-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 01:23:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Gov. Agents Plan Combat Against "Homegrown Extremists"
(ie, Patriots & Militia)

(Sent to USCMike1's 33,199+ readers - Please repost to your own
mailing lists - Thanks)

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Vets, Militia and other interested and
concerned Civilians:

     Thanks to Norio Hayakawa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for requesting
that I forward his new post and proposal to you all regarding a
conference and seminar series to be held in Las Vegas during the
week of July 12 to July 16, 1999.  The title of the conference is
COVERT OPERATIONS TRAINING . . .  (against) "Homegrown
Extremists" and to . . . . . "Learn who they are, how they
evolved, what they believe, their tactics, their psychological
makeup, who they target, how they gather and share intelligence,
how they attack, how your agency can combat these problems and
what we can expect from them in the future".

     Norio proposes a Counter-Intelligence program to combat this
covert training against us.  Please contact Norio for the

Respectfully, USCMike1

In a message dated 7/3/99 9:38:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
GroomWatch writes:

<< Subj:        Fwd: Former Feds Take Aim at Patriots, July 12-16 in Las Vegas
 Date:  7/3/99 9:38:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time
 From:  <A HREF="mailto:GroomWatch">GroomWatch</A>
 To:    <A HREF="mailto:USCMike1">USCMike1</A>

 Hello, Mike

 I am glad you are back again!

 Please share this with everyone.

 God bless you!

 -from Norio

 Forwarded Message:
 Subj:  Former Feds Take Aim at Patriots, July 12-16 in Las Vegas
 Date:  7/3/99 6:01:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time
 From:  <A HREF="mailto:GroomWatch">GroomWatch</A>
 To:    <A HREF="mailto:GroomWatch">GroomWatch</A>
 CC:    <A HREF="mailto:NorioA51S4">NorioA51S4</A>


 Hello, Patriots and everyone who is opposed to Global Governance
and the New World Order........Please share this with everyone!!!

 I just recently found out about an upcoming conference to take
place in Las Vegas from July 12 to 16.  It is a conference
sponsored by a shadowy group called The International Association
of Undercover Officers.  The title of the conference, however, is
called "The 4th Annual Covert Operations Training Seminar in Las
Vegas" and is billed as intelligence conference on "Homegrown
Extremists".  I cannot help but wonder if conferences like these
are meant to undermine Patriots and anyone who is opposed to the
concepts of Global Governance and the New World Order.

 The website advertises:  "Learn who they are, how they evolved,
what they believe, their tactics, their psychological makeup, who
they target, how they gather and share intelligence, how they
attack, how your agency can combat these problems and what we can
expect from them in the future".

 My question is:  Who are the real "Homegrown Extremists"?
 Couldn't they just as well be BATF?  DEA?  FINCEN?  FBI?  CIA?
 FEMA?  or even WACKENHUT?  ADL? JDL?.....ad infinitum?  Doesn't
 it work both ways?

 I propose that an American Citizens' Intelligence Conference be
held on real "Homegrown Extremists" and learn "who they are, how
they evolved, what they believe, their tactics, their
psychological makeup, who they target, how they gather and share
intelligence, how they attack, how American citizens' watchdog
groups can combat these problems and what we can expect from them
in the future".

 The website in question is:
Feds Take Aim at Patriots, July 12-16 in Vegas </A>


 Thank you for your attention
 and God bless you!!

 -from Norio Hayakawa

 from the SPOTLIGHT
 June 28, 1999 edition, p. 3

 (begin QUOTE):

 by Mike Blair:


 A little-known international police organization, based in
London, Tenn., is planning two five-day conferences this summer
aimed at training law enforcement and military personnel to deal
with patriot groups in America.

 The group's literature concerning the conferences indicate that
they are targeting so-called "right-wing extremist groups" in
their instruction, completely ignoring "left-wing terrorist
groups", such as environmental terrorists, animal rights
terrorists and Anti-Defamation League-connected groups, such as
the Jewish Defense League.

 A source close to the conference planning told The SPOTLIGHT
that material produced by the ADL and Morris Dee's Southern
Poverty Law Center will be utilized during the instruction.

 The SPOTLIGHT checked with the reservation desk at the Golden
Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas and was told that there would be
availability for rooms up to July 15, the day before the
conference.  The group's brochures indicate that room
reservations with the hotel be made "no later than June 13,

 The group advertises the 4th Annual Covert Operations Training
Seminar in Las Vegas as being "presented by the Las Vegas
Metropolitan Police Department".

 Billed as intelligence conferences on "Homegrown Extremists",
the confabs are being presented by The International Association
of Undercover Officers and will be held July 12-16 at the
Conference Center at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas and
August 16-20 at the Ramada Suites Opryland South in Nashville.

 "Learn who they are, how they evolved, what they believe, their
tactics, their psyochological makeup, who they target, how they
gather and share intelligence, how they attack, how your agency
can combat these problems and what we can expect from them in the
future", the group's website says as it advertises the seminar.

 The seminar is for "law enforcement and military personnel who
have an interest in or supervise the monitoring and investigation
of extremists groups and others who are members of threat
assessment and crisis management committees".

 So far, the speakers list of four is top-heavy with former
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) agents, including
Gene Rightmyer, who claims to have extensive experience
(presumably undercover) in probing organized crime and right-wing
terrorist organizations in the United States.

 According to a biographical sketch of the retired agent, he
currently provides instruction on these subjects at the Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center, the Regional Counter-drug
Training Academy and various other law enforcement training
programs worldwide.

 Also billed as an instructor is former BATF Supervisor Ken King,
who claims vast experience in undercover and high-risk entry

 His biography claims he was the team leader of the BATF's New
Orleans Special Response Team (SRT).  The team has been accused
of using "excessive intimidation and violence" in the operations
in New Orleans.

 King completed his long BATF career as the program manager of
its SRT Training Program at Fort McClelland, Ala.  Most
interesting, however, is that he claims to have been a SRT team
leader during the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Tex.

 Retired BATF Agent Charlie Fuller is the third instructor to be
at the conference from the bureau.  Prior to joining BATF, Fuller
claims to have spent three years with Army intelligence.  He
claims to have been a program manager at the BATF National
Academy -- responsible for undercover and field operations
training -- for six years.

 The fourth instructor will be Dr. Karl A. Segar, Ph.D.  He is
billed as an antiterrorism consultant who has been involved with
all branches of the U.S.  military, U.S. departments of Justice,
Treasury and Energy and the Federal Emergency Management Agency

 When asked if the attendance was going to be large, a
reservations spokeswoman at the hotel replied, after some
hesitation:  "Not really".

 For further information, call Gene Rightmyer at 888-449-6907 or
Charlie Fuller at 888-249-3730.

 quoted from The SPOTLIGHT

 for more info:    http://www.spotlight.org


 Once again, the website in question is:

Feds Take Aim at Patriots, July 12-16 in Vegas </A>


           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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