DoJ Cover-Up Specialist Bobby Mueller Named FBI Chief
by Al Martin
Long-time Department of Justice/ Reagan-Bush Regime cabalist Robert Mueller
has been selected as the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Mueller was installed in the Department of Justice in 1986, as the Number 3
Man under George Terwilliger. He was part of the same gang that controlled
legal and political liability visavis Iran-Contra. In fact, it should be
noted that he colluded with DoJ's Domestic Criminal Section Chief Dave
Margolis and International Criminal Section Chief Mark Richards to cover up
Iran-Contra liability for the Reagan-Bush Regime.

Bobby Mueller personally handled the effort to try and distance Bush Sr. and
the Bush Faction from the infamous Jordanian coffee merchant Mansour Barbouti.

Barbouti, of course, was involved with the famous West Palm Beach "Cherry
Syrup Case" [see Chapter 7 of "The Conspirators" by Al Martin] which was
about the illegal exportation of chemicals used in chemical weapons sold to
both Iraq and Iran -- both nations with whom the US maintained weapons

Even though he was supposed to be a cover-up specialist, Mueller
inadvertently exposed Barbouti's connection to Oliver North. Despite the fact
that Barbouti was being protected by the CIA, he had to flee the country. He
went back to Jordan to hide out because of Mueller's incompetence. Barbouti
was forced to hide out in his townhouse in Aqabah.

The Washington Post even sent journalists to Jordan to try to track him down.

Another journalist Margie Sloan also knew quite a bit about Barbouti. She
coaxed Louis Champlaign out of the closet and got him to be a whistle-blower.
Louis had managed Barbouti's chemical plant in West Palm Beach, and therefore
was in a position to know the real story. She gave him an interview because
Louis didn't make out very well financially in the very end. Nobody was
taking care of old Louis for keeping his mouth shut.

At the same time, Mueller was involved in some tug-of-war with his soon to be
ex-wife. The ex-wife said he was involved in an affair and in financial
improprieties and other things that don't go down well with the cadre of old
right wingers, whose wives are supposed to keep their mouths shut and stay
married to them forever.

Eventually Mueller was pushed out of the Department of Justice.

Mueller also came under some criticism in 1992 by Sen. Christopher Dodd
(D.-CT), then Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dodd's
office was looking at Mueller for having shredded documents linking senior
Reagan-Bush officials to illicit transactions involving BCCI and the personal
profiteering of Republicans close to the Bush Regime in schemes financed by

Chief among those schemes was Top Sail Development. [See Chapter 10 of "The
Conspirators" by Al Martin.]

Today people have mostly forgotten that Mueller did have his 15 minutes of
fame (or infamy) in the negative limelight.

The significance of Bobby Mueller's return is that it's part of an ongoing
operation to rebuild the old political/legal liability control feature within
the Department of Justice. According to the National Journal magazine, 43
percent of Bush Jr.'s top 300 appointees worked for Bush Sr.

There were also allegations made by journalist George Williamson in the San
Francisco Chronicle that in his capacity as US Attorney, Northern District
San Francisco, Mueller tried to distance senior Reagan-Bush era policymakers
from certain CIA-connected narcotics trafficking cases in his jurisdiction.

Like Stanley Marcus, former US Attorney in Miami and Lowell Jensen, who were
both appointed judges, Mueller was placed in a position where he could
control liability, mostly narcotics trafficking liability.

Mueller was also instrumental in the DoJ cover-up of the infamous Pan Am 103
Bombing case in which it was revealed by the British Defense Ministry that at
least two CIA agents were on board the ill-fated flight.

The Bush administration then exerted pressure to get rid of British Defense
Minster Michael Hazeltine.

Insider sources reveal that despite the track record of recent FBI debacles,
the only inducement that Mueller insisted on in becoming the new FBI chief
was that his Document Shredding Bonus Points be carry-forwarded to his new
position. Mueller insists that he just wants carry forward credits for the
documents he had previously shredded at the Department of Justice.

It's well known that he always wanted to have the DoJ's Million Documents
Shredded Citation, held by well-accomplished document shredders like George
Bush, former Attorney General Billy Barr, and others.

The citation comes with a miniature model of the huge turbo shredders used by
the Department of Defense.

Bobby Mueller, who was the assistant attorney general of the criminal
division of the Department of Justice, wants to be just like Billy Barr, who
told Mother Jones Magazine in 1991 that he shredded six million documents -
and he was proud of it.

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