-Caveat Lector-


Crack anti-Nazi researcher dave Emory has brought to the web the long
out-of-print book, Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile. Here's a bit from
the preface of this 1981 book:

DID THE WORLD EVER REALLY KNOW MARTIN Bormann? A man of indescribably
vast power and the sole trustee of Hitler's secrets after May 1, 1945,
in the Berlin bunker, Bormann continues. to be the most controversial,
per­plexing figure of our times. There are those who wish him dead and
continue to claim he is; for were he to emerge, it would embarrass the
governments that assisted in his escape, the indus­trial and financial
leaders who benefited from his acumen and transferred their capital to
neutral nations in the closing days of World War II, and the
businessmen of four continents who profited from the 750 corporations
he established throughout the world as depositories of money, patents,
bearer bonds, and shares in blue chip industries of the United States
and Europe.

There are also those who know he is not dead, and I am among those who
hold this belief. When I penetrated the silence cloaking this story,
after countless interviews and laborious research in German and
American archives for revealing documents of World War II, I knew that
the Bormann saga of flight capital and his escape to South America was
really true. It had been covered up by an unparalleled manipulation of
pub­lic opinion and the media. The closer I got to the truth, the more
quiet attention I received from the forces surrounding and protecting
Martin Bormann, and also from those who had a direct interest in
halting my investigation. Over the period of years it took to research
this book, I was the object of diligent observation by squads of
Gestapo agents dispatched from South America by General "Gestapo"
Mueller, who directs all security matters for Martin Bormann, Nazi in
exile, and his organiza­tion, the most remarkable business group
anywhere in the secret world of today. Mueller's interest in me, an
American jour­nalist, confirmed the truth of my many interviews and my
on­going investigation: Bormann is alive, they don't want waves, so
they have been willing to expend immense time and money in tracking me
and my progress.


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