-Caveat Lector-

Here's some info on the Masons,

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Book Review

The following article is about the book, "Masonry Beyond the Light"  by
William Schnoebelen, ordering information follows the article.

Warning: Excerpts from the book  may be triggering, please use caution while
reading this article.

Though the book is Christian based and contains quotes from the Bible, I
believe the information is well researched. (Please note: all accusations are

After buying a book called "The God Makers." Mr. Schnoebelen realized that
"in the chapters on the Mormon temple, the authors brilliantly drew parallels
between the  temple  rites  and  Freemasonry.... it showed  the occult and
Luciferian roots of ... convincing me of both the Mormon  cult's  falsity
and the Masonic lodge's peril. The book provided me with a starting place to
begin some serious research into the dangers of the Lodge. My own background
in occultism, witchcraft and even Satanism... provided me with a
comprehensive  knowledge  of  occult  and
esoteric (hidden, high level) Masonry and ceremonial magick."

"Additionally,   I was deeply involved in American Masonry for over nine
years and went through both Scottish and York Rite bodies, the Mystic Shrine
and the Order of the Eastern Star. I held offices in  a  half-dozen Masonic
bodies... each of these offices demanded a high degree of zealous
involvement, memory work and study. " (Page 17)

The author mentions that he will use as references for his book, "The Ritual
Monitors,"  specifically "Duncan's  Ritual Monitor" which is "substantially
identical to the modern ritual work in Freemasonry."  (page  25)  He  also
used  Authoritative Writings  from largely 33rd degree Masons, information
from the "Masonic Bible" and other Masonic writers.

"If the lodge is just a "club", it would be harmless. Yet by all fair
standards and by the words of its own scholars, it is  a  religion... One  of
the standards for  Masonic admission is the belief in a supreme being. This
is borne out by the "Ritual Monitor".... Because Masonry requires the belief
in a supreme being, it therefore has  the  first  distinctive mark  of  a
religion.... Does Masonry express this belief in conduct or ritual. The
answer to this question  is  Yes.  Masonry  is  highly
ritualized, much more than most Christian churches.  Lodge  ceremonies  are
replete with   prayers,   funeral   rites,   and initiations... Masonic
ritual   experts from the Grand Lodge observe the ritual teams in action and
critique them for minor infractions of either wording or gesture....Masons
conduct funerals, open and close every meeting with prayer..." (pages 32-33)

The author also believes that Masonry has a code of ethics.  "Solemn norms of
behavior   are   enjoined   upon   every Mason... Masons  are  sworn  to
expect torturous death at the hands of their brother Masons as the immediate
result of violating any of their rules... the Masonic belief system also

1) The immortality of the soul.
2) The judgement of Masons by the labors they have wrought.
3) A belief in extending charity and beneficence  to all,  and especially to
brother Masons..." (page 34-35)

The author concludes that "Freemasonry bears all the distinctive features of
a religion  according  to  the  dictionary!" (page 35)

Mr. Schnoebelen also quotes two famous Masons. Albert Pike, a 33rd degree
Mason said, "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of  religion  and  its
teachings  are instructions in religion." Albert Mackey, a 33rd degree Mason
said, "The religion of Freemasonry is not Christianity." (Page 36)

In a different chapter, he talks about his  beliefs  while  he  was  a
Mason. "When I applied for Lodge membership, I was a witch...I was stupid
enough to think the witch god, Lucifer, was the supreme being.... So when two
Masons name calling to check me out as a candidate, and asked me if I
believed in God, I said yes, without hesitation  knowing  that  my  god  was
Lucifer... After a couple of years, I met two high ranking Masons who were
worshipers of Lucifer. One was a famous ritualist in the York Rite, and one
was a Master of a Lodge. (Page 45)

God has different names in the Masonic Lodge. During the Royal Arch degree
(York Rite)  the  name  is JAH-BUL-ON. "JAH... represents the name Yahweh or
Jehovah,  the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... BUL . .
.represents the name Ba'al or Bel... the name of the god of Jezebel and Ahab,
perhaps the most wicked couple ever   to   sit   on   the  throne  of
Israel...ON.. represents  the   name  of the Egyptian sun god... That is the
god of Pharoah!"  (page 57-58)

In the degree of the Knights of East and West (17th degree) in the Scottish
rite... there is a "sacred" ...... This name is Abaddon.... 'And they had a
king over then,  which is the angel of the bottomless  pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abaddon (Revelation 9:ll)...these terms mean "destroyer" and
the angel of the bottomless pit is Abaddon, another word for Satan..." (page

"Albert Pike, the highest Mason in the U.S. in his day, wrote this: Lucifer,
the Light-hearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of
Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who hears the  Light,
and  with  its  splendors intolerable  blinds  feeble,  sensual  or selfish
Souls? Doubt it not! for traditions are  full  of  Divine  Revelations  and
Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one age nor one Creed." Then the
author continues, ".... we must remember that the thing sought in every
Masonic initiation is "LIGHT".... It is not without significance that
this eminent Mason tells us that Lucifer is the source of that light." He
continues  to  quote  Pike,  "The Masonic religion should be ... maintained
in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine... .Lucifer is God, and
unfortunately Adonay is also God.... there is no light without shade, no
beauty without ugliness.. the absolute can only exist as two gods... the
doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical
religion is the belief in Lucifer..." (Page 60-61)

The Knights Templar is the "pinnacle" of the York Rite. "The high point of
the  (Knights Templar) initiation is when the candidate is brought before a
large, triangular table covered in black velvet illuminated by candles and
containing eleven silver goblets and a human skull enthroned on the Bible.
(Skulls figure prominently throughout the initiation.) This is intended to be
the Last Supper. It seems but a grim mockery, though. The visual effect is
more Satanic than Christian..."  (page 67-68) Included in the ceremony is
drinking from a human skull.

