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McCain aides say Bush's 'macho talk' makes quick endorsement unlikely

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Associated Press


WASHINGTON (March 16, 2000 3:21 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - John McCain's supporters are accusing
George W. Bush of showing little respect for the former candidate and his
political reform agenda, saying "macho talk" has killed hopes for an early
alliance that could be vital to Bush's prospects in November.

Bush and his advisers scrambled Thursday to explain the remarks he
made in an interview with The New York Times, fearing the fallout could
further alienate McCain and his independent-minded supporters.

Reminded that McCain, a senator from Arizona, helped produce record
turnouts in the Republican presidential primaries, Bush told the newspaper,
"Well, then, how come he didn't win?" Asked whether McCain had raised
his consciousness about reform, Bush replied, "No, he didn't change my

Trying to make amends, Bush, the governor of Texas, said Thursday in
Illinois, "I appreciate the hard campaign that John McCain waged. He ran a
good race. He highlighted the need for reform, and I appreciate the ideas
that he brought forth in the campaign."

Bush has said he won't embrace McCain's plan to ban unlimited,
unregulated "soft money," but argues that there is common ground on other
reform measures.

"Of course, he and I agree on a lot, and it starts with this: The best reform
for America is to end the Clinton-Gore era in Washington, D.C.," Bush

McCain, however, has said Bush can't unite the party simply over a shared
dislike of Democrat Al Gore.

Reading past more conciliatory language in the newspaper interview,
McCain's advisers said they were stunned that Bush would strike a
dismissive chord while his aides were privately courting McCain's
endorsement. Independent and swing voters, such as those who flocked to
McCain in some GOP primaries, could determine the presidential election.

"Senator McCain looks forward to bringing the party together by
campaigning across the country for reform-minded Republicans, and we're
a little disappointed by the tone of the Bush campaign," McCain
spokesman Todd Harris said.

Harris announced the formation of a political-action committee that will pay
McCain's expenses as he barnstorms the country this year on behalf of
GOP candidates and his own initiatives.

A senior McCain adviser said a quick resolution to the feud, which was
never likely, is now out of the question. He put the odds of McCain
endorsing before the election at "no better than 50-50." Another adviser
said it is now probable that McCain would never directly endorse Bush
himself, though he could still back the ticket late in the campaign.

McCain, who dropped out of the presidential race March 9 and is now on
vacation, was unavailable for comment.





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