-Caveat Lector-

McVeigh's Lawyers Studying New FBI Papers
Late Release of Documents Sparks Shock, Outrage

By Judith Crosson

DENVER (May 11) - Attorneys for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh on
Friday were sifting through hundreds of documents the U.S. government said
the FBI did not provide to the defense, as the possibility loomed his
scheduled execution next week would be halted.

The strange turn of events was set into motion on Thursday when the FBI
handed over the documents to McVeigh's defense team, casting doubt over
whether the execution by lethal injection would take place next Wednesday in
a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, and shocking victims of the blast.

The planned execution has put the international spotlight on America's use
of the death penalty, and the latest disclosure was sure to raise the
temperature in this already heated debate.

The Justice Department said the government considered the documents would
have ''no bearing'' on McVeigh's conviction for the April 1995 bombing that
killed 168 people and injured hundreds of others in what has been called the
most heinous act of terrorism on U.S. soil.

But McVeigh's attorneys said they were shocked the material would show up so
close to the execution date and were considering whether to ask for a stay
of execution.

''We're considering all the options,'' McVeigh's Denver-based attorney
Nathan Chambers told reporters. Other options include requesting a new
trial, although seeking a stay of execution would likely be the first order
of business, lawyers who follow the case said.


While McVeigh's attorneys were scrambling to review the police interviews,
photographs, written correspondence and tapes not provided during the
discovery phase of the trial, nobody was expecting McVeigh to walk out of
prison a free man.

In fact, his lawyers could only try to stop the execution if the 33-year-old
former soldier wanted it stopped, legal analysts said.

''All roads run through Terre Haute,'' said Scott Robinson, a Denver
attorney who followed McVeigh's 1997 trial in Denver. In December, McVeigh
halted all his appeals and asked the court to set an execution date.

Robinson said a lot depended on what was contained in the new information.
If it showed others identified as the bomber, it could go to a question of
McVeigh's guilt.

But prosecutors could also point to McVeigh's reported confession of the
bombing and his chilling referral in an interview to the deaths of 19
children in the blast as ''collateral damage,'' Robinson said.

But Robinson said a court would be hard-pressed to turn down a stay of
execution now that the new documents had surfaced.

''McVeigh, the man on death row, now controls in many ways his own immediate
fate. And the government which did so much to take that control away from
him has intentionally or negligently given it right back to him,'' CBS legal
analyst Andrew Cohen said.

A May 9 letter written by Justice Department attorney Sean Connelly to
McVeigh's lawyers said the documents were discovered after an FBI archivist
put out a request for all the material related to the case.

McVeigh was informed about the new documents, his lawyer said.


Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating said reaction in Oklahoma City to the latest
development in the McVeigh case was one of ''stunned disbelief.''

''Obviously, until we know why they weren't turned over, there is a big
question mark over this whole proceeding, and that obviously causes all of
us in this state, at least, real concern,'' the Republican governor said in
a CNN interview.

People who lost relatives when the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building blew up
were beside themselves.

''I guarantee you, if this boy walks, some heads are going to roll,'' said
Kathleen Treanor, whose daughter, Ashley Eckles, was one of the children
killed in the building's day care center.

Justice Department spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said, ''While the department is
confident the documents do not in any way create any reasonable doubt about
McVeigh's guilt and do not contradict his repeated confessions of guilt, the
department is concerned that McVeigh's attorneys were not able to review
them at the appropriate time.''

The documents were also delivered to the attorney for Terry Nichols,
McVeigh's former army buddy who is now serving a life sentence for planning
the bombing.

''It's deeply disturbing that such a substantial amount of information that
we were clearly entitled to and which the government admits should have been
disclosed at the trial was not,'' attorney John Richilano said.

Reut05:53 05-11-01

Oklahoma City Bombing
Good Morning:

As you hear the latest "published" accounts regarding the McVeigh case, you
might appreciate hearing first from me that I've been honored with the
privilege of representing two of the survivors in that disaster in a
civil matter in the US District Court there in Terre Haute, Indiana. Jane
Graham and V. Z. Lawton were in the building at the time of the explosions.

We're seeking a stay of execution.

There's no reason to expect that you'll hear much about this, especially
if our requests for relief are denied. But, on the off chance that this new
"revelation" affects positively the matter in which I am now directly
involved, it's possible that you may, at some point, hear about this
particular matter.

In the event that happens, I thought you'd appreciate hearing about this
from me, first.

Please feel free to check the website, http://www.legalreality.com for
developments. From the Home Page, take the link to the Open Letter to the
President, and from there, the link at the top of that page to the
Updates page.

"Harmon Taylor" - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Open Letter to President George W. Bush  Re: Stay of Execution


McVeigh 'did not act alone in Oklahoma bombing

Press statement regarding the release of the Final
Report on the Oklahoma City Bombing.

       Contact Information:

       Charles Key

       phone# : 405-951-5900, fax 405-917-1994

       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

       website: http://www.okcbombing.org


Proof of Bombs and Cover-up - The New American July 20, 1998

Oklahoma City Bombing

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do." - Edward Everett Hale

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