The author continues by explaining how the Masons promote good public
relations. "Freemasonry does a lot of promoting about how noble and godly it
is.... In the lodge of which I was a member, we did many nice things,
including giving scholarships at high schools. Whenever we did, we always
made certain the papers knew about it. It was good public relations." (Page

In chapter  11, the author talks about Masonic Symbols and tokens "...the
Shriner pin ... usually is some form of a crescent combined with a scimitar"
(page 121) "the crescent  is  the  sacred  symbol  of Islam... .the scimitar
is a sword developed by  Islamic  armies... this  sword  (the scimitar) was
used to cut off the heads of those who refused to bow down to Allah..." (page
122) Book review author's note: The red fez often worn by Masons may
symbolize the victory in Morocco where the invaders dipped their fezzes
(hats) in the blood running down the streets.

"In the Scottish rite, the premier symbol is the double-headed ....... the
eagle is also associated by Albert  Pike with the Egyptian god ... the
satanic "Goat of Mendes"" (page 122)

The chapter goes on to discuss secret hand shakes,  footsteps  and code words
and secret dialogues Masons use to identify each other and get special
treatment. They are on pages 126 - 128. So readers will not be triggered I
will not mention them here.

On page 142, the author has a chart showing  the  structure  of  American
Freemasonry from 1st to 33rd degrees and the names of all the degrees in both
the York and Scottish rites.  "Albert Pike remarks: "The Blue Degrees (1 - 3)
are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are
displayed there  to  the  initiate,  but  he  is intentionally misled by
false interpretations." This shows how deceptive Masonry is..." (page 144)
Author's note:  It is claimed that some cults often lie to new members,
because they claim new members are like spiritual babies." The reality is the
new member may probably leave at this point if they knew the truth.

The author also discusses the history of the Masons, including the origins of
Tubal Cain  (claimed to be  the  first Freemason  in the third degree and
Cain's descendant) whose father brags about the murder of Cain, and Nimrod (a
founder of Masonry according to Mackey), who was the architect of the Tower
of Babel.

The author continues to discuss a variety of ancient stories and myths that
may have influenced Freemasonry, including the myths of the ancient Egyptian
Gods and the myth and initiation ceremony of Hiram Abiff. He then talks about
the origins of the Knights Templar,  including the crusades and the Templars
establishing themselves as one of the most powerful groups in Europe at that
time. In 1291, they were driven out of the Middle East and back into Europe.

In 1307, King Phillippe IV of France arrested  all  the French Templars  and
confiscated their wealth, though most of it was not found. Confessions (some
through torture) were extracted from the Templars They were accused  of
practicing black magic, pederasty, murdering babies, and worshipping
Baphomet. Masonic scholar Manly P.  Hall  "identifies  Baphomet with the
satanic "Goat of Mendes,"  probably the best known representation of Lucifer
in all occultism." (page 169)

"Masonic historians admit a connection with the Rosicrucians. Nearly all
agree that Freemasonry owes much to certain occult societies or groups that
flourished (often in secret) during the late Middle Ages." (page 172)

The  following  quotations  show  further connections  between  the  Templars
 and Freemasonry. When unearthing the old Templar castle at Athlit during an
excavation, tombstones  were found with the markings of "a Mason's square, a
plumb stone and a setting maul."  (page 172) "Some authors speculate that
some of the Templars ended up in Scotland, where their traditions became an
integral part . .. of... "Scottish Rite" Masonry." (page 173)

In 1348, Edward III of England created the Order of the Garter. This Order
imitated the Templars. He started the order with 26 knights (13 x 2). "The
garter was (and still is) the symbol  of a witch high priestess." (page 173)

"The  resemblances  of  Rosicrucianism and Masonry are evident.. .Curiously,
the matrix or mold into which modern Masonry was poured and shaped was the
Rosicrucian order." (page 127)

"When  the  occult  "wisdom"  of  the Rosicrucians was joined to the stone
Masons' guilds of the 16th and 17th centuries, that was the beginning of the
modern cult of Freemasonry. " (page 178)

The author also discusses the connection between Masonry and the Illuminati.
Then he discusses the alleged connection between Albert Pike and Giuseppi
Mazzini. Pike was a major figure in Masonry in the U.S. and Mazzini was a
major figure in Masonry in Europe in the l9th century. Mazzini also formed a
society called "Oblonica" (loosely meaning: "I reckon with a dagger.") "As
typical with the Masons, Mazzini formed an order within an order. This elite
inner group was called.. .the Mafia'." (page 192) Mafia is an Italian acronym
for Mazzini authorizes thefts,  arson
and poisoning. Pike allegedly helped create the Ku Klux Klan.

The book can be ordered from:  With One Accord, P.O.  Box 457, Dubuque,
IA. 52004-0457, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The book contains excellent
first hand information on Freemasonry and excellent historical research about
the Freemasons and related groups.

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