Congo. Also
 includes biographical and critical studies, historical contexts,
 study guides, teaching resources, and a thorough bibliography.

                                                  VFA: The Shape of Things to
                                                  Analysis of the US-RP Visiting

                                                  Forces Agreement, by Daniel B.

                                                  Schirmer, March 1999.

                                                  The Filipino People
                                                  Editorials and other articles
                                                  the magazine established in
                                                  Washington, D.C., by
                                                  Resident Commissioner Manuel
                                                  Quezon, 1912-1916.

                                                  Self-Determining Haiti
                                                  By James Weldon Johnson, a
                                                  report on an investigative
trip he
                                                  made in 1920 for the NAACP.

                                                  Poems by Katharine Lee Bates
                                                  Forgotten anti-imperialist
                                                  by the author of "America the

                                                  Acts of Aggression: Policing
                                                  "Rogue States", by Noam
                                                  Chomsky, Ramsey Clark and
                                                  Edward W. Said (1999).

                                                  Drawn & Quartered: The
                                                  History of American Political
                                                  Cartoons, by Stephen Hess and
                                                  Sandy Northrop (1996).

                                                  Marx in Soho: A Play on
                                                  History, by Howard Zinn
                                                                  more books

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 Copyright © 1995-1999 Jim Zwick. All rights reserved.
 This page last modified on 4/18/99.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